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Total Terror War Arms Bonanza cost: 4.4 Trillion πŸ”—

That'll do pig... that'll do

SK gets SLBMs πŸ”—

All but an admission they've been slipped nukes by Uncle Satan or the Japs. An even more fascinating possibility would be getting it from the North.

USG stabs French in the back over Aussie Nuke subs πŸ”—

Our satanic government continuing to spread its' poison worldwide

Geofence warrants: The empire comes home πŸ”—

The same 6-degrees of Kevin Bacon rationale they use to murder people with Drones now in your local PD

Google engaged in wage theft worldwide πŸ”—

So has every other firm during the pandemic, as all these "benefits" evaporated and were replaced by work-from-home costs.

Nursing Homes abusing elderly with psych drugs to cover for understaffing πŸ”—

Nobody gets to live a dignified life under socialism. The aged are just the first to feel it, as they are the least able to resist it.

COVID cult suppressing biohackers πŸ”—

Unsurprising, it's really about elite institutions going rabid on us peasants.

Facebook's Noblility πŸ”—

They exempt celebs from rules because of hatemob mass-reporting. If only people had the same sense when it came to ridiculous "cancelling" accusations against the little guys...but it's not about that. It's all about rubbing the rules-for-thee-not-for-me in the peasants' face.

Posture correction exosuit πŸ”—

One most easily increases the amount and frequency of weight you can lift simply by having good form, just as any lifter bro would tell you. The suit prevents you from doing anything other than having good form.

The future of the space industry: looking bright πŸ”—

Lots of opportunity here.

Everyone's Tapering but USA; What's happening? πŸ”—

ECB is second giant to taper. Bank of Japan already ended QE. Bank of Canada shed 15% of its assets. Bank of England & Reserve Bank of Australia are tapering. Reserve Bank of New Zealand quit QE cold turkey. Riksbank will end QE this year. What’s taking the Fed so long?
Ha Ha Ha. They've long since painted themselves into a corner. RPM's latest interview touches on this quite well, though readers of this website could have known this for over a decade.

The mandates cometh πŸ”—

Vaxx demanded through OSHA rules on 100+ employee orgs. Demand becoming an independent contractor, or bust.

Freddie DeBoer on Self-Hating whites πŸ”—

Yet another way to say progs' morality, beliefs and politics are ego defense, e.g. slave morality.

Progressivism as Ego Defense πŸ”—

Pretty spot on, it's full of blue-pill covert contracts like the famous "social" one, and more!

Yet more note the war on 'rona has failed πŸ”—

Like with the war on Terror, winning isn't the point

IPCC comes out with a non-stupid climate assessement πŸ”—

Makes it clear that the difference between total abandonment of CO2 emissions and status quo reductions is basically .04C. Diminishing returns are real, and not worth ladder pulling the third world over.

Common sense Knife Control in NZ πŸ”—


NSA backdoor in Juniper router being hacked by Chinese πŸ”—

This is why you don't put in backdoors, especially stupid ones mandated by laws like CALEA

USG crying about their dragnet surveillance mechanisms being used against them πŸ”—

By the Taliban. This is an important reason to not use this useless garbage in the first place.

CASSIE gets a torso πŸ”—

Nice to see this get commercialized.

China going hard against the globohomo πŸ”—

American cultural subversion is especially virulent; it's subverting itself as we speak

Elite GWOT narrative shifting to Africa πŸ”—

Pharmacy theft rings: Fencing on AMZN πŸ”—

This reminds me of a construction equipment theft gang in SE oklahoma when I was learning to Fly. It was actually pretty obvious flying over it, and it made me wonder enough to look into it. A few months after finding out nothing I heard they got busted and it made sense. IIRC they were moving the stuff online as well.

CDC-FDA turf war brewing πŸ”—

Nothing like a good bureaucrat sissy fight

US Army looking to revive portable nuke plant project πŸ”—

From the "Dis can't go wrong" department

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