It's almost like there's tradeoffs to all choices in nature due to resources being scarce or something. Almost like there's a... cost... to opportunities.
Honestly, he's probably being optimistic there. Literally anyone educated on vaccines knows there are good reasons why there hasn't been a good cold vaccine yet -- it certainly isn't because it would be unprofitable. It is because the mutation of these things makes it like nailing down a bowl of Jello. For these things herd immunity works best. As such the Swedes continue to get things right while the USA doubles down on failure.
Wolf essentially lays out why this is happening. We will get consumer price inflation while the equity bubble pops if this strategy is persisted with long enough.
Turns out these local mask ordinances are fraud under california law due to 0 evidence they work to reduce COVID-19 transmission. And the council would be vulnerable to prosecution if they don't repeal it. Great work.