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Team Blacksheep still doing good work πŸ”—

Study: Crimean annexation legitimate as far as the Crimeans are concerned πŸ”—

The widespread international condemnation of the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014 is at odds with the strong local support for the transfer of territory in the peninsula. Though regarded as illegitimate by most governments as indicated in a UN General Assembly vote, the Russian government argued that the transfer was justified since it reflected the majority opinion in Crimea. The examination of attitudes in December 2014 through a representative survey in Crimea confirmed the support for territorial transfer and indicated that most residents believed that their well-being would improve as a result.
They've got the right attitude:
For example, in a Ukraine-wide survey conducted in 2013, Pop-Eleches and Robertson found that a majority of Crimeans responded to the question "what is your homeland" by naming their region (i.e. Crimea) ahead of Ukraine, the Soviet Union or Russia.

US Firms having quality problems πŸ”—

Shit, back in the 80s & 90s things were bad enough US cars had reputations little better than Yugos. As the sovietization continues, the quality will continue to suffer.

US workers some of the most highly taxed πŸ”—

When you count coerced payments to private parties. Note this doesn't even count state and local taxes.

The coinbase debit card πŸ”—

I'd prefer using gold via James Turk's thing...

NYMag: US used to have an overseas empire πŸ”—

Used to?

Prostitution: less risky than investing πŸ”—

Most working girls have a much better take on their epistemic risks than even the wall street types do about their investments.

Sen. Warren: Abolish mens rea πŸ”—

Lowering the standards for criminal conviction is insane. Literally nobody is safe as is, and they want to make it worse?

Economy Update πŸ”—

As usual, Hunt & Mish are right on.

2018 yet another record year for false convictions πŸ”—

The state has no use for your kind!

SABRE breakthrough πŸ”—

The quest for the Mach 5 engine continues

Cultural Revolution 2.0? πŸ”—

Mega City one and Two haven't yet colonized the cursed earth of flyover country yet in the USA, so I have serious doubts about the success of this colonial effort. Centrally planned colonization fails for obvious reasons, but this all sounds like an internal peace corps sort of thing which will have no real impact for good or ill.

Al-Bashir out in Sudan πŸ”—

Not shocked, given the Yemen and South Sudan debacles under his watch.

Speaking of Taleb... πŸ”—

Here's a great rundown on his beef with Nate Silver. Pretty much what you would expect from the IYI Silver; too much faith the in the model, papering over epistemic risks.

Medicine and Risk Transfer πŸ”—

Quite good work. Risk transfer is one of the cardinal sins in modern society, and medicine is no stranger to it.

Controlling senescence in skin to rejuvenate it πŸ”—

Huge if true, especially if the effect applies to the other organs.

Jews in space: Moon probe crashes πŸ”—

better luck next time

Evidence the Chaos Gods are real πŸ”—

Random numbers become *more* random after world famous chaotic and violent events. Will be interesting to see more data mining of this.

Forced Medication over non-scare in NYC πŸ”—

Get shot up with vaccines for an outbreak of a scale that routinely happens in the US yearly, or get a fine. Ultimately it's about getting the Anti-Vax on a list so they can impose Jizya and round them up later.

FOSTA/SESTA pretty much fully worked around at this point πŸ”—

Congress: Impotent in more than one way

Zehut update πŸ”—

Rustling the State Yeshivas by rightly saying god and the preachers of his word should not be funded by that demon and enemy of humanity, the state.

Basel III: Marking Gold to Market πŸ”—

Expect mega money printing as a result. In other words, back up the truck on Gold.

Assange Clapped πŸ”—

Expelled by Ecuador, soon to be given to the US to be martyred. When it happens, I'll be comfortable calling the US the Soviet Union.

FED either blind or lying as usual πŸ”—

No recession as far as the eye can see! Wheee!

The 17 Year war in Afghanistan didn't have to happen at all πŸ”—

Bette Dam's new book on Mullah Omar sounds pretty interesting. Basically all the Taliban guys went home after their surrender was refused at the behest of Donny Rumsfeld. They only really started fighting after the criminal psychopaths we appointed as satraps had stirred up the population completely by settling every score they had with other families and tribes (using the US Army as their club).

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