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Trump EOs stimulus bill πŸ”—

The emperor protects

Taibbi's latest: On how totally disconnected the elites are πŸ”—

As usual he hits it out of the park due to having been one of those people earlier. He sees now that history is repeated as farce.

Study: Saving the pandas fucked a lot of other animals πŸ”—

It's almost like there's tradeoffs to all choices in nature due to resources being scarce or something. Almost like there's a... cost... to opportunities.

Popmeo: Let's put a North Korea style DMZ on the internet πŸ”—

More frothing at the mouth from the insane gangster.

Fauci: Vaccine will likely only be 50-60% effective πŸ”—

Honestly, he's probably being optimistic there. Literally anyone educated on vaccines knows there are good reasons why there hasn't been a good cold vaccine yet -- it certainly isn't because it would be unprofitable. It is because the mutation of these things makes it like nailing down a bowl of Jello. For these things herd immunity works best. As such the Swedes continue to get things right while the USA doubles down on failure.

The oat milk craze πŸ”—

Yet more junk food

Atlassian: WFH Forever πŸ”—

We are all perpetual prisoners, get used to it.

The Tsar as usual making the mistake of closing off pressure valves πŸ”—

Tax havens exist for a reason. Goodbye to much Russian prosperity.

Eviction moratoriums being wildly abused as expected πŸ”—

It's bad enough having people not pay.

Study: Yes, masks cause hypoxia during exercise πŸ”—

So don't wear them.

Casey on the ongoing corruption of our language πŸ”—

A pox upon stakeholders indeed.

Google's newspeak because of antitrust πŸ”—

I would rather voluntarily break the company up than deal with that horse shit

Saudis Enriching uranium πŸ”—

Probably part of the "vision 2030" thing of MBS. Get nuclear power in more ways than one.

Means by which shaving dulls razors discovered πŸ”—

Turns out it's a metallurgy problem.

Yet more WiFi chips with decryptable traffic πŸ”—

Oh, broadcom.

The case for consumer price inflation πŸ”—

Wolf essentially lays out why this is happening. We will get consumer price inflation while the equity bubble pops if this strategy is persisted with long enough.

Mask Order repealed in Orange County πŸ”—

Turns out these local mask ordinances are fraud under california law due to 0 evidence they work to reduce COVID-19 transmission. And the council would be vulnerable to prosecution if they don't repeal it. Great work.

Labor Market still in hell πŸ”—

Worse than the great depression this catastrophe is.

Intel has US corporate disease πŸ”—

Those without spines make it to the top, much like in the pentagram and for the same reason.

LA Mayor shutting off water to people holding parties πŸ”—

And people wonder why preppers are all working to get off-grid. They know that the grid is going to be abused as a means of control.

NYC: Checkpoints at all entry and exit points πŸ”—

Insane. Turning people into prisoners like this is confirmation we are Soviet Russia.

Moldbug on Pete's Show πŸ”—

Great chat. Good intro to his views for baby libertarians.

CNBS: Money Supply growth might be causing inflation guys πŸ”—

"No shit?" headline of the year

Scamming your way to the top of Hacker News with GPT3 πŸ”—

And getting commenters who noticed banned. Lulz of the year

Westinghouse goes BK πŸ”—

The first death of many titans likely to come.

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