The reason why transmuting the repulsive into the routine is central to the rise of the pink police state is, brass tacks, because the professional class, swelled to historic proportions by the institutionalist liberal elite, had to have something to do; increasingly, as the 21st century set in, "knowledge work" became too much a "bullshit job" in the dispiriting sense and had to morph into the "fantasy work" of the prestigious imagineer and the critical theorist. The digital invasion made it ludicrous, inefficient, and disenchanting to toil away as "an elite" at knowledge jobs that machines could do better or soon would. There was little remaining makework abstract and complex enough to occupy and sustain the large professional classes. The solution -- the manufacture of a vast and ever-expanding realm of made-up and ever more recondite woke doctrines -- was more than a godsend. It was an imperative.
If there's no ideology which makes them relevant, they invent one. After all, the elites invented their last one.