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Focus on your job? πŸ”—

Good advice for those starting out and trying to get skills...but when you have them, you don't have to care about what hiring managers think, as you are fully capable of doing your own thing.

As expected, some firms doubling down on critical theory training πŸ”—

They know the bureaucracies which would enforce Trump's ban are already filled with agents of the clerisy, and will as such be incapable of enforcement.

Hawaii update πŸ”—

Like the rest of the tourist-dependent world, has been destroyed by lockdown lunacy.

Lessons from the latest war πŸ”—

The US Army's obsession with flaming coffins will, like the navy's carrier obsession, kill many American boys for no good reason come the next great power war.

Where did all the money go in SF? πŸ”—

Into administrators pockets, just like with the school districts and hospitals

Privacy coins unsurprisingly doing well πŸ”—

Thanks to latest round of financial repression against mainstream crypto.

Yet another dubious Trump "bringing the troops home" promise πŸ”—

This time from somalia.

The true american aesthetic πŸ”—

Above all, Patton’s timeless words must be remembered for generations to come β€œAll real Americans love to fight! Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser!”. America is not Sweden, nor is it Germany. This is not a place for a massive social safety net, nor is it a place where an average person can β€œlive with dignity”, as the left would suggest. The American middle class will continue to decline, but a sizable portion of ordinary Americans will join the upper-middle-class. Nonetheless, there is truth to the observation that upward mobility has declined in the U.S, as the middle class shrunk and the majority of ordinary Americans who worked in the blue collar field have struggled to achieve upward mobility. Donald Trump has taken note of that and vowed to β€œbring the jobs back”. At the face of it, bringing the jobs back certainly seems like a tall order, as it’s extraordinarily difficult to reverse the decades’ long trend of outsourcing that emerged in a globalized market. Although it remains an open question as to whether Trump will be able to keep his promise, from the standpoint of the American identity, it is simply irrelevant. America does not tolerate losers, never did and never will.
Best pre-election essay I think you'll read.

Prefer fakes over mocks πŸ”—

Agreed -- This makes prototyping incredibly easy, and one of the largest and most important investments is gonna be your data model. Let that take the most useful shape by developing the entire application around fake data until you can't deal with fakes anymore.

Cuomo on tape: Lockdowns are to placate the timid πŸ”—

β€œI’m 100 percent frank and candid. This is not a highly nuanced, sophisticated response. This is a fear-driven response. You know, this is not a policy being written by a scalpel, this is a policy being cut by a hatchet. It is just very blunt,” he said.

When "the anxiety comes down, we can have a smarter more tailored approach," he continued.
Since the beginning, fear is the virus.

Aggregators versus Integrators: How disney is ahead of the curve πŸ”—

This is why I'm not really worried about social media dominance. Having your own platform is more profitable in the end anyways.

Trump finally able to confidently come out against lockdown πŸ”—

Now that he has immunity heap big medicine

Antitrust case against Google brewing πŸ”—

Overwhelmingly bad news.

Seasteading update: Crypto Cruise Ship πŸ”—

Interesting. Let's see how it works out.

Now even Nursing Home residents have to protest lockdown πŸ”—

That is a huge failure of policy. Treating people like prisoners in these facilities is criminal.

Trump admin supposedly working on New START now πŸ”—

These dovish moves right before the election are massively suspicious. I don't buy it.

The mermin Device: what proved entanglement doesn't violate c πŸ”—

Good history. "c" of course being the speed of light and the limitations inherent in exceeding it.

Spotify: playlist gulag πŸ”—

Why I haven't used any of these services

Denver: Sending head shrinkers instead of cops for some calls πŸ”—

And it seems to work! Indeed many of these things are actually mental health crises. Glad to finally see innovation here; This would have saved Kelly Thomas' life.

US News: busy publishing azeri press releases verbatim without attribution πŸ”—

No propaganda is too ham handed. I'm sure they're doing the same with Armenian propaganda; anything that plucks heartstrings enough to get a new war is great for the media.

Illinois busy abusing FED facilities to remain solvent πŸ”—

Chicago death clock

Has waymo cracked self-driving? πŸ”—

I remain skeptical

BLADES: fast static site generator πŸ”—

Looks useful. I may crib some ideas for tcms.

Hillary for SecDef πŸ”—

Hillary being part of any administration seems like a kiss of death. I'm amazed the Biden camp is even considering it, but the Hillary people run the party these days.

SF: likely a 40% drop in population πŸ”—

Even a 10% drop makes city administration nonviable. Fun times for them ahead.

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