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Requiem for the 'stan πŸ”—
 Fri Aug 20 2021  

Great essay by a veteran. In'shallah the fall of the capital will be the next thing the empire brings home.

Magnetic fields at a distance πŸ”—
 Fri Aug 20 2021  

Interesting implications for the SPARC reactor.

Interesting interview on the consequences of the CRA πŸ”—
 Wed Aug 18 2021  

Another doctrine, which was invented by a combination of the courts and executive agencies, is disparate impact. So if you give standardized tests, Grigg vs. Duke Power Company, this was a case early after the Civil Rights Act. It said if you give an IQ test and it has a disparate impact between groups… you can still use it but it’s a little complicated, it has to be related to the work, but it becomes harder. Everything you do that has a racial disparate impact, and by the way everything in the world has a racial disparate impact, if you find something that doesn’t I’ll be surprised, they can come after you for it either through the government directly coming after you or through people suing you.
And people wonder why corporate doesn't have real measurable performance metrics, and nobody's responsible for anything. It might result in "forbidden noticing" and thus be unlawful.
It says you can’t discriminate in government and you can’t discriminate in private business. And most people at the time thought that basically meant you couldn’t put up a sign that says no black people. Even the gender thing they say was added as a joke actually. Somebody was trying to kill the bill, they didn’t want the racial equality parts. They said, β€œit would be so absurd to have a society where you didn’t discriminate based on sex” so they put sex in there hoping to kill the bill. And it ended up passing.
Many such cases
The fact that it was vague and there were potentially substantial penalties sort of put business on edge. You needed a full-time bureaucratic class to interpret the laws and what was going on.

So the DEI industry is derived off of the rise of human resources. So you know, the way people see woke institutions today, β€œwell they’re just deciding to be woke, there’s just a class of people deciding to take the leftwing issue on anything related to race and gender,” and some of that is obviously right. But you’re ignoring that basically legally you’re only allowed to be on one side of the culture wars.
This means half of the population is essentially unemployable in corporate because wrongthink. Surely destroying all small business won't have radicalizing consequences by forcing these people into corporate???

Inertial confinement appears to work πŸ”—
 Tue Aug 17 2021  

The extreme difficulty with which the fuel is built is the most concerning aspect with regard to its prospects for commercialization. Others have valid concerns.

The Afghan war is finally over πŸ”—
 Mon Aug 16 2021  

The hulking edifice of lies finally collapsed in a mostly bloodless takeover. I pray the rest of the empire goes the same way soon.

BONUS: Another take on the hit this has on USA's mandate of heaven. I'm considerably sanguine on the subject, considering even the fiasco of Vietnam only took 12 years to overcome until it was back to the SN:AFU.

The west's cultural revolution is over πŸ”—
 Sat Aug 14 2021  

Bingo, we have a winner. It's $SUCCESSOR_IDEOLOGY deciding to do what all dominant ideologies do, e.g. PURGE THE HERETIC!

Locklin on the Lockdown πŸ”—
 Sat Aug 14 2021  

Great, and hilarious.
My theory has always been that lung borne viral ailments will basically do what they please, and humans are helpless before them. So far it looks like I am correct.
Having also actually payed attention in biology class this was my initial assessment and I've also seen no reason to revise it.

Cannabidiol useful against the 'Rona πŸ”—
 Wed Aug 11 2021  


The Internet's core innovation πŸ”—
 Tue Aug 10 2021  

Monetizing people's need to be heard, and have a sense of belonging to a community. It's digital frat houses filled with bought friends everywhere.

New blog post πŸ”—
 Tue Aug 10 2021  

On why DC can't do anything but have tupac holograms fiddle while rome burns

Afghanistan Update πŸ”—
 Fri Aug 06 2021  

Taliban still making significant gains. "Traditional" powers still aren't quite understanding how they are winning. Pakistan now supporting the Taliban from behind the scenes.

Moscow: declares vax passport, throws in the towel after 3 weeks πŸ”—
 Tue Aug 03 2021  

Bureaucrats truly are the dumbest of the species. Russians caught on long ago that the corruption and forgery are the point.

Pentagram update πŸ”—
 Tue Aug 03 2021  

Muth's "Command Culture" conclusions still not addressed whatsoever

Cappy's Latest πŸ”—
 Mon Aug 02 2021  

Mirrors a lot of my thinking. I've seen this unfold in real time with the young I know.

New blog post πŸ”—
 Mon Aug 02 2021  

In which red meat is discussed

NHS: secret plan to let pensioners die πŸ”—
 Sat Jul 31 2021  

Why wouldn't they? More to keep for themselves.

IOER update: charts being shuffled around πŸ”—
 Sat Jul 31 2021  

I hope that has inspired you to pray for more free money to banks. God's work is all they do.

Lithium accumulator station catches fire πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

Honestly ridiculous. Why not just build a nickel-iron accumulator? You could put the entire apparatus in a collosal barn with no air conditioning and it'd work for a century.

Turley on the shift to corporate governance πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

Realistically this shift was inevitable. There is no restriction on corporate behavior, as it is essentially an abstraction layer in which rights can be made to disappear. Turns out those sovereign cinnamons were right all along that .gov was using the corporate principle as a dodge around the constitution.

Ed Snowden doing good work πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

Calling out the public-private partnershit for turning society into a prison. Unsurprisingly, the story is already buried in the media thanks to the la-le-leu-le-lo.

This is all the poisonous legacy of CALEA backdoors in SIM cards. All Pegasus takes to install is a missed call. I'm willing to bet money much of the scam calls are actually covers for infection vectors.

Taibbi on the narrative mutating into "plague of unbelief" πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

That they don't understand they're unironically taking a page out of Warhammer 40k lore beggars belief.

Google delaying return, forcing jab of the fauci juice πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

The rest of tech will soon follow suit

Duterte back on USA dick ride πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

I'm guessing USG gave him assurances he'd be able to stay in the saddle going forward.

Is cryptochrome 4 the way to see magnetic fields? πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

Huge if true.

On USG's malicious mistranslations to poison foreign relation πŸ”—
 Fri Jul 30 2021  

They've got a whole team on it now! TOP MEN

25 most recent posts older than  Fri Jul 30 2021
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