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More institutional players backing up the truck on BTC πŸ”—

Good time to hold HODL BTC.

Fat Gangster trying to gin up an anti-china NATO πŸ”—

Pompeo will fail. What they will get is kabuki with existing blocs like ASEAN.

Chemical desalination πŸ”—

Sounds like it could be a *lot* cheaper than electrolysis. Very helpful for the whole world.

Bandar on why the Arabs have given up on the Palestinians πŸ”—

In summary: they're a bunch of losers who couldn't win with all our powers combined. The palestinian strategy has been garbage since day 1, and their leaders always venal and corrupt. All it would have taken is a few Michael Collinses and it woulda been over a long time ago.

Tarriff Lawsuit Explosion πŸ”—

US Firms have had enough of these shenanigans

Greenwald notices inconsistencies in the Trump = Hitler narrative πŸ”—

Nobody in power is taking action in the ways that matter -- e.g. wishing for his death publicly or conspiring privately to make it so.

The lesson here is that if you care at all about his health (I don't) you are being manipulated. He's not a Hitler, just another gangster running a bust out on the USG.

Kyrgistan: Color Revolution πŸ”—

The CIA machine grinds on, long having forgotten it's purpose

Idiots actually wear E-Chastity belts? πŸ”—

Users: save yourself time and be one of those loonies who put up vids snipping off their wang on liveleak

Greece: Golden Dawn outlawed πŸ”—

The timing is important. This gives the existing Greek government the necessary cover to actually be Megalists in the coming war on Turkey.

IRS: unlawfully using phone location data πŸ”—

What else should you expect from killer bureaucracies?

1619 project pulitzer should be rescinded? πŸ”—

Hey, they gave Walter Duranty a Pulitzer. Why not?

MIT: Let's have AI do our central planning πŸ”—

Bitches don't know bout my calculation problem

Nanotube Anodes made to work πŸ”—

Unfortunately it sounds a lot more expensive than Goodenough's gold glass.

More than enough easily accessible chrysolite to soak up all manmade CO2 πŸ”—

This is the least insane response to AGW I've seen thus far.

Foster Gamble out with Thrive II πŸ”—

Nice to see he's got Larken on there, I remember him being less than red pilled on stuff in the first film. Also glad to see he's focused on what's actually getting results now.

Thierry: Erdogan coming dangerously close to being a new Saddam πŸ”—

By trying to build a pan-turkish alliance to prop up their aggression they're stepping on some very powerful toes. Erdogan's economic mismanagement has also painted himself into the corner where he has to make good on his bellicosity.

Yet another Biden Gaffe πŸ”—

Keep picking cotton, friends

WaPo goes full retard πŸ”—

Huffing your own farts for so long is hazardous to one's health

Irish reject Lockdown II πŸ”—

They aren't abandoning the nonsense in toto, but good nonetheless.

Venetian flood barrier finally working πŸ”—

Great news for the lagoon.

The DC Eviction machine πŸ”—

Works like this pretty much everywhere; Americans hate due process, it gets in the way of imposing tyranny.

Communism and COVID πŸ”—

Cappy dropping facts on why the men are finally getting angry

OBOR making good progress in SE Asia πŸ”—

Correctly realizing the path to peace is trade

McAfee gets clapped for Tax Evasion πŸ”—

Note that .gov doesn't really care about his sleazy ICO Pump & Dumps.

Lefty narrative coalescing around contact tracing being the answer πŸ”—

Why do they always choose the answer that enables the most tyranny when "misused"? It can't just be stupidity.

Also, the comparisons they draw don't mean "hurr durr we should have just done contact tracing like they did" as:
  • Not all of these examples used contact tracing
  • The ones that did had a level of cultural unity and political situation that would allow the public to trust that this is OK.
The USA has none of the unity or political stability to pull any of the listed measures off successfully, so none of the listed efforts would have worked. Greater than 10% of US society is guaranteed to evade lockdown restrictions just to spite the government regardless of whether this is safe or not. It is a very low trust and superstitious society with a germanic work ethic, so the most sensible strategy would have been to just let it ravage the population. The strong would survive. The USA is more akin to a crucible than a fortress, and the political elite of the USA were fools to not recognize this and act accordingly. Why the hell do you think an abnormally high amount of the population in the USA are on psych drugs? Why do you think 14% of people have fled to the bottle during the "plandemic"? This society is so sick that it either breaks you or forges you into one of the strongest individualists in the world. When libertarian expats have said that many other places contain "great capitalist conditions but poor capitalists compared to the USA", this is what they mean.

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