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US Military hegemony: unnecessary πŸ”—

Right. Pretty much everyone has already adopted Americanism to one degree or another. No need to impose it.

Madison Avenue RE: 80% writedown πŸ”—

The tax revenue collapse for these big cities that locked down hard is going to be truly extreme.

Once again: Worse is better πŸ”—

Because it's cheaper.

Money supply up 23% in just one year πŸ”—


Drone Katushyas: the future of artillery πŸ”—

Makes sense; just about the best guided munition you can get your hands on. People will start considering comprehensive RF jamming and going back to semaphore because of this.

India finally ending their Ag License Raj πŸ”—

As always, they only abandon idiocy as a last resort

Bailouts make the rich richer??? πŸ”—

Whoda thunkt after 2008 predictable things happen????

Bad covid: actually confluence of cofactors πŸ”—

Much like other syndromes where PCR tests are popular HINT HINT

Armenian-Azeri war update πŸ”—

Deliberate attacks on churches in Artsakh, and direct attacks on Armenia making a CSTO intervention nearly inevitable now. Stakes are high.

Interbonding polymner networks for 3D Printing πŸ”—

How is this different from using epoxies to print?

Tokyo’s Internet Jesus Uses Secret Creed to Command 101 CEOs πŸ”—

This gets the award for best non-humor headline of the year.

Wordpress Versus Jamstack πŸ”—

I think the point that wordpress is missing is engagement. I doubt most low-effort WP blogs and stuff are not high engagement; to some extent neither are their competition. No CMS is built around that workflow aside from SAAS like substack and locals.

UC Spends 800k trying to shut down satirical campus paper, fails πŸ”—

I love how satire is universally the most censored. Encyclopedia Dramatica is the poster child here -- I don't think even stormfront has been booted from hosting as much as them.

Room temperature superconductivity, finally, but... πŸ”—

At 1,550,000 bar. A wee bit impractical.

Corona Reinfection Data and the implications πŸ”—

Seems that the biggest risk is that this thing mutates fast enough for the previous immunity to be irrelevant after a few months, however not in enough amount to really care that much about it. It does sound like vaccinators are at least targeting the right thing, though I remain skeptical (with this amount of mutation) that any vaccine will ultimately be effective at anything other than waving a dead chicken regarding the stop of corona. That said, it's been being waved as the magical talisman that ends lockdowns, so government and the clerisy has more or less written themselves into a corner regarding the magic necessary to "go back to normal." Perhaps that's the reason the Russians were ultimately so fast to market.

Being a "Strong Independent Woman" Doesn't actually help you get Promoted πŸ”—

It's almost as if living up to people's expectations especially when they are unfair is the important part. People can't stop being people, unfortunately for you πŸ˜‚ (and this is regardless of your gender... woe be to those without "Amor Fati"?)

Woods on the COVID scam πŸ”—

Focus on your job? πŸ”—

Good advice for those starting out and trying to get skills...but when you have them, you don't have to care about what hiring managers think, as you are fully capable of doing your own thing.

As expected, some firms doubling down on critical theory training πŸ”—

They know the bureaucracies which would enforce Trump's ban are already filled with agents of the clerisy, and will as such be incapable of enforcement.

Hawaii update πŸ”—

Like the rest of the tourist-dependent world, has been destroyed by lockdown lunacy.

Lessons from the latest war πŸ”—

The US Army's obsession with flaming coffins will, like the navy's carrier obsession, kill many American boys for no good reason come the next great power war.

Where did all the money go in SF? πŸ”—

Into administrators pockets, just like with the school districts and hospitals

Privacy coins unsurprisingly doing well πŸ”—

Thanks to latest round of financial repression against mainstream crypto.

Yet another dubious Trump "bringing the troops home" promise πŸ”—

This time from somalia.

The true american aesthetic πŸ”—

Above all, Patton’s timeless words must be remembered for generations to come β€œAll real Americans love to fight! Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser!”. America is not Sweden, nor is it Germany. This is not a place for a massive social safety net, nor is it a place where an average person can β€œlive with dignity”, as the left would suggest. The American middle class will continue to decline, but a sizable portion of ordinary Americans will join the upper-middle-class. Nonetheless, there is truth to the observation that upward mobility has declined in the U.S, as the middle class shrunk and the majority of ordinary Americans who worked in the blue collar field have struggled to achieve upward mobility. Donald Trump has taken note of that and vowed to β€œbring the jobs back”. At the face of it, bringing the jobs back certainly seems like a tall order, as it’s extraordinarily difficult to reverse the decades’ long trend of outsourcing that emerged in a globalized market. Although it remains an open question as to whether Trump will be able to keep his promise, from the standpoint of the American identity, it is simply irrelevant. America does not tolerate losers, never did and never will.
Best pre-election essay I think you'll read.

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