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More on MacGregor at DOD πŸ”—

oh, he's that MacGregor! You know, the one who spoke at Ron Paul / Mises events! Amazing news.

BONUS: Biden wants to replace him with that drooling idiot Flournoy

ATF busy re-classifying AR pistols as SBRs πŸ”—

Never put faith in their rules. They care nothing for them.

Shelton in at the fed πŸ”—

A voice of sanity? More likely a new Greenspan IMO

300k leave NYC πŸ”—

The highest earners too. The city is doomed.

New secdef: bring the troops home πŸ”—

Please make this happen before December! This would glorify Christ. If Trump needs loyal cadres, this is also how to do it.

RCEP finished! πŸ”—

First proposed in 2011, RCEP will eliminate as much as 90 percent of the tariffs on imports between its signatories within 20 years, and the deal will come into effect by early as next year. It will also establish common rules for e-commerce, trade, and intellectual property.
Great news for the pacific economies.

The disappearance of social cooperation πŸ”—

This is an effect of the internet and globalization. Like the globalization of the SMP, you can afford to widen your net for those you willingly associate with. This means intolerance goes up, not down -- people are getting higher standards. This is actually a good thing.

Tim pool has Alex and Malice on πŸ”—

Great show. I love the idea of NPCs just not extending into the 4th dimension. And the TimFoil hat, OMG


Fed chair admits: permanently lowered standard of living coming πŸ”—

That's kinda what happens when you wantonly destroy astonishing amounts of capital for no reason.

Pentagram lying to civ leadership about troop deployments πŸ”—

Dogs off the leash:
"We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there," Jeffrey said in an interview. The actual number of troops in northeast Syria is "a lot more than" the roughly two hundred troops Trump initially agreed to leave there in 2019.

Ouroboros Theory: why the right and left exist πŸ”—

This is an attempt to understand the right from the left. The core statement is simple: the right wants material increases in standards of living, the left wants "Justice".

The core problem with this is that Justice is not possible. Only vengeance is; Clarence Darrow's Resist Not Evil made this abundantly clear.

BONUS: I went and blogged about it.

Reminder: you are not free to "move to somalia" or anywhere else πŸ”—

U.S. passports will automatically qualify you for resident status in precisely zero other countries.

TicketBastard going all in on the CV19 surveillance state πŸ”—

Gotta have your vaccine before you can see a concert, lol

Yarvin on the Election πŸ”—

Similar to my thoughts. Nothing will change as a result of boomer administrations.

True program obfuscation achieved? πŸ”—

Huge if true. Final defeat of the pirates; building program obfuscators on this principle will be HUGE money

Civil war origins of our sham elections πŸ”—

The lesson to be learned from these historical incidents is that any political party that is brazen enough to steal a presidential election through voter fraud is also likely to be brazen (and powerful) enough to plunder the citizens under its rule, endanger their lives, and treat them like serfs.
Why the election is indeed dangerous. True power can only be seized, and that's the only option left to Trump (and the option already chosen by Biden et al).

Legalman on the Trump / Guiliani suits πŸ”—

Evidence is lacking, which is not a great sign for their side.

Lifter Opinions Matter More πŸ”—

Some solid magic here

More great reset propaganda rolling out πŸ”—

Why we need a climate lockdown to replace climate change with a climate of fear

EU also considering mandatory crypto backdoor bill πŸ”—

The lockstep of lockdown has not forgotten it's true aims

Shushi falls, NK war over πŸ”—

Russian peacekeepers to suppress what would surely be a suppurating ulcer in the side of the Azeris.

The national divorce has begun πŸ”—

Separate knowledge institutions such as Parler are now finally getting traction. It's happening folks!

Connection scaling problem in PG identified πŸ”—

Good stuff.

Biden can't be FDR, but he can be LBJ!!! πŸ”—

Someone should tell them that isn't a compliment

Utah succumbs to Lockdown 2 πŸ”—

The disease of authoritarianism comes back with a vengeance

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