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Mish on Hunter's Laptop πŸ”—

I keep returning to the same place: If there was any solid evidence of anything on that laptop, it would have been released long ago.
Exactly. There's nothing new here -- we already knew from other sources he was a crack smoking degenerate influence peddler.

Nice to see more wising up to the aggregators πŸ”—

Ownership of your content is the name of the game. Valuable insight really must be under your control, preferably behind paywall.

Living in the shadow of the Boomers πŸ”—

The state seeks stasis. Nothing has changed since they achieved majority. It's just the same story over and over, dumber every single time. Most important essay of the year, probably.

AMLO wisely calls lockdown authoritarianism πŸ”—

The Mexicans are the most reasonable group here in Texas too, I rarely see masks in their stores.

Taibbi on Greenwald's resignation from The Intercept πŸ”—

It's lunacy that the clerisy has devoted itself so much to sucking CIA dick that they'd cast out their best and brightest reporters.

Q3 Recovery: still 2 years of wealth vaporized πŸ”—

More to come; this crisis is far from over, as noted by net exports being way, way down.

Land Destroyer comes out publicly πŸ”—

Hiding identity online is increasingly stupid. Who cares? Let them talk.

PCR's take on the end of the Empire πŸ”—

I agree with The Saker that the Empire is finished. Even if Trump wins and manages to be inaugurated, what can he do? He faces the same powerful forces that stymied his first term. If the crook Biden and the anti-white racist Kamala win, The Camp of the Saints will continue to unfold in the US as the majority white population is demonized, its memorials and history erased, and its power exterminated.

No white American will fight for a government that has demonized him, torn down his statues, and erased his people’s history. An army of feminists, transgendered, Hispanic immigrants, disaffected blacks, and displaced Muslims will not fare well against Russian, Chinese, and Iranian forces. Such a collection is not imbued with pride of country, a requirement for a fighting force.

More than the empire is dead. The country itself is dead.
PCR straight on with this one.

The fall of silicon valley πŸ”—

Nice to see another realize the octolog is the way:
The truth is, the ideal size for an organization is 8 people. Anyone who has interacted with Silicon Valley or Wall Street may think this is puzzling. But it is true. Sure you can have more or less, but that is a great number for an organization. Keep your organization very focused. Find what you are best at and focus and innovate on that. Everything else should be outsourced. Stay away from politics and bureaucracy. Catch them early and destroy them. To an organization, bureaucracy is a virus and politics is an auto-immune disease. If you or one of your associates is interested in policy that's great. Do it on your own time. Do not get the organization involved.
Also cool to see he understands the disease underlying this:
In Peter Drucker’s last book, written in 1994, β€œThe Post-Capitalist Society”, he predicts that pension funds will overtake the economy, taking capital out of the hands of capitalists. Excessive government regulation, both federal and local, would strangle free enterprise, and the future lay in β€œdecentralization”. This was remarkably prescient for the time.

Nature: We may be making conscious brainlets in the lab already πŸ”—

I mean, if they are concerned about the ethics, I'm sure they'll eventually find the solution of using people condemned to die which can be used for these kinds of brain in a jar experiments. Not that this even is ethical in any manner, but it certainly would be socially acceptable.

Mossad steals Rona vaccine from the Chinese πŸ”—


Selassie Scion on Ethiopia πŸ”—

Good interview.

Jones back on Rogan πŸ”—

Best halloween display EVER πŸ”—

Has had the cops called on it multiple times. Absolute banger

Saker: The Empire has collapsed πŸ”—

Not sure I'd put it quite like that. Is it a dead man walking? Sure. Empires can temporarily act like "normal countries" in some contexts, doesn't mean a lot. I think his argument that our Foreign policy being schizo is far more relevant; that is ultimately what will destroy the empire when enough of the country understands the USG is actually endangering our safety with their actions.

The trade war escalates πŸ”—

China finally hitting back. Troubling news.

Nadella's supposed success πŸ”—

Look at the stock price chart there. Then realize they could have done the same thing firing everyone and buying QQQ.

1619 Project dies it's inglorious and deserved death πŸ”—

No pulitzer rescinding though. Hey, people still believe Russiagate after all.

Solar supposedly cheapest electricity now? πŸ”—

No, just getting better subsidized loans. They do try to dunk on fossil fuels hilariously in TFA, not realizing what PCBs are actually made of.

People catching onto the stupidity of "biodegradable" wiring harnesses in cars πŸ”—

How to total all stored cars instantly! I recall Jaguar also used eco-friendly impellers on their water pumps which were dissolved by coolant for a few years too.

Court Packing? πŸ”—

This has indeed happened parallel to the massive Republican gerrymandering effort over the last 20 years. Nevertheless, the Party affiliation is not actually important so much as the fact that our courts are packed with morons. All you have to do is look at the latest generation of law school grads and the old rags they fill their heads with to understand the long term direction of the nation.

Openstack: Failure πŸ”—

What do you expect from NASA bureaucrats? It was actually harder to administrate than scripts we'd written to wrangle KVM ourselves, and used vastly more resources to no avail.

UK Study: Turns out the most politically active are those with Minority Opinions πŸ”—

"Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention"

NYT: Drumpf greatest threat since Hitler πŸ”—

That's going quite a bit too far. He's undoubtedly a buffoon, but his idiotic policies are little different in anything but degree from his predecessors.

Yanis on the Golden Dawn crackdown πŸ”—

Correctly sees the only way one stamps out fascists is to be fascist. Surely imprisoning leaders of National Workers Parties has worked in the past and totally not had unexpected long term consequences...

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