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College dean realizes "I'm the bad guy???" πŸ”—

The ivory tower is a helluva drug

Multiple resignations over Biogen's useless new alz drug πŸ”—

LOL, guess they didn't get a big enough sack of cash under the table

Macron hawking massive gold scam πŸ”—

Guessing the Mali war ain't going well

Latest estimate: 70% of pandemic unemployment funds were fraudulent πŸ”—

Surprise surprise. Free money attracts it.

The Feds' Latest scheme to allow evidence obtained under torture πŸ”—

That scheme called for FBI "clean teams" to interrogate the tortured person after the torture was completed, using conventional and lawful interrogation techniques. These techniques often proved more successful than CIA torture. Because these techniques were lawful, and the person being interrogated was advised of his rights and treated humanely by the FBI, the information thus obtained from him was usable in federal court.
Pretty much the most extreme form of "good cop, bad cop." Just tell the tortured victim that unless you tell the "clown clean teams" from the FIB what we want them to hear you'll get the electrodes back on your nutsack.

Lind (mostly) gets it on the kulturkampf πŸ”—

What we are witnessing is a power grab carried out chiefly by some white Americans against other white Americans. The goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities who refuse to be assimilated into the new national orthodoxy disseminated from New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and the prestigious private universities of New England. Properly understood, the Great Awokening is the revenge of the Yankees.
He of course hates confederates, which is simply evidence of his reaper indoctrination by the same northern unis.

Revolver's COVID roundup is great πŸ”—

3 article series.
A fake crisis was manufactured and used to destroy American small businesses and spiritually cripple its people
So, SOP for the yanks.

Craig Murray gets clapped πŸ”—

For exposing Scottish corruption, of course.

Yellen: Raising rates would be good for society! πŸ”—

Of course, she doesn't state the obvious -- it would immediately bankrupt the USG. As such it ain't happening. LOL

Nigeria blocks Twitter after they suspend Nigerian President πŸ”—

I mean, what do they expect? Live by the block...

How a professor found out the fuel for H-Bombs from the stock market πŸ”—

So it's Lithium deuteride. I now get the big push for electric cars and green energy. They want MORE lithium and pressurized light water reactors. Yet more enslaving our economy to the hell bomb.

Adhesion through vibration πŸ”—

I suspect this might have interesting applications as a braking medium.

CFAA essentially struck down as too broad by SCOTUS πŸ”—

Cold comfort a decade after it's been used to persecute hackers like Weev.

Israel: US should learn from our Tactics! πŸ”—

As if the USA needed help figuring out how to bomb civilians and cry for more $$$.

FED continuing to withdraw market support πŸ”—


CV19 Vaccine: Spike protien is the reason for deaths caused by it πŸ”—

Causes clotting, neurological issues and concentrates in ovaries and mammaries. Has big implications for suckling infants and blood donors.

"We made a big mistake and didn't realize it till now".

LOL, that's why you don't take experimental medicine.

CV19 and Sacral Violence πŸ”—

Really good listen this morning.

Turks: on the forefront of killer drones πŸ”—

Auto-target acquiring suicide drone swarms. Far out

AMZN: Still a rip-off πŸ”—

To most consumers, Prime looks like a lovely convenience offering free shipping, and it’s hard to find better prices elsewhere. But the reason you can’t find better prices isn’t because Amazon sells stuff cheap, but because it forces everyone else to sell stuff at higher prices. All of this is done so Amazon can continue to offer β€˜free shipping’ while using access to its hundred million plus Prime members as a cudgel to force third party sellers to pay high fees.
You always pay one way or another. Concealing true cost is the American way, just look at the FED and our tax system.

Meanwhile at the Post Office πŸ”—

They've expanded their intelligence production to social media, the program is called ICOP.

On the radicalization of France πŸ”—

What France was confronted with, Roy argued in a formula that made the article immediately famous, was not a β€œradicalization of Islam” but an β€œIslamization of radicalism.” β€œThe essential problem for France” was not ISIS, he argued, but β€œthe revolt of the youth.”
Can anyone blame them? Saddle a people with debts worse than the NAZIs bucked against, don't get shocked when they don't think twice about tossin' out bodies.
β€œWhy do converts, who never suffered from racism, want all of a sudden to avenge the humiliation endured by Muslims,” asked Roy. β€œWhat do migrants of the second generation and converts have in common?”
A fight against a deck they know is already stacked so bad they gotta be slaves forever or start shooting. That the Boomers don't fully understand the magnitude of their sins visited upon the next generation is truly astonishing. It's not just the debts either, it's the agglomeration of toxic ideology like Feminism. Practically their entire legacy is dunking on and humiliation of the next generation.

The adoption of a radically foreign culture and ideology frees them from the crushing burden they are expected to shoulder if they conform to the existing norms, so they adopt it gladly.

The Child soldiers of portland πŸ”—

This should be unsurprising. They know the beta losers infesting the country will never fire on women and children, so have focused on making these their foot-soldiers. When they finally realize there are men who will still pull the trigger, it will be tragic.

This also is the most "in living color" example of why the "independent school districts" across the country funded by property tax (often resulting in more funding than the state itself) is to be avoided. In TX it's just a vortex of corruption, but when they smell the way the wind is blowing they will become revolutionaries too.

The teachers adopt all this so readily because they know instinctively they've been sold a bill of goods regarding their role in society, and naturally want to burn shit in response.

Bob Wenzel RIP πŸ”—

One of the big names, but also controversial and somewhat untrustworthy. It'll be interesting to see what happens to EPJ going forward.

PVB on How the Media became the CIA πŸ”—

No such thing as a free press

Meanwhile in india πŸ”—

More than twice as many people died of fairly easily treatable tuberculosis in 2020 than of COVID

With the city barricaded, it took me forever to get to the airport. To protect politicians (from COVID and increasingly from irate citizens), large areas where they live have been completely closed off. Sick people cannot find a way to get to the hospital, although only those keen on dying should actually go there.

India has 0.5 hospital beds per 1,000 people, a fraction of what is required β€” only 5% of hospital beds are in ICUs. Even before COVID hit, Indian hospitals were overflowing with patients. They occupied every single bed, often with more than one person in every bed, and the space in corridors and between the gate and the buildings. I have never seen this any other way.

The Indian medical system is one big orgy of doctors exchanging commissions for cross-referring to each other and getting laboratory tests done, making it the most corrupt sector of Indian society, worse than the government itself. Organ harvesting is not unknown. You go to an Indian hospital to die β€” and absolutely every Indian has stories to tell about this.

Lacking a functioning legal system, killer hospitals and doctors face no consequences. Today, given the new rules, COVID patients are removed from the sight of their families, ensuring that apathetic medical workers can do whatever they want.
As expected.

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