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Bubble Euphoria exceeding dot-com days πŸ”—

Everyone is high as hell on lysol after all

Critical theory: Law and Order is racist πŸ”—


EY covering up for fraud again πŸ”—

simply shocked

Apple back to making old mistakes πŸ”—

Surely brand new hardware which require rewriting/recompiling your software will gain traction! No. Minicomputers failed back then and will fail again for the same reason. If I wanted that shit, i'd just buy a smartphone.

The thousand year old business πŸ”—

To survive this long requires chasing "the kingdom" instead of profits alone.

Dipshits trying to kill liquor like they did cigs πŸ”—

By whining about carcinogenic effects. Oxygen is also a carcinogen, get over yourselves

Indian Peasant Unrest growing rapidly: "This is a revolution, sir" πŸ”—

This is the natural consequence of the lockdown related capital destruction.

Cognitive Decline CURED πŸ”—

Holy shit, this is huge. If there's anything the Biden admin needs to fast-track...

They won't though. Nevermind that one course of this will save more lives than every dose of COVID vaccine combined.

Automation's impact: Less chiefs, not indians πŸ”—

Makes sense given what industrialization did to wealth holders in general. The more complex the capital structure, the smaller the amount of holders who will be able to keep it all together. The most competent will use the new tech to outcompete the rest.

Stillbirths up 50% πŸ”—

Now that's unexpected. I'm not sure it's entirely due to increased hospital avoidance; some may be due to huffing lysol nonstop

Protonmail: in-Q-tel project πŸ”—

As always, I am skeptical of all services not controlled by myself

Salesforce buys slack πŸ”—

Using work chat at all becomes increasingly fraught, so it's fitting they're being assimilated by the borg

Meanwhile in Japan: more die of suicides than 'rona πŸ”—

And given it's from a mainstream source, you get "men killing themselves in droves, women most affected" BS

Media narrative still totally clueless on rona πŸ”—

OMG why would people, like, take risks to accomplish things they want?

France gets trolls' remorse over security law πŸ”—

I guess they realized outlawing filming cops in the smartphone era is simply a nonstarter. Get used to suveillance losers.

'rona kills the galaxy note πŸ”—


Visa / Plaid merger getting DOJ investigation for antitrust πŸ”—

Firms like plaid using browser automation to deal with the fact that most firms have total shit APIs have become huge. A shame we need them at all, but such is life.

Sylvester Turner considering H-Town curfew πŸ”—

He's a degenerate and a moron, and so is Hidalgo.

Study: Vitamin D deficiency cause of COVID deaths πŸ”—

So of course we should make sure people don't leave the house.

Staten Island publican declares TAZ πŸ”—

Widespread non-compliance is the cure to the disease of authoritarianism

UPDATE: NYPD goons shut it down

Drug dealer cop arrests own family for slinging yay πŸ”—

Later gets charged, and gets off scott free. Must be nice being one of the anointed

DMT: Re-grows brain cells πŸ”—

Damn. Cure for what ails the demented as well?

Lockdown 2: Twisting the knife in resturaunts πŸ”—

Keep those chef's knives handy my unemployed friends; vengeance shall one day be reason enough.

Ghani holding up Afghan peace over nothing πŸ”—

Preferring (one would assume) to stall until Biden re-establishes foreverwar.

On the mass psychosis πŸ”—

"Fear has become a new virtue. Never before in the history of this country have we told people that fear is good, or to settle into those fears and allow them to control and constrain your life", said McDonald, who spoke at the American Front Line Doctors White Coat Summits in July and October.
Fear is a good primary emotion for the religion of the state. This is exactly what the USSR looked like -- total mental illness in the population.

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