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USA: Let's start another Iraq War πŸ”—

The sequel of the sequel of the sequel of the movie that never needed to be made.

3D Print organs, metal, basically anything πŸ”—

Crypto AG: Confirmed CIA Front πŸ”—

Should be one hell of a scandal.

Slovakia: Banning Islam πŸ”—

The holy league seems to starting to reform. Lol'd at the PM though:
Islamization begins with kebab and in Bratislava it has already begun. So understand what it could be like in 5-10 years.
Physical removal of kebab... so to speak?

Peace in Afghanistan at last? πŸ”—

Thoughts and prayers

1/2 of China: Quarantined πŸ”—

Uhhhh.... not a great sign

Crazed FAA still trying to ban all RC planes πŸ”—

And people think we'll make it back to the moon by 2024. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Prince Harry and Megan Markle: Not Woke Enough πŸ”—


Donated blood: Filled with Coffee and Xanax πŸ”—

Sounds about right

Abby Martin suing Georgia over requiring Loyalty Oaths to Israel πŸ”—

From the "you'd think southerners would have had enough of this shit during reconstruction" department. CARPETBAGGER SENSES ACTIVATED

Thiel still thinks the ship is salvageable πŸ”—

He is sadly mistaken. Good book review though.

Instant Legolas πŸ”—

Really neat invention.

Best study I've read in a while πŸ”—

In summary, we demonstrated that bird dropping-treated graphenes indeed make graphene more electrocatalytic than nondoped graphene. Both bird-dropping-decorated graphenes and control nondoped graphenes show the same morphology. Graphenes decorated with bird droppings contain additional N, S, and P in the material. These decorated graphenes exhibit much better electrocatalytic properties toward both oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution, and, in this case, it can be considered as a potential multifunctional catalyst for both ORR and HER. Because doping graphene with cheap bird droppings produces more electrocatalytic materials than many complex multielemental doping procedures, we do not see any justification for such efforts, and we believe that researchers should focus their energy on other research directions. To conclude in a positive (and a bit satiric) tone, we speculate that the chemical composition of chicken guano can be tailored by feedstock (chick feed), and, therefore, the quality of the resulting doped catalyst can be further improved. We believe that there is potential for the bird dropping-doped graphene for fuel cells and in a hydrogen economy, and we believe that bird droppings can become a high-value-added product such as guano was in the past. One can only hope that with such dramatic advantages, no wars (even trade wars) will be started over bird droppings this time.

Chaff for Submarines πŸ”—

Not shocking that this has become a thing...but seems a dangerous idea. If they were guessing before they sure as hell would know where you are after popping chaff

Well done OSS laser cutter πŸ”—

These have been around a while, but never quite in such a well done package. very nice.

Visa jacking up fees for online vendors πŸ”—

To pay for hooking up their buddies, apparently

F-35: still a turkey πŸ”—

All the king's men can't put it back together

FED throws in the towel on REPO, unwinds the unwind πŸ”—

Asset levels back up around where they were before the wind-down. Looks like a goosed economy before the election is as always a stone cold lock.

Ford circling the drain πŸ”—


DNC continues the plaxico πŸ”—

Unsurprising throw, given Trump is essentially a centrist democrat. Trump doesn't hardly have any cronies to enrich anyways, so the gravy train rolls on for the DNC either way.

Idlib update πŸ”—

Closest town to Idlib taken, SDF in shelling range. Sounds like the Bin Ladenites days are numbered.

Being all you can be in the Air Force πŸ”—

Murdering Children

Original Assange allegations revealed to be fabrications πŸ”—

Shocked, simply shocked

Majority now behind prostitution decrim πŸ”—

Unsurprising given the regime of more-or-less official oppression against men attempting LTRs & marriage.

NY Slimes: All our Stories are USDA approved πŸ”—

Grade A Bullshit

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