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Mute Cripple returned to function by a sleeping pill πŸ”—

Wonderful to see these sorts of stories.

Palantir: Smoke and Mirrors πŸ”—

It's the most libertarian thing ever -- give the state exactly what it wants good and hard because you know it's useless and they want it anyways.

GDP numbers in: 31.4% Decrease in one quarter πŸ”—

Thank you #TeamLockdown for massively decreasing everyone's standards of living. When we find out later this month that we've destroyed 60% of the economy, maybe the horrifying truth will begin to set in.

More huge layoffs πŸ”—

Things getting grim heading into the global winter of discontent

Assange court update: Unlawful spying in the embassy πŸ”—

That would mean the government prosecuting Assange had eavesdropped on his defense preparations, an offense that would normally get its case thrown out of court.
Not the court of Kangaroo!

Starlink update: looking like it's working πŸ”—

The SpaceX plan to fund further expansion via building worldwide internet subscription business is finally paying off.

California's Suicide continues: MEGA TAX HIKE πŸ”—

.4% yearly bite of your net worth over $30mm, and 4% more income tax. All so they can not solve the fires, blackouts and roving bands of itinerants. I'd move out too.

DO's "Hacktoberfest": Crapflooding maintainers with spam PRs πŸ”—

LOL. This is the kind of disaster you expect from shared hosting types

Entheogens legalized in Ann Arbor, MI πŸ”—

Good. Heroin and guns in vending machines now.

Bad Mussel disease going around πŸ”—

Hard out there for an invertebrate

Leftist: The feds aren't our friends???? We should secede, maybe? πŸ”—

Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention: leftist edition


Let's induce torpor/hibernation for these people...and don't tell them they'll never wake up.

South Africa: Pillaging their own rail network πŸ”—

Their regression back into preindustrial hell continues

"Experts" puzzled at lack of African COVID Deaths πŸ”—

They have a lack of 80+ year olds. That's why.

Buffet buys into the Zaibatsus πŸ”—

Makes sense, they play similar roles to BH in Japan.

Idiots want to replace calculus with Excel class πŸ”—


The plastic panic πŸ”—

The haters of the cheap and effective as usual ruin society. Recycling bins are here for the same reason as the masks. A bunch of little ralphies going "I'm helping!"
Most important, the plastic panic gives today’s political rulers and modern nobility a renewed sense of moral superiority.
The elites won't feel elite if they don't introduce some new usurpation every now and then, just like their sycophants need to feel like they're part of the "doing good" order.

FED Pinheads finally realize NIRP moronic πŸ”—

So expect them to do it soon

As expected, the debate was Jerry Springer show πŸ”—

Glad I don't watch any of that crap and haven't for years. Much better things to spend time on.

Portugal to USG RE ceasing china trade: pound sand πŸ”—

The audacity of telling the world's first worldwide trading empire how to conduct their business is downright Anglo of us!

More on Lockdowns leading to USA becoming shitface central πŸ”—

17% more alchohol consumption in general, 41% increase in heavy drinking by women. Unsurprisingly, $DEO and $STZ shot up a bit recently on the news, as we know who's drinking all the wine 😏

Coinbase embraces neutrality in the kulturkampf πŸ”—

Smart. They are taking our advice here, essentially. Being woke doesn't really have much to offer for most companies.

UPDATE: Even being apolitical is a politically controversial stance nowadays, it seems. Coinbase is now attempting to purge anyone that does not want to respect boundaries on this.

YT: no more community contributed closed captioning πŸ”—

One presumes, community contributed content altogether is next. Not U Tube.

Another figures out how promotions actually work in corporate πŸ”—

E.G. it's about figuring out what management secretly wants and delivering on that. Sometimes what they want isn't worth doing, because they value things other than productivity.

Stock Buybacks are a raging principal / agent Problem??? πŸ”—

Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention. People actually get paid for this?

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