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In praise of ethanol πŸ”— 1642439259  

As an anti-knock compound. The biggest trouble here is that the mandated volume is higher than needed as an AK compound, but nevertheless it's probably the best we're gonna get given the political reality.

Level 4 Autonomy: not really worth it πŸ”— 1642272656  

On the other hand, automation for the boring stuff is very worth it. Much like autopilots in planes.

Yet another prof notices the wokeness, resists and gets the hammer πŸ”— 1642078699  

This time for the ridiculous practice of "land acknowledgement". Ultimately he's a fool for thinking that things like the rule of law actually exist, but it's a common conceit amongst Anglos.

UltraRAM on Silicon πŸ”— 1642078587  

Sounds expensive, but then again so is nvme. Let's hope we get some within the next few years.

Beef Market update πŸ”— 1642077466  

Apparently the futures market has dislocated due to the failure of the cash auctions. This inability to hedge at intermediate stages of the value chain certainly isn't helping the producers. Otherwise the point that market power is real and can't be avoided is ultimately striking the root here -- concentration is indeed the natural trend, with various knock-on effects.

Cody Wilson update πŸ”—

He's become rather more sanguine (as you would expect) over the years. No less radical however, and still doing good work. That said I think most of the energy in the movement is with the gatalog guys rather than DEFCAD.

Former Danish spymaster arrested for Treason πŸ”—

Will be interesting to see if any deeper investigation gets done here.

Norton: Now mining ETH as well πŸ”—

Certainly won't help the already well earned reputation of AV providers wasting your CPU cycles with bullshit

Who's next in the Russia-hater's playbook: Trans-dniester πŸ”—

Forcing an economic airlift to deal with blockade is outrageous. We'll see what the Russians think of this latest foolishness issuing from Mordor.

Why the south needs an independent foreign policy πŸ”—

Nice to see other people talking about this. Distancing ourselves from Yank warmongering is one of the most important things southerners can do right now.

The booming child surveillance industry πŸ”—

Lord save us from neurotic women. You want fucked up kids, give them no privacy ever.

Turns out the wuhan lab was in fact unlawful biological weapons research πŸ”—

In flagrant violation of the gain-of-function moratorium which was established precisely because such research is a cynical dodge of the weapons ban.

More on the Kazakh Situation πŸ”—

Seems big daddy USA still can't manage to be competent at anything lately, including coups.

The COVID dead enders πŸ”—

The narrative has finally and truly collapsed. The government and elites will keep lying like they did when the GWOT narrative fell apart, but nobody sane is going along with the bullshit anymore. Best commentary:
First, people suffering from depression want the outside world to match the inside one. It justifies their feelings and confirms they aren’t crazy when the world β€œout there” really is as bad as they feel like it is in their minds. These people believed that the world was ending when Donald Trump was elected; that the COVID pandemic came during his administration only served as the aforementioned verifier that reality really was a disaster, just as they had felt that it was.

Second, because the pandemic came to be such a political matter to that group of people, it has become central to the reality of their identities. Their opponents have said it’s β€œnot that bad” since the beginning. To admit that they’re now right would be to lose the political argument, and perhaps to admit to yourself that the world is not in the existential crisis that for so long your identity has depended on it being in. That’s really hard.

Third, I’d be remiss not to mention that an awful lot of these people are irreligious and have only this material world to cling to. Not that death isn’t a concern for nearly all of us, but it can be all the more terrifying for people who have no hope for anything beyond this life.

Revolver's J6 roundup πŸ”—

Good summary of the FIB's reichstag fire.

How "Broken Heart" deaths work πŸ”—

You need dopamine to live

Color Revolution in Kazakh? πŸ”—

Wouldn't be surprised if that's the pivot now that Afghanistan is no longer on the menu.

Real Hourly wages Stagnant since 1973 πŸ”—

"Inflation is good"

Mossad behind 1980s bombings on Swiss, German firms πŸ”—

Probably Gladio related

FAA remains nothing but a barrier to progress πŸ”—

Extracting rents from everyone it can.

Jove declares 1/10 of french population noncitizens πŸ”—

Par for the course. He's betting big that the number of fervent and delusional covid cultists that were on the fence about him outnumber the unjabbed. Probably not a smart choice.

CCP starting to sweat demographics πŸ”—

Facing a halved population by 2050, they naturally want to do something. As expected, nobody wants to face reality, so nothing can be done.

Dan Wang: China in 2021 πŸ”—

As with last year, a good clear-sighted analysis.

Unz on the Duesberg Hypothesis πŸ”—

Neat to see he read the same papers and came to similar conclusions I did years ago. It's hard not to -- the whole thing is obviously a corrupt scam by these pharma diphsits and the bureaucracies revolving around them.

Guardian: Let's do Price Controls again *tee hee* πŸ”—

In case you have not already read it, check here for the definitive book on why this never works to whip inflation.

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