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Public School control <em>NOW!</em> πŸ”—

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Gary North nails it:
The facts are inescapable. Students in public schools are at risk. Terrible risk. Unacceptable risk. There is no excuse for this any longer. None. The statistics are clear. Students get gunned down only in public schools.

Yet defenders of public schools never cease spouting their slogans about a constitutional right to taxpayer-funded education. They claim that this is guaranteed by the Constitution's general welfare clause. This is preposterous. There were no taxpayer-funded day schools in 1788, not even a military academy. There wasn't even a school at West Point. It was a fort. West Point was where Benedict Arnold had been in charge.

We need to organize . . . now. We need to go to the voters . . . now. We need to tell them what they already know but refuse to say in public: it is time to ban public schools once and for all. No more excuses. No more gradualism. Gradualism kills! In every town, every city, every county, every state, and in Congress, our voices must be heard. "Shut them down! All of them!"
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