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USG of course peddles ludicrious story to counter Hersh's about Nord Stream πŸ”— 1678368058  

Coming, of course, from anonymous sources in the state intelligence apparatus. Given the NYT has a bad record of laundering CIA talking points via this mechanism, and Sy does not, I doubt the sincerity of the piece.

Taibbi addresses congress on the censorship machine πŸ”— 1678367801  

One hopes this leads to a wider investigation, but with the war hysteria how it is I wouldn't hold my breath. They'll murder free speech and this time it's never coming back.

Nigerians get an India-style cash shortage πŸ”— 1678367676  

And a CBDC! For people that live in shacks floating in the lagoon. There are no words to describe such idiocy.

Chris Hedges: The lynching of the Deplorables πŸ”— 1678220506  

The cheerleading, or at best indifference, by Democratic Party supporters and much of the left to these show trials will come back to haunt them. We are exacerbating the growing tribalism and political antagonisms that will increasingly express themselves through violence. We are complicit, once again, of using the courts to carry out vendettas. We are corroding democratic institutions. We are hardening the ideology and rage of the far-right. We are turning those being hounded to prison into political prisoners and martyrs. We are moving ever closer towards tyranny.
Banana Republic

More Iran hyperventilation inbound? Huge lithium find πŸ”— 1677867298  

Remember, Lithium is the actual secret sauce in H-Bombs.

Serious unrest brewing in Montana? πŸ”— 1677167813  

But this is a new thing. Montana has always been the site of land battlesβ€”but these warring factions are brand new. The Washington Post presents the risk as one-sidedβ€”that angry Trumpists are going to soon resort to violence because, well, that’s what they do when the modern world comes knocking. The media doesn’t notice that Trump flags are being raised in reaction to the rainbow ones, not in spite of them. The anger bubbling up from Three Forks isn’t happening because Montanans, left alone for decades, somehow developed into anachronistic bigots unready for the modern world. It’s happening because Montanans got their sh*t taken. They were intentionally shoved out, left behind. Their music, their signs, their cars, their languageβ€”they’re all born from a fresh wound.
How dare those natives resent being colonized by the coastal elites

Better without AI: on the real harms of recommender engines πŸ”— 1676483881  

Review linked here is pretty much what I would have written myself. Book itself is highly worth reading, along with all of David's stuff.

Why do the elites really want a CBDC? πŸ”—

See the close of the article. KYC/AML being a huge failure, as predicted at the outset, is the core rationale behind institutional desire for CBDCs. This is of course a crock of shit, as KYC/AML is just an arbitrary way to put the thumb on scales for the cronies, as it criminalizes everyday behavior. The real crime is "needing" it at all due to our vile & criminal taxation systems.

Andrei over at the Saker throws in the towel πŸ”— 1676050255  

For reasons similar to the concerns which will eventually terminate this blog as well. When war starts, there's no way in hell free discussion will be allowed, and things look more or less inevitable at this point. So why not just call it?

Sy Hersh: USG knocked out nord stream πŸ”— 1675873323  

Happy to see him on substack!

The new 3:30 ramp πŸ”— 1675780007  

Overnight prices. I'm guessing that the PPT is involved somehow here too.

ChatGPT: the slickest con yet πŸ”— 1675452242  

It's the same kind of confidence + slapdash connection of the dots in a way people fill in the blanks that you expect. Clever Hans, but not motivated by carrots unfortunately. Anyhow this is why I see its primary application being Drowning the world in an unstoppable torrent of spam. This is basically an electronic warfare platform that's about to be unleashed upon all of us, and further fuck up the ability to find anything of value online.

The press vs the president πŸ”— 1675439222  

4-part piece on the Russiagate hoax and media hysterics surrounding it. Will be the definitive work.

Russian CBDC effort going about as expected πŸ”— 1675019246  

Tyrannical wartime measure they intend to force on those without capacity to resist (e.g. pensioners), and then wedge it into society at large from there.

Hungarian Military Purge: May be more serious than it looks πŸ”— 1674759582  

Cashier all the pro-NATO generals and reach out to the Serbs for defensive planning. I wonder if a new Balkan defensive pact will form up if Turkey winds up hitting the eject button on NATO along with Hungary.

