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Deepfakes considered "more trustworthy" than the genuine article ๐Ÿ”— 1647186161  

John Henry Eden, coming soon to an electorate near you

Computerized neuron mapping making huge strides for the crippled ๐Ÿ”— 1647186032  

This tech should also allow fully articulated artificial limbs very soon. I imagine they'll even implement sensation at some point if they can do control.

FED Update: Too little too late, if not outright mendacity ๐Ÿ”— 1647185041  

I actually suspect the latter, but these are PHDs...

Qaeda guys shipped to Ukraine ๐Ÿ”— 1647184862  

Since the Kazakh thing failed, I suppose it's the only job left for these dogs of Uncle Sam.

LME "bails in" large Chinese nickel trader taking a bath ๐Ÿ”— 1647183559  

"But understand we have crossed a Rubicon in the last few months that financial institutions and Govts can take money because they do not like that person or their activities."
Breaking fundamental trust, much like how the Central banks have done so with Russia's Reserves of late. A currency crisis is now inevitable.

The great mogambo guru has died ๐Ÿ”— 1646756434  

RIP since February. Noticed this right as his portfolio (buy so, so, much freaking gold silver and oil) is goin' to da moon.

patio11 on the SWIFT stuff ๐Ÿ”— 1646413505  

SWIFT is less important than people imagine, as correspondent arrangements still work. The OFAC shit list (and the paranoia about who "might" get on it) is the real problem.

Briggs on Probability ๐Ÿ”— 1646180724  

The replication crisis, and almost all of quantum "theory" being all wet, explained simply

RIP Gary North ๐Ÿ”— 1646165024  

The Remnant owes him a great debt.

Stockman on the Ukraine War ๐Ÿ”— 1646164933  

Best said roundup of what lead to it all I've seen thus yet.

Yarvin goes on Infowars ๐Ÿ”— 1646164874  

He makes a good showing. It is still a topic of interest to me what to do about the ruinous impact of succession wars (which is what ultimately ended the great monarchies).

Best realpolitik analasys of the Ukraine war yet ๐Ÿ”— 1646104126  

ding ding ding, we have a winner

Summary of Today's events in Ukraine ๐Ÿ”— 1645836564  

moonofalabama remains an indispensable source.

Ukraine's Deadly Gamble ๐Ÿ”— 1645825871  

How Ukraine managed to make its position far worse than it had to be leading up to this. Spoiler alert: all who rely on or ever believe Uncle Sam are, as always, complete fools. The Ukranian regime can no more be saved than the government of South Vietnam.

So it's war ๐Ÿ”— 1645673382  

The Ukies are gonna get the hammer. We shall see what the US response is soon. I expect a sitzkrieg for the moment.

On the NPCs posessed by the Boob Tube ๐Ÿ”— 1645670006  

Gets quite close to striking the root. This has been going on for some time, it's just worse, more unstable and difficult not to notice because the OODA loop has tightened. The OTA updates the NPCs are getting change faster than in 1984. We have always been at war with eastasia.

DPR/LPR recognized and guaranteed by Russia ๐Ÿ”— 1645541206  

US/EU will likely respond with suspending nord stream 2 and more sanctions. We shall see if they get frustrated enough to push the Ukies to attack and trip the guarantee.

New blog post up ๐Ÿ”— 1645197107  

Commentary upon the current moment where we're all sanctioned now

Trudeau's 1970 emergency: GLADIO? ๐Ÿ”— 1645134582  

Huge if true

Web3: Same as web 2, just different grifters ๐Ÿ”— 1645123516  

Preaching liberation while sequestering into gated communities is endemic to tech. The โ€œpersonalโ€ computer was going to free us from the grip of IBMโ€™s dominance in mainframes, but it fell under the even greater control of Microsoft. Apple claimed to be a revolutionary fighting Big Brother, but it erected the greatest tollbooth for creativity in history (the App Store). โ€œInformation wants to be freeโ€ was the rallying cry of earlier web company managements trying to convince fawning, idiotic content companies to exchange their content for pennies on the dollar.

The wheel turns once again, and the loudest barker at the carnival is venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz, which has raised a $2.2 billion crypto fund and is deploying its general partners across the internet as missionaries. One partner preaches decentralization to his nearly 800,000 Twitter followers, and Marc Andreesen (the founder) blocks people who speak ill of web3 (including Jack) โ€” he makes cool memes about it. BTW, I donโ€™t think thereโ€™s anything wrong w/blocking people โ€ฆ itโ€™s your feed.

As @Jack would say: โ€œWords.โ€ Andreesen Horowitz is putting its actual dollars into companies that build centralized, toll-taking platforms (OpenSea and Coinbase are both Andreesen Horowitz portfolio companies) with the middlemen needed to fix all the user-experience issues and trust issues that come with a decentralized system. Meet the new boss โ€ฆ heโ€™s your old boss.

Trudeau dictators up ๐Ÿ”— 1645123340  

Fool is in a vise. Every second he fails to behave with absolute savagery simply makes him look weak, and the second he does his government will dissolve. This has doomed him politically, but in his sacrifice the Canadian state will have permanent tyranny. I hope he enjoys his golden parachute.

Trucker convoy update ๐Ÿ”—

What weโ€™re are seeing in Ottawa, and also in hiccups around the world, is the unraveling of the postwar oligarchy, which dressed up as a liberal-democracy. Indeed, we are observing how the accumulated costs incurred by the professional class, from fleecing and lying to its citizens, results in those same citizens arriving at the governmentโ€™s doorstep, blowing their horns, and demanding justice.

As the elites panic, they escalate their efforts and resort to desperate tricks, including calling the demonstrators nazis, booking every hotel room in Ottawa, interfering with donations, disrupting internet service, having officers posture for five minutes in front of the press media, threatening arrests, and even threatening military involvement because of the specter of โ€œforeign interference.โ€ It seems like Canada is going to war.

But the injunctions, and the municipal and provincial states of emergency have only been powerful in name, not in practice. So far, their illusions have been all hat and no rabbit. Every obstacle in the truckersโ€™ path is circumvented, and every day that the convoy remains, the governmentโ€™s incompetence is revealed, and it is humiliated on the world stage.
It's looking increasingly likely the level of frustration is approaching the point .gov.ca will pull triggers.

Bongs put their foot in their mouths ๐Ÿ”— 1644630556  

Refusing to recognize Rostov and Voronzeh as Russian. Astute move by Lavrov, and they fell for it.

The Container Castle ๐Ÿ”— 1644537614  

SICK skid steer work ๐Ÿ”— 1644535147  

25 most recent posts older than 1644535147
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