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Arguing with Idiots πŸ”—

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Recently people have been talking about argumentation more and more, probably due to all this "heated rhetoric" surrounding the Loughner case. A lot of people have been tossing around theories on how or how not the discourse should be, and I haven't seen any recent source that is actually correct. This is despite many (such as the ancient Greeks) having the word on this long ago. The most recent example of this I've seen is Graham's "How to disagree". Of course, this hasn't stopped the most recent idiotic "cure" for all the "hate speech"; requiring citation by a third party (preferably someone with a rep) for all of one's points. I guess the wikiPedos have gotten that influential now.

The reason this argument is 100% worthless is because there are plenty of people in officialdom who are more than willing to engage in the lowest manner of discussion (name calling, ad-hominems) that can be cited. Or Just Lie. This certainly won't elevate the discussion for those who bother to read the citations, and will hoodwink skimmers. Furthermore, there is a value to original research; where do you think all these lightbulbs and stuff came from?

tl;dr, all you wokopoodoos should gb2 Unoriginalcontent.org and keep forcing memes, since that's what you want debate to be.

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