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Anti-Lab leak paper known to be false when emitted by authors πŸ”— 1689960797  

Surely people defending covert biological weapons research wouldn't lie to me!

"Jawboning" defense against social media censorship likely to remain alive and well πŸ”— 1688598282  

Seems like a trend of having nominally positive rulings for freedom with no actual impact on the bureaucracy's behavior. I've largely concluded that the Judiciary is essentially powerless now.

Bongs considering adopting American Governance πŸ”— 1688577527  

Author correctly recognizes that the fundamental instability of their constitutionless system is the core strength. The trouble of course that has lead them here in the first place is that "the people suck", or more correctly their elites do. As such their system does need fundamental reform in such a way that it no longer produces the human refuse currently filling Parliament.

Patriots in Control! πŸ”— 1688574115  

Frankly, if the peasants could just learn about these psy-ops in general and understand the frequency with which they are employed by the social engineers over and over and over again with almost no variation, maybe just maybe, something would finally change for the better in the world because they wouldn’t fall for obvious scams so easily and drag us into them as well.

But I am not holding my breath.
Great insight that Z/Qanon stuff is just good ol' "Operation Trust" run by a bunch of thieves running a bust-out which ends in national suicide. War as always, remains a racket.

Nigel gets debanked πŸ”— 1688571261  

ChokePoint goes worldwide. Life in the USSA and it's latter-day warsaw pact

SCOTUS fails to overturn Affirmative Action πŸ”— 1688408463  

As expected. The only actual solution is to overturn the execrable CRA.

On Wagner's Mutiny πŸ”—

Lukashenko once again proved himself to be the only competent politician in the Slavlands
Basically the Tuvan Gangster Shoigu decided everyone had to be his minion. Wagner and the Cossacks told him to take a hike. The podcast with James Corbett is great.

How modern Raytracing works πŸ”— 1687539063  

By cheating with AI denoise.

The $52,000 trash can πŸ”— 1687533343  

Pentagram business as usual

The Juice starts a-flowin' for the election πŸ”— 1687533211  

Let the bailouts flow. Probably gonna be long till the election.

DGSI: Tech literacy is terrorism πŸ”— 1687467893  

Any and all tools useful for citizen resistance against l'etat depredations will always be subject to villification by said rascals.

The Christian imperative of political decentralization πŸ”— 1687223451  

A 2023 "what then shall we do?"
We can conclude, then, that an obvious objective for Christian politics in the coming years is to check or even reverse the process by which expressive individualism has gradually supplanted the traditional understanding of the self and of social relationships in the law with a new understanding that is incompatible with orthodox Christianity.
Nice to see more coming around to the Inner-Light-enment being the core heresy at work here in the USA, mostly since the 70s. What it boils down to is that people instinctually get that malum-in-se things are always coercive destruction of agency. What the progs don't understand is that the church is as concerned with you doing this to yourself as it is to others. This is why it's so upset with suicide, abortion, transexualism etc. Massive destruction of your possible future for a mess of pottage.

From there the article is a pretty straightforward defense of subsidiarity which should be familiar to the readers of this site.

The Rise and fall of the american energy grid πŸ”— 1687222127  

I remember around the turn of the century TXU's public plan being "lol just let shit fall apart, add no new capacity while we get to be parasites".

Vtubing for Dummies πŸ”— 1687188853  

Show up as duke next stupid meeting you have to go to

The American Competence Crisis πŸ”— 1687188672  

By the 1960s, the systematic selection for competence came into direct conflict with the political imperatives of the civil rights movement. During the period from 1961 to 1972, a series of Supreme Court rulings, executive orders, and lawsβ€”most critically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964β€”put meritocracy and the new political imperative of protected-group diversity on a collision course. Administrative law judges have accepted statistically observable disparities in outcomes between groups as prima facie evidence of illegal discrimination. The result has been clear: any time meritocracy and diversity come into direct conflict, diversity must take priority.

The resulting norms have steadily eroded institutional competency, causing America’s complex systems to fail with increasing regularity. In the language of a systems theorist, by decreasing the competency of the actors within the system, formerly stable systems have begun to experience normal accidents at a rate that is faster than the system can adapt. The prognosis is harsh but clear: either selection for competence will return or America will experience devolution to more primitive forms of civilization and loss of geopolitical power.
A good companion to this is a recent article on South Africa, which is a vision of our future. Whites permanently disenfranchised scapegoats; Jews in their own homeland.

Why UBI is being trotted out again πŸ”— 1686250310  

As the lube to shove the CBDC dildo up the body politic's ass. Hey, Airdrops worked for tons of other crypto scams. And few happened to notice they disproportionately hooked up certain wallets...

What does it mean to be right wing? πŸ”— 1686243442  

Much in the same way that Ludwig Von Mises showed the distribution of scarce resources via a price system that ignores the nature of human action, and instead favors central planning cannot overcome the economic calculation problem so too will artificial hierarchies be unable to overcome the distribution of human capital, or what I shall dub as the hierarchical calculation problem. From this we can surmise that artificial hierarchies will inevitably result in the same problems as artificial price systems, with the misallocation of human capital. This seems to be indisputable then that if you accept the idea that scarce resources can and will be misallocated through central planning that human beings will also be misallocated to positions of power that they should not inhabit, often to disastrous results.
I've written elsewhere about precisely this phenomenon in the corporation, and its corrosive results. Synthetic hierarchies are fundamentally what produce all the bizarre pathology described in "Moral Mazes" (the single-elimination ass-kissing tournament).

The UAF situation: not looking good πŸ”— 1685919859  

Sounds like their C3I and logistics are FUBAR and systemic control fraud abides. This is not an army that can win; Very reminiscent of the French army in the run up to WWII. Betting the farm on fortifications and ignoring the corruption in the organization to their own peril.

Military Integrity: A contradiction in terms πŸ”— 1685832103  

On the systematic control fraud present in all branches of the service. Basically nothing about operational readiness can ever be believed.

Kayfabe πŸ”— 1685827272  

Software engineers will remain low status and of ill repute so long as lying and glad-handing is incapable of effectively motivating computers. It used to be this way in the Prussian military too; no amount of bullshit will stop a bullet.

Bahkmut postmortem πŸ”—

Its hard not to conclude this has shattered the Ukranian ability to project force. The lessons of Brusilov, Mordacq and Bruchmuller remain relevant in a world of hard counters. The Russians are one of the few who are not squeamish about using penal brigades when a thing can be done by blood alone.

BONUS: USG isn't exactly squeamish about it either, they just don't talk about it.
To be fair, an all-dreg military is about the only non-dysgenic choice so I can understand the appeal.

Review: Lying for Money πŸ”— 1685712774  

When I say "Fraud is the Fundamentals" this is what I mean

Autoimmune causes of Mental Illness? πŸ”— 1685628908  

Groundbreaking work. Glad to see actual progress here after so much failure.

Greyzone reporter gets "the treatement" in Bongistan πŸ”— 1685551159  

Spy hysteria in full bloom on the other side of the pond.

Why do the middle class not get in fights anymore? πŸ”—

Yet more effects of the Internet being your "Permanent Record". Goobers obsessed with playing Junior G-Man E-Detective have prevented many companies from hiring perfectly good workers. The workers have got the message loud and clear that the job is to be a crab in a bucket.

What shocks me is that school fights have decreased too. This is despite things becoming far, far worse of a prisonlike environment than it used to be! This "Zero Tolerance" crap is just breaking childrens' spirits.

25 most recent posts older than 1685024493
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