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PCR's take on the political situation πŸ”—

He correctly sees that lack of retaliation against enemies (showing weakness) to political factions is usually what causes revolutions. What he doesn't understand is that the Wokeists are already in charge, and this is more of a mass religious conversion of the elite.

I think the bias against the able in this new religion has planted the seed for future revolution, however. Without the able backing them they will increasingly rely on a hostile faction, making revolution inevitable.

WP:ADMINS continue to be winners πŸ”—

80k redirects to titty related articles

A true gentleman 🀀

American Pravda: The 2020 Election πŸ”—

Unz is right to point out the suppression of the Hunter story was the "real steal".

Italians have had enough πŸ”—

"I am Open" movement reminds me of Greeks' "We won't pay". Hope they keep it up.

Wall Update πŸ”—

Trump Admin rushing to complete this waste of time that's only keeping out Jaguars.

The Gropyer Behest πŸ”—

Lol, someone really must have wanted to fund Fuentes' catboy expeditions to Thailand as his legacy?

The CIA's Afghan Death Squads πŸ”—

I love how Scott leads on this one: "I know you are asking... Which ones!" 20 Years of fighting and the pentagram is still helping Uzbeks, Tajiks and Hazaras murder each others' children.

Tales from the Slammer πŸ”—

Pretty much what you expect, the "justice" system is the inversion of what people actually want out of it.

Why Cancer cells ferment πŸ”—

It's needed for fast reproduction. This is also why anaerobic exercise causes hypertrophy.

The market for cruelty πŸ”—

The market for cruelty is a real thing. It is one special case of the market for power. As everyone has known since Gutenberg was a little boy, people like to read and believe things that make them powerful, or make them feel powerful. These powerful ideas experience a selective advantage in the Darwinian marketplace of ideas.
Important. I said much the same in "no market for liberty" -- there is no desire for freedom, but for "justice" AKA vengeance and cruelty.

Bunga Bounces Back???? πŸ”—


Shapeshift no longer doing KYC πŸ”—

Erik Voorhees gonna get blackbagged soon? Note that this means the OTC market is effectively back!

Popmeo designates all Houthis as Terrorists πŸ”—

Well, that's one way to justify all their deaths as no longer worthy of being war crimes.

Social Media has No Power At All πŸ”—

Yarvin's latest. It's spot on.

Assange not extradited, but still gulaged πŸ”—

They'll never stop persecuting him.

Biological Magnetoreception observed πŸ”—

Folk science starts becoming real.

The five crises of the American Regime πŸ”—

Very interesting to see a mainstream Author like Lind essentially embracing the "new right" view on the Cathedral. His book essentially concludes we will get a high tech caste system run by the clerisy, and perpetual peasant revolts as a result.

GitHub gets blessing to ignore OFAC in Iran πŸ”—

One of the benefits of being buddies with Big Daddy Gates?

Gotterdammerung on the Potomac πŸ”—

Yesterday was a death rattle of the establishment gods. They have sown the seeds of their own destruction over the decades and now reap its bitter harvest. These self-anointed elites, these circle-jerking naked emperors, they do not recognize the rapidly falling darkness. Even were these "gods" to recognize the gallows on the horizon, they cannot admit their complicity in their end. To do so would be to concede they are human, not gods. And that they cannot do.
Yesterday was beautiful. Watching people tear down the veil like the soviet peasants in '89. We shall see if the .gov goons fly off the handle or not. If they don't massively overreact, this will embolden the peasantry and it's over for Mordor. If they do it will simply radicalize them further. There is now no way out for DC.

BONUS: Yarvin's take. He's certainly right to be more sanguine about the significance; neither party was taking the other seriously, otherwise there would have been senators that ended up like Ghaddafi in a culvert. Nevertheless, it's the start of something real; a right that doesn't worship the feds.
Since they were only fishing in the Rubicon, not making any kind of practical plan to actually cross it, if they accidentally do cross it, they are lost. They will just wander around in the endless fields of Chianti, "wondering why the level isn't ending," until some Roman asswipe finds them and kills them with a spear.
BONUS II: Greenwald's Take. Entirely sensible as expected, so nobody will listen.

The Real China Threat πŸ”—

Cognitive dissonance about l'etat in the USSA

Consilience: The Business of Me πŸ”—

Rian always dropping straight facts

More good perspective on FinCen ruling πŸ”—

As expected, they wanna use it as the backdoor to the panopticon cashless society gulag they've always wanted.

That was fast πŸ”—

Stablecoins: Good as Greenbacks

Yarvin's latest πŸ”—

You think there must be something else; but no, this is all there is. And this ugliness, too, is aped. Somewhere, right now, in a school or office near you, someone is being humiliated and destroyed, by small, cruel, thirsty souls, for the benefit of the people. Do you have a tear for them? Of course you don't. You can't feel anything but power.
PHD secrets to elite thinking right here. This is why ideology is irrelevant other than who gets run over by the machine.
The disadvantage is that, once this financial system can no longer hide systemic losses, it can no longer hide the reality that America loses half its GDP in red ink every year. Is it any wonder that if you drive across the country, you see a country bleeding to death; even before 2020? Well, that's exactly what you're looking at. Financially, anyway.
Why we can't actually go back to capitalism in a nutshell

Oracle playing a dangerous game πŸ”—

Oh, so the gowned clowns wanna make it to where your programming language API/spec is copyrighted? Good luck having anyone ever use java after that, lol. Quite possibly the plaxico of the century even if short term it wins them shittons of money, as it would put the final nail in the coffin of non open-source software.

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