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Oliver Stone interviews Putin πŸ”—

Quite interesting discussion on a number of topics. He nails the culture war:
They live too well. They have nothing to think about.

Ukrocephaly fails πŸ”—

Pope also turns on the Ukranian regime. The first concrete good move I've seen on the current pontiff's part.

BONUS: Ukronazis out of parliament too. Sounds like they've had enough of what NATO's been cooking. NATO counterattack probably won't be long coming.

Powell admits the Phillips Curve is Hokum πŸ”—

The failure of central banking continues.

Suit to determine if Pentagram really is behind Lyme Disease πŸ”—

I doubt they'll come clean, but nice to see someone at least trying to get to the bottom of it.

Third of migrants not related to claimed children πŸ”—

See 1:20 in above video

Other possibility: Cuck?

The lowdown on the Epstein Operation πŸ”—

Not the first fraud like this, won't be the last

GLADIO update πŸ”—

Italian Fascists bring back goodies from helping the Ukronazis. Who ever could have predicted that????

Deutsche Bank's collapse accelerating πŸ”—

Here's hoping Wells is next

Another Commie Militia guy gets dropped πŸ”—

Sounds like they should actually train like the threepers do.

Latest update in reanimation technology πŸ”—

Rejuvenating dead brain cells. I suspect a similar technique could revive the lost body petrification techniques of Segato.

Elon's latest: "A wizard hat for your brain" πŸ”—

Tesla needs a wizard hat for their balance sheet. Nevertheless, will be interesting to see where this goes.

One less of the robed ones πŸ”—

The pols are breathing easy tonight having thereby obtained a new distraction.

Flyboard update πŸ”—

Can it carry the weight of the gravy train? Time will tell.

AMLO actually draining the swamp πŸ”—

Here's hoping his anti-gravy train activity doesn't get him whacked too quickly.

Pigs fired after they said no to being Revenue Generators πŸ”—

There's no job for police other than tyranny. Certainly not reducing crime. In a small town like the one mentioned here, they didn't need a force in the first place.

MAD Magazine dead πŸ”—

Seems DC killed it with their move to LA

US Intel agencies chafing under Byzantine Bureacracy πŸ”—

HAHAHAHAHA, good fuck em. Hopefully this is why they've been such ass clowns lately. May they continue their slide into becoming the Janissary Corps -- all the better to burn down Langley with them inside.

Get the Cold, cure Cancer? πŸ”—

Definitely got a chuckle out of some guys in a chat today -- What does this mean, "get pozzed to cure your lymphatic cancer?"

Sick child theff ring uncovered in Italy πŸ”—


Drumpf thinks he can tackle high drug prices πŸ”—

More likely this will cause the discounting other nations are getting versus the USA to cease.

Mossad: Israel's real foreign ministry πŸ”—

All diplomatic corps are ultimately spies. This can come as no surprise.

Pope Francis giving away Relics of St. Peter to Ecumenical Patriarch πŸ”—

Somewhat of an odd angle to heal the schism, as zero of the other patriarchates will go along with it.

Huge escalation in the Gulf of Hormuz πŸ”—

Brits trying their usual trick of pirating a vessel then crying foul when someone else figures that means it is open season when it comes to piracy of your ships.

This, of course, is after practically begging Iran to shoot down a spy plane of the USA by quite obviously using a bogus IFF in plain sight over their territory.

Good column by McNeill πŸ”—

Modern rulers claim β€œlegitimacy” by a long series of Byzantine pretenses and procedures no more moral, just or rational than β€œDivine Right of Kings” was, then claim that their subjects somehow agreed to obey due to something called a β€œsocial contract” by virtue of being born within a particular set of imaginary lines the rulers drew on a map; the fact that nobody can β€œchoose” when, how or where to be born is pretended to be irrelevant, and the rulers claim the β€œright” to inflict violence – including assault, maiming, robbery, rape, child-abduction, locking them in a cage for decades and even murder – if the subject violates any of a vast, confusing, vague, broad, and ever-increasing body of arbitrary rules called β€œlaws” which are invented by the rulers as excuses to expand their own power, destroy their enemies (especially rebellious subjects) and suppress everyone who isn’t a member of the ruling class.
Damn straight. The very concept of state legitimacy is illegitimate due merely to the means they choose to employ. The moment you decide that usurping another's will is somehow OK (except when defending yourself against aforementioned usurpations), you accept 100% of any tyrant's plan due to means coloring ends.

The latest from Truthstream Media πŸ”—

All this stuff has been talked about on LRC before, but good presentation. Goes well with Corbett's documentary on "Rockefeller Medicine."

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