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EFF: Proposed Rules against Crypto Defeat the purpose of Crypto! πŸ”—

Government: Duh, that's why we're doing it

HVP being tested in army howitzers now πŸ”—

Hitting stuff 40 miles away.

Joe Biden: Deficit Hawk πŸ”—

Lulz, only shows how confused Biden is and how deranged Trump is.

Jersey and Guernsy becoming spook hubs πŸ”—

For the same reason the "special relationship" is there to wash US spying on its own citizens

Thierry on Lebanon πŸ”—

Ultimately, the next twenty years should be devoted to plundering the country, especially its hydrocarbons, while the Lebanese will continue to blame scapegoats and ignore their real enemies. Already, the Israeli port of Haifa has partially replaced that of Beirut. Eventually, the country itself should be divided and the part south of the Litani River attached to Israel.
Deprived of its colonies, Phoenicia really can't work.

Apple Car is coming πŸ”—

TSLA now screwed, Apple guaranteed to be more of a status symbol

COVID Omnibus bill: total insanity πŸ”—

4FT tall of shit

Yet more russia-baiting πŸ”—

Our cybersecurity is shit, clearly the russians are the devil

COVID mutates πŸ”—

So much for the stupid ass vaccine. Absolute retards thinking it hasn't spread worldwide yet.

UK Lockdown goes insane: London now gulag πŸ”—

The famine will begin soon.

IMF: Social credit score now πŸ”—

I googled IMF and now I can't get a loan

Radio waves from proxima centauri πŸ”—

Most curiously, it occupies a very narrow band of the radio spectrum: 982 megahertz, specifically, which is a region typically bereft of transmissions from human-made satellites and spacecraft. We don't know of any natural way to compress electromagnetic energy into a single bin in frequency such as this one, Siemion says. Perhaps, he says, some as-yet-unknown exotic quirk of plasma physics could be a natural explanation for the tantalizingly concentrated radio waves. But for the moment, the only source that we know of is technological.
uh oh

mRNA vaccine: 2.79% complication rate πŸ”—

I wouldn't take it if the rate were 0%, because it's a waste of money. Even those "at risk" shouldn't take it, as it's unlikely to extend your life anyways.

World Bank: Cooks the books for Saudi πŸ”—

Any outfit which would have Wolfowitz is guaranteed to be crooks

Hyundai buys Boston Dynamics πŸ”—

Very big news for industrial automation.

Feel Good story of the week: ATF Agent Tased by Cops πŸ”—

Sometimes two wrongs do make a right.

UK Court: finds in favor of "offensive speech" πŸ”—

Won't change the general trend, I fear. It's already explicitly illegal to not like people in many contexts.

NYC Lockdown: Tax revenue down nearly half πŸ”—

Heckuva Job

Moldbug on the Election πŸ”—

The big brain knows America is a Third World country. The galaxy brain knows America has always been a Third World country.

If this thesis is true, it's actually kind of cool that 20 years into the 21st century, the ghosts of LBJ and Ballot Box 13 are with us still. By fighting and winning the fuckery war, by cranking up the old heirs of Tammany one more time, the Democratic Party shows that it is a still a thing, it can still bring it, it can still play, it deserves to rule.

Soccer players call this being "physical". If you remain an electioncuck, I offer you this argument for free: it is the best case I can make for your sorry quisling soul. The case that might makes right is in fact extremely sound; why not just come out and make it?
As usual has very satisfying gigadunks on conservacucks:
The conservacon always gets nowhere, not because he is a bad person, but because he has the wrong goals. He is trying to repair what he should be trying to obliterate. He is oblivious to what he should be trying to preserve, which is not our garbage ideas and our corrupt, bloated institutions, but our beautiful land and wonderful people. What if America prevailed not because of its philosophy, but despite it? A heavy thought, man.

Taibbi's Latest: YT pouring viagra on Q πŸ”—

Meanwhile the leftards are still busy pimping russiagate. Nothing of consequence will happen, expect more insane gridlock for 4 years; the clerisy's smug self-important circlejerk status quo will persist until things violently snap against them.

A disillusioned Chinese elite's tale πŸ”—

I felt for the first time that the system I had long considered sacred was in fact unbearably absurd.

My experience with the study outline taught me that the ideas the party sanctimoniously promoted were in fact self-serving tools used to deceive the Chinese people. I soon learned that they were also a way of making money.
Like here, the founding myths can't be questioned even when they are only paid lip service to. This is the case everywhere. Interesting perspective that Xi is essentially a moron princeling.

Erdogicity making the rounds πŸ”—

Obvious to Misesians, as we already know the mainstream conception of utility is hokum. Value is subjective, and utility incoherent.

China Plaxicoes, bans Aussie Coal πŸ”—

The son of heaven and his bureaucracy have always had chauvinism as a weakness.

EU: Locking up Jews for opposing Israel πŸ”—

Voltaire comes to mind

Nolan: Streaming will kill movies πŸ”—

He has a point -- why not just get a video game if you aren't gonna see it with other people.

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