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The trade war escalates πŸ”—

China finally hitting back. Troubling news.

Nadella's supposed success πŸ”—

Look at the stock price chart there. Then realize they could have done the same thing firing everyone and buying QQQ.

1619 Project dies it's inglorious and deserved death πŸ”—

No pulitzer rescinding though. Hey, people still believe Russiagate after all.

Solar supposedly cheapest electricity now? πŸ”—

No, just getting better subsidized loans. They do try to dunk on fossil fuels hilariously in TFA, not realizing what PCBs are actually made of.

People catching onto the stupidity of "biodegradable" wiring harnesses in cars πŸ”—

How to total all stored cars instantly! I recall Jaguar also used eco-friendly impellers on their water pumps which were dissolved by coolant for a few years too.

Court Packing? πŸ”—

This has indeed happened parallel to the massive Republican gerrymandering effort over the last 20 years. Nevertheless, the Party affiliation is not actually important so much as the fact that our courts are packed with morons. All you have to do is look at the latest generation of law school grads and the old rags they fill their heads with to understand the long term direction of the nation.

Openstack: Failure πŸ”—

What do you expect from NASA bureaucrats? It was actually harder to administrate than scripts we'd written to wrangle KVM ourselves, and used vastly more resources to no avail.

UK Study: Turns out the most politically active are those with Minority Opinions πŸ”—

"Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention"

NYT: Drumpf greatest threat since Hitler πŸ”—

That's going quite a bit too far. He's undoubtedly a buffoon, but his idiotic policies are little different in anything but degree from his predecessors.

Yanis on the Golden Dawn crackdown πŸ”—

Correctly sees the only way one stamps out fascists is to be fascist. Surely imprisoning leaders of National Workers Parties has worked in the past and totally not had unexpected long term consequences...

Why all the sudden Russia Baiting? πŸ”—

It's just election claptrap for now, but eventually the opposition hitching their wagon to this means war is inevitable when they get back in the saddle.

Sudanese Jump on board the Kushner Plan πŸ”—

Isolating the Palestinians so as to extract maximum concessions when they finally come to the table.

Lacey Hunt's take: More of the same, just worse πŸ”—

Debt forever, we're turning Japanese.

Trump makes first concrete move against the swamp πŸ”—

Making tenured bureaucrats subject to termination. They'll slip this tackle, and just reclassify the nature of their relationship and then move on as per usual.

UPDATE: Trump planning to axe Secdef, CIA & FIB capos. A shame the fat gangster isn't on the list for being a failure too.

Gay Frogs: A Deep Dive πŸ”—

As always, the truth is even uglier.

Why are no rationalists successful??? πŸ”—

Being emotionally invested in knowing things is useless, just makes people hate you

Britbongs ban sex again πŸ”—


Rona kills Valiant Yachts πŸ”—

Loved those boats. ☹

Ernst & Young up to their usual tricks πŸ”—

Audit customers getting their money's worth, lol

As expected, the fat gangster failed to make an anti-china NATO πŸ”—

Throw this clown in the woods

Arnade and Vance on the current situation πŸ”—

...not enough people are thinking about this incredible, broad, middle-class prosperity engine that once existed. I just find it a little disturbing how much American policymakers focus on this question of how much do we distribute to the losers and not enough on how do we build an economy where there aren’t so many losers in the first place.
That would get in the way of them screaming vae victis and dunking on all of us peasants
To people who are just working at Subway, it’s like, β€œOkay, the Left is telling me I got to go get more education and move. And the Right’s telling me I got to basically start my own chain of Subways. I just want a decent income to raise a family.” I don’t think anybody’s addressing that middle approach.
In the globalized world, everyone's standards have become unrealistic. Social media has turned the apex fallacy into a psychosis.

The linked essays are good too:
So long as the Left appears more interested in finding new enemies than in seeking new friends, it will fail to advance its many important priorities.
That pretty much sums up all politics; it's just social media grifting and roasting each other for engagement.

Russia fires a warning shot at Azeris πŸ”—

Guessing this is why a CSTO intervention hasn't yet been demanded despite the attacks on Armenian soil. We shall see if this just emboldens them.

Wenzel thinks price controls are coming πŸ”—

Given it's a weapon against inflation that doesn't work and we have inflation coming you can probably bank on it.

My current outlook is dollar bullish until the election, as we won't get stimulus until afterwards.

Corbett on the Great Reset πŸ”—

It's actually just brand building and clout chasing by the WEF, lulz

Pepe Escobar pretty much nails the election πŸ”—

As always, he proves to be one of the most savvy reporters on the planet.

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