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Leftist: The feds aren't our friends???? We should secede, maybe? 🔗

Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention: leftist edition


Let's induce torpor/hibernation for these people...and don't tell them they'll never wake up.

South Africa: Pillaging their own rail network 🔗

Their regression back into preindustrial hell continues

"Experts" puzzled at lack of African COVID Deaths 🔗

They have a lack of 80+ year olds. That's why.

Buffet buys into the Zaibatsus 🔗

Makes sense, they play similar roles to BH in Japan.

Idiots want to replace calculus with Excel class 🔗


The plastic panic 🔗

The haters of the cheap and effective as usual ruin society. Recycling bins are here for the same reason as the masks. A bunch of little ralphies going "I'm helping!"
Most important, the plastic panic gives today’s political rulers and modern nobility a renewed sense of moral superiority.
The elites won't feel elite if they don't introduce some new usurpation every now and then, just like their sycophants need to feel like they're part of the "doing good" order.

FED Pinheads finally realize NIRP moronic 🔗

So expect them to do it soon

As expected, the debate was Jerry Springer show 🔗

Glad I don't watch any of that crap and haven't for years. Much better things to spend time on.

Portugal to USG RE ceasing china trade: pound sand 🔗

The audacity of telling the world's first worldwide trading empire how to conduct their business is downright Anglo of us!

More on Lockdowns leading to USA becoming shitface central 🔗

17% more alchohol consumption in general, 41% increase in heavy drinking by women. Unsurprisingly, $DEO and $STZ shot up a bit recently on the news, as we know who's drinking all the wine 😏

Coinbase embraces neutrality in the kulturkampf 🔗

Smart. They are taking our advice here, essentially. Being woke doesn't really have much to offer for most companies.

UPDATE: Even being apolitical is a politically controversial stance nowadays, it seems. Coinbase is now attempting to purge anyone that does not want to respect boundaries on this.

YT: no more community contributed closed captioning 🔗

One presumes, community contributed content altogether is next. Not U Tube.

Another figures out how promotions actually work in corporate 🔗

E.G. it's about figuring out what management secretly wants and delivering on that. Sometimes what they want isn't worth doing, because they value things other than productivity.

Stock Buybacks are a raging principal / agent Problem??? 🔗

Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention. People actually get paid for this?

Azeri war update 🔗

Lots of casualties on both sides and still room to maneuver. However, Armenia is at a significant disadvantage in manpower and equipment.

Wolfram's latest 🔗

Getting close to Von Neumann's dream

NYT: Impose serfdom and lockdown forever to stop the rona 🔗

Sure, whatever

Yet more evidence lockdown killing far more than COVID 🔗

More excess deaths from treatable disease than COVID by far. Thank you unnecessary privation.

Russiagate 2.0: Same tired old crap 🔗

Hurr Durr Putin not like democrat. Oh also the chicoms and Eye-Ranians! It just gets stupider.

Lockdown Hysteria: Chicom Propaganda 🔗

Pretty hilarious if true, but I think the 5th columnists over here in the west have as much to do with it as anything else.

Grey Mirror 4 does not disappoint 🔗

God never speaks directly. When we grant sovereignty to public opinion, we grant sovereignty to the teachers—the persuasive institutions that manage public opinion. This is no different from granting sovereignty to Army, Church, or King. Unless public opinion is an ultimate, self-governing, self-creating cause, beyond the power of any other power to manage or regulate, popular sovereignty cannot substantively exist.

The paradox of public opinion is that if public opinion is irrelevant—suppose absolute power, both real and formal, is in the hands of King and Army, jock Chad boneheads to a man—no power has an incentive to coerce or seduce public opinion. No power has any reason to compel the public mind; so the public mind is effortlessly independent; it is the only cause of its own opinions. It has to be ruled by boneheads, though.
The Amish are right on this one. The only reliable path to freedom is through not mattering; rejecting power totally. They figured out what Jesus meant. The truth sets you free.
But if the lack of will and confidence in modern America is in any sense a consequence of a long-term decline in public virtue, the trend is in the opposite direction. America is not like a child. America is like a grown man with the mind of a child. The child will grow up; the man is growing down.
As above, so below. As we talked about on TSNCast, there's a reason feminizing men and masculinizing women is a thing in this system. It weakens all to the benefit of the currently powerful.
The freedom characteristic of young oligarchies comes from their stability. The stabler a regime is, the more controlled chaos it can safely tolerate. Unstable autocracies cannot even tolerate free enterprise. Extremely stable autocracies can even tolerate free speech. The stabler the government, the more liberty it can safely allow. Unfortunately, this means aging oligarchies grow more repressive as they weaken.
Pretty much USA history in one paragraph.
In the old, vanished world, there was only one power to persecute you. In the modern world, everyone does unto their neighbor—or is starting to think about it. At least if their neighbor has put up the wrong lawn sign. In the old world, the king was easy to dethrone. In the modern world, how do you dethrone your neighbor?

A decentralized oligarchy is still an autocracy. It has no Hitler and no Goebbels—and needs none. Vae victis! Next time we meet, it will be on a tank. A luta continua.
Welcome to the future. The reality of the anarchy we actually live in. Public opinion and clout is all there is.
What the resource curse tells us is that “fully automated luxury communism”—the hypothetical apotheosis of luxus populi suprema lex—is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed. Some of it is in Venezuela—most of the rest is in the Persian Gulf. (Heavy religion seems to ameliorate the disease.) The 20th-century dinosaur-juice curse is just a preview of the hell that 21st-century technology is scheduled to unleash on the earth.

For the closer we come to this tech resource-curse apocalypse, the closer we come to hell—except for a louche, talented, largely parasitic elite, which is doing just fine. (So is Venezuela’s elite.) This problem is only becoming more urgent. We cannot even start to solve it until we understand it; and we have not even started to understand it.
Which would be why this ridiculous canard of "automation gon take our jerbs" has been touted so much. Keeps your eye off the ball.
The sealed village is one single starship—or whatever the game’s metaphor may be. The whole village inhabits a single virtual story. This story consumes the rest of the village’s life. If the village bears children (as it should; a childless village is inhuman; but this need not imply above-replacement fertility), the story can last forever. In the back room, the programmers are coding up more planets to visit.
His vision of the future is much like things currently are in large corporations. They are essentially becoming these beehives sectioned off from the world doing largely useless busy-work.

Cynical Theory: the reality of social justice 🔗

If there is no objective reality, there is no possible Justice. In the secular/pagan realm, this is in fact undeniably true. All there is to be had is power and influence. There is no truth, just influential ideas and jockeying for clout. When the sacred is Immanent, this is how gods are built. This is why Transcendent sacreds are what modern civilization is built upon. Social Justice is precisely the belief that "Might makes Right" -- Every SocJus prof is an aspiring Thulsa Doom.

Brick Battery 🔗

More like capacitor, but sure

Brit Poll: majority oppose forced vaccination 🔗

Gee, consent matters in medicine??? whoda thunkt

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