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Ukies: Admit us to NATO, or we're gonna make nukes ๐Ÿ”—

I have serious doubts the machinery from the soviet days still works well enough to actually pull it off. It might be they smartly squirreled some of it away during disarmament, but I doubt it stayed what way given their 100% corrupt system.

Major Russia escalation inbound ๐Ÿ”—

National emergency declared

On BTC destroying the environment ๐Ÿ”—

Not sure I buy this GDP to BTU cost justification, as GDP is largely a bullshit stat in the first place. That said, presumably factoring in negative marginal productivity of debt is "an exercise left to the reader" if you wanna keep following that line of thinking.

I'd say the more accurate comparison would be comparing the net cost of the financial system versus the net cost of operating the global BTC mining network. Good luck with that, but I suspect the current financial system isn't particularly energy efficient either.

Considering how many goobers make their living off of seignorage and the money multiplier effect, supporting these leeches and the malinvestments they enable would make that cost potentially astronomical. In a way, this was the point this author was trying to make, albeit with what I would consider a poor economic metric for doing so (which surprises me, usually the institute is a lot better at resisting the temptation to use econometrics as a justification for arguments).

The most efficient system in this regard is almost always going to be the ones which are:
  • Fastest, as processor time scales to energy usage.
  • Lowest maintenance costs. Purely digital currency of almost any kind clearly wins here, as transport & manufacture costs of both paper and specie are guaranteed to be far far more for the same amount of value transferred via digital technologies, despite the "inefficiency" of BTC's PoW algo.
  • Lowest wasted economic output due to malinvestment. Any "Hard" money always wins in this category, and thus far running secure code based on global miner consensus seems to be working out at least as well as the old Global Standard if not better in that regard. This is where the global fiat ponz really falls flat on its' ass.
Anyways, if people actually cared about efficiency, they'd be going ham on BCH and other related coins with speed optimizations which are still based on proof of work. BCH wins here, not BTC.

Biden to Withdraw from Afghanistan on 9/11 ๐Ÿ”—


UPDATE: Of course it was a lie.

Greenwald on the woke corporate borg ๐Ÿ”—

Just like the bureaus, it's all smokescreen to distract from their actual activities.

Criticism of the woke borg gets kid thrown out of college ๐Ÿ”—

Do you want taquiyaa? That's how you get ketman.

The Rise and Fall of Urban Sewage Treatement Ponds ๐Ÿ”—

The fall sounds suspiciously like it could be caused by inflation based property bubbles.

Yet another blog post ๐Ÿ”—

I'm on a roll baby, aaaaaaaaaa

An unintended? consequence of lockdown: accelerated cultural homogenization ๐Ÿ”—

Another good progrockfarmer interview with Romanian author Alex Kaschuta:
Millennials & Zoomers, especially the urban ones, are another species entirely and are for all intents and purposes about as mindwormed as kids in the West, especially after this year in the screen bunker. It's not surprising. They're just as attached to the global dopamine mainline streaming out of the US as everyone else. Even the kids who, for some incomprehensible reason don't speak English, get the same slop one trough down the waterfall in all the Romanian copycat Youtube & TV shows and dimestore influencers.
The interview with Anna Khachiyan is also good:
What weโ€™re really talking about here is a shift in governance styles: from the โ€œprohibitiveโ€ paternal superego which sets the parameters in advance and punishes you in kind if you defy or violate them, to the outwardly โ€œpermissiveโ€ but latently punitive maternal superego, which enforces no terms or boundaries ahead of time but retaliates arbitrarily and disproportionately after the fact โ€” in part because it doesnโ€™t know what it wants until all is said and done. Roughly speaking, this describes any number of events that can be filed under the #MeToo movement and/or โ€œcancel culture.

progrockfarmer interviews Greenwald ๐Ÿ”—

Iโ€™d respect it more if it were consciously cynical. The fact that these imbecilic media cretins and career State Department and CIA functionaries actually believe themselves when they say that theyโ€™re deeply offended by the repression of Putin or the CCP or Iranian mullahs or Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro โ€” right after they get off a call about the latest U.S. arms shipments to the Saudi monarchs or cash transfers to Egyptian despots or support for a coup against the democratically elected government in Bolivia โ€” is frightening. How could anyone believe that the U.S. actually opposes domestic repression? That kind of self-delusion means humans can get themselves to believe literally anything. Thatโ€™s more frightening to me than if they were knowingly lying for power.
In which Greenwald shows he really gets it. Bravo.

