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Abby Martin: Hands off Venezuela πŸ”—

Hats off to TeleSur for providing a direct download link to their videos. Much easier to paste in a URL for the video source than chop up some iframe tag to make it load responsively in the browser (then the site code can just apply the responsive CSS class rules automatically).

BONUS: Italy clearly not falling for it. Red Shield news is clearly upset by the situation.

EU: Starting to imply that Spain's claim on Gibraltar is Legit πŸ”—

LOL, seems they intend to start applying the screws. Will big daddy USA bail em out?

Part 3 of Jeremy Hammond's vaccine reports πŸ”—

Most of this stuff was already known to me, but seeing more focus on the efficacy claims were good to see.

The odd case of Yellowcake for Auction on Yahoo πŸ”—

Oddly, this time the claim that there was yellowcake turned out to be true! Just goes to show the superiority of the market, I suppose!

Trump busy kiboshing his own peace plan in NK πŸ”—

What? I never promised troop drawdowns!

Maddow just keeps getting better πŸ”—

> Rhodes Scholar

Maduro's appeal to the American People πŸ”—

I must say, he's a much slicker operator than washington gives him credit. However, much like how Gaddafi had a similarly good appeal, his army is probably similarly useless; and turning the place into a failed state is actually the plan, rather than a Vietnam or Afghan style occupation. Keeping their resources off the market is basically the "Operation Grand Slam" going on here, but to be fair, Chavez-style Socialism has very nearly accomplished that anyways.

Foreign T-Bill holders continue to divest πŸ”—

Idiot US banks smile like the fool and eat them up.

HPD goes rabid to cover their incompetence πŸ”—

Plainclothes dynamic entry raid on the flimsiest of excuses, coppers get dropped. The more rabid the cop humping in response, the more you can be sure of police misconduct:
β€œIf you’re the ones that are out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, just know we’ve all got your number now, we’re going to be keeping track of all of y’all, and we’re going to make sure that we hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers. We’ve had enough, folks. We’re out there doing our jobs every day, putting our lives on the line for our families.”
And they wonder why people treat them like the enemy. Ha.

Cuba, Nicaragua next πŸ”—

Trump's real plan: Make the Caribbean the Yankee Lake again

USG abrogates IRBM treaty πŸ”—

To be fair, the USG has been breaking this de-facto for years. I'm amazed the Russians put up with it all this time.

The Euro Bond Cartel πŸ”—

Yet more semi-officially sanctioned bid rigging

Advance in 3D photolithographic printing πŸ”—

Bolton notepad: 5k Troops to Colombia πŸ”—

Not really surprising at this point

Meanwhile in Japan πŸ”—

Using Shodan and sploting the internet of shit now legal for THE MAN. Supposedly it is to "help you". I somehow doubt this.

Venezuelan Oil now sanctioned πŸ”—

Well, if you wanted more confirmation about sanctions being a prelude to war, I think you have it.

Mexico's Pipeline Problem πŸ”—

Gas shortages and oil theivery due to... shutting down oil pipelines due to... oil thievery. Sounds like Mexico really has a theft problem. I wonder why the people would be stealing everything that isn't nailed down. Perhaps they could be mimicking their betters in Mexico's government?

Bolonsaro: Already in a gigantic corruption scandal πŸ”—

No wonder the USA likes this guy so much

Ultra NeoCon appointed Envoy to Venezuela πŸ”—

They really couldn't be more obvious about their intentions here.

US Army study on Iraq War II: Iran won πŸ”—

No shit

Russia showing off combat exoskeleton πŸ”—

Looks pretty unobtrusive.

Taliban Willing to deal on USA withdrawing next year? πŸ”—

Great if so.

Wikileaks competitor astroturf popping up πŸ”—

The agitprop in this article is a bit too obvious

USA wants to stay in Al-Tanf πŸ”—

Bolton & crew continue to find some way to make the withdrawl actually not happen.

New World Next Week πŸ”—

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