Regardless, you'd have to tell all the NATO guys to take a hike if you wanted to do something about the Ukrainians clapping every Hungarian they find to put on the front line.

Cyber Phrenology and The Butterfly War πŸ”—

Great article linked by a guy noticing ChatGPT is a sort of Reaper IFF. In short it turns out our retarded social media censorship regime is the empire coming home! It's literally run by COINdinistas. No wonder it's such an obvious failure.
As these efforts go into full swing and the defectors pile up, Silicon Valley will have to institute Scientology-style restrictions of expression and behavior. These limitations will only create more defectors as internal reprimands become more reactionary. If you need help finding the psychology of Silicon Valley developers, mine HackerNews and IRC logs for sentiment analysis about their behaviors and allegiances.
Spot on prediction, much like those of us who noted at the time that COIN would go as well as "Strategic Hamlets" did in Viet Nam.

ChatGPT and Student Essays: In which english class is exposed for what it is, tedious make-work πŸ”—

If you can't write at least as well as clockwork, what the hell are you even doing? I remain skeptical that this will finally force the education system to actually teach people how to enjoy writing well enough to do it on a regular basis. They'll just bury their heads in the sand and be happy that technology is artificially inflating standardized test scores like calculators have done for decades now.

Patreon on the Blockchain πŸ”— 1673377191  

Still won't stop you from being Chokepointed/KYC'd out of biz by exchanges & banksters RE the "last leg" of that monetary flow, but at least should prevent retarded shit like randomly cancelling fully funded projects because a Karen complained about it.

US to make secondary alliance agreements with Sweden due to failing NATO bid πŸ”— 1673375796  

I'm sure this won't please the Turks, as it effectively means going forward with the meat of joining NATO without acceding to their demands in keeping with the NATO treaty.

Afghanistan is Healing πŸ”— 1673367974  

The sons of the old republic get to fulfill a long awaited desire to return to normalcy by implementing one of the great plans of the old republic. A shame they had to wait till they were old men to see their fathers' dreams realized.

Looks like forts are back on the menu, boys πŸ”— 1672957206  

John Kiriakou and Scott Horton on JFK, 9/11 and the non-pardons of whistleblowers πŸ”— 1672855768  

Huge news on all these fronts. Pretty much a slam dunk the CIA had to have known about Oswald now. Similarly, 9/11 is 100% the usual Saudi cynical game with Ikwhan kooks. Makes the carlyle group chicanery pretty obvious carrot/stick compromat, and everything else is explained by agency incompetence and interservice rivalry. Also, Trump failed to pardon the whistleblowers thanks to coercion by Cocaine Mitch.

Why Everything became woke πŸ”—

...my critics and I both missed something that might not have been obvious 30 years ago. By the late 1990s the rapid expansion of the universities came to a halt, especially in the humanities. Faculty openings slowed or stopped in many fields. Graduate enrollment cratered. In my own department in 10 years we went from accepting over a hundred students for graduate study to under 20 for a simple reason. We could not place our students. The hordes who took courses in critical pedagogy, insurgent sociology, gender studies, radical anthropology, Marxist cinema theory, and postmodernism could no longer hope for university careers.

What became of them? No single answer is possible. They joined the work force. Some became baristas, tech supporters, Amazon staffers and real estate agents. Others with intellectual ambitions found positions with the remaining newspapers and online periodicals, but most often they landed jobs as writers or researchers with liberal government agencies, foundations, or NGOs. In all these capacities they brought along the sensibilities and jargon they learned on campus.
The colostomy bag that is Uni ruptured, the body politic is now septic

Why there are tweaking bums everywhere now πŸ”— 1672777043  

9th circuit tortured the 8th Amendment into compliance, so now the only way you can arrest for vagrancy is by giving them a house. Everyone living in town soon will know the joys of being regularly screamed at by psychotics high on drugs that smell like something crawled up their ass and died.

On woke AI chatbots πŸ”— 1672428586  

Read part 1 linked in TFA as well. Entirely correct that the only way to truly make it newspeak is to kill what makes it work so well.

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