Best "Attacking the left from the left" article in a while ๐Ÿ”—

Or perhaps this new taste for censorship is an indication of Democratic healthiness. This is a party that has courted professional-managerial elites for decades, and now they have succeeded in winning them over, along with most of the wealthy areas where such people live. Liberals scold and supervise like an offended ruling class because to a certain extent thatโ€™s who they are. More and more, they represent the well-credentialed people who monitor us in the workplace, and more and more do they act like it.
Excellent work. As such, it has the BlueAnon kooks in full 360 head spinning mode.

Yarvin on Censorship ๐Ÿ”—

At this point, rather than go full autism and just say "I advocate nothing, I menace no one", going full HAM mad magazine mode makes more sense.

This is why I advocate banning literally everything, and I am 100% serious about this. If we ban everything, only outlaws will do anything, which is a guaranteed improvement over the current state of affairs.

At the end of the day, even treating this stuff as seriously as Yarvin does here is to let it defeat you. I'm just not gonna play that game. It's all meaningless calvinball, who cares?

New blog post ๐Ÿ”—

On how the US is shooting itself in the head with it's tax policy

The hedgies are at it again ๐Ÿ”—

I accidentally lost billions. YOLO. This is the first victim of the covid crows coming to roost.

The case for vengeance ๐Ÿ”—

It turns out, it's not just "reason enough". The most interesting reading in a while. Yet another piece of evidence in the "no social technology really works at scale" pile.

On laws and gods ๐Ÿ”—

In which the inevitability of revolution becomes clear.

The truth of the post-industrial society ๐Ÿ”—

It's really just a civilizational collapse because we're out of ideas to increase production.

Congress clowns: auto-censor plz ๐Ÿ”—

Treat us like all them enemy combatants overseas. Empire comes home.

Strange UAVs buzzing US Destroyers ๐Ÿ”—

My my, sounds like the navy brass got their panties in a bunch over this one.

SSC on the censorship brouhaha ๐Ÿ”—

Sorta buys the argument libertarians are inconsistent because "they're a private company, hurr durr". Look, I say let 'em. These big tech companies are well known .gov collaborators and absolute rascals. I encourage them fully to engage in as much anti-market behavior as possible, in order to hasten their march into the grave. Evolutionary things like libertarian free markets require strong signals, and "get woke, go broke" is the best.

CIA et al openly spying domestically ๐Ÿ”—

You love it, slave

Another reason not to be in California ๐Ÿ”—

Just squat in the house you sell to never have to give it up but enjoy the money from the sale. EZ money

Yarvin's take on COVID is fully bogus ๐Ÿ”—

Extreme authoritarianism works, because viruses arenโ€™t magic. Extreme libertarianism works, because a naked, completely unleashed market can adapt as fast as any virus. We have inductive evidence for authoritarianism. We have to deduce libertarianism. We can still argue about the moderate window between themโ€”but we know it sucks.

Moreover, what if even these concepts of libertarianism and authoritarianism trap us within a simplistic frame? They seem to be oppositesโ€”but they both work. Suppose we could construct some kind of five-dimensional political geometry under which they were actually one thing? Libertarian authoritarianism might work even betterโ€ฆ
Maybe, just maybe the deaths are good, and you shouldn't try to stop it? Maybe evolutionary pressure is the answer to retroviral phenomena? Nobody wants to hear this take, it's too real.

Looks like things are shaping up for USA + Turkey alliance on Syria ๐Ÿ”—

As expected, the only way they could get it done and save face while hating on Russia is to throw the YPG under the bus.

JPM: The retail investors are evolving!!!! ๐Ÿ”—

Presumably they are worried that "we no longer require your services" just like with cryptocurrency obsoleting the big banksters.

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