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KOTD3: Day 1 Summary πŸ”—

The matches between Laaaaan & Goku were really exciting matchups. Tournament continues on Memb's channel later today.

AusGov Responds: Harsher crackdown πŸ”—

We'll show those peasants who is in charge!

60% of business closures permanent πŸ”—

In summary, bye bye all good bars and nightclubs.

Numbers crunched: Lockdowns 10x as deadly as COVID πŸ”—

That's why they are doing lockdowns. To kill you.

Nashville: Leaked COVID data has local business owners rather upset πŸ”—

Turns out, COVID only exists in nursing homes and construction sites. Oops? πŸ˜‚

One of the Better Navalny Theories I've heard πŸ”—

If true, this is the usual type of thing where Russian intelligence runs circles around NATO, generally making them look like chumps.

Aussies have finally had enough πŸ”—

Interesting that they're the first to wake up.

Retail in the toilet πŸ”—

As expected. What did .gov think was gonna happen?

Dangerous Doctrine: School "Gun Free" zone extends into your home πŸ”—

Thanks to remote learning. Deranged.

Saudis in Operation Linebacker phase of Yemen war πŸ”—

Thrashing around carpet bombing since they know they can't win.

Why we will ultimately turn Japanese economically πŸ”—

β€œIt’s not like the post-war period,” he said. β€œIn fact, after the Second World War, many of the advanced countries started at very high levels of debt – the United States, the UK, many European countries – but they brought it down dramatically over 30 years. How did they do it? Rapid growth and inflation. And both of those are not possible anymore.”

β€œRapid growth is no longer possible; these are now aging societies; productivity growth is much lower than before,” he said.

β€œAnd inflation is not going to be tolerated by older societies,” he said. β€œThey may be tolerated when societies are young and everyone’s incomes are going up, but it’s not going to be tolerated now. So that option isn’t there.” Like medication that is not tolerated and makes the sick patient even sicker.
As always .gov only does "the right thing" when out of all other options, as the "right thing" is drop some of these "needs".

Cameo: you don't even have to YTP celebs anymore πŸ”—


Assange case: Resurrecting the espionage act πŸ”—

The mask ripped off

Underwater Datacenter Update πŸ”—

Microsoft found the underwater data center to be eight times more reliable than those on land, crediting the dry nitrogen air inside the container as being less corrosive than oxygen.
Sounds like the novel anti-biofouling coating worked very well also. Huge implications.

Using a snake as a mask πŸ”—

I hope people count coups on the karens by wearing human scalps soon.

Lockdown suppression still alive and well πŸ”—

Foot traffic down 50% and more, along with travel. Make serfdom great again

Lockdown's Legal hangover begins πŸ”—

Pennsylvania lockdown thrown out as unconstitutional, Ohio case working through the courts. They are all strictly unlawful, as all emergency measures are.

Part 3 doesn't disappoint either πŸ”—

It’s hard out there for a kulak.

most of this lust for meaning goes not into power, but into the mere appearance of power: power porn. If there is any fighting style that prevails in mixed martial arts, it is Brazilian jujitsu. If there is any trope that prevails in the modern marketplace of ideas, it is the pornography of importance.
Literally everything is just clout. The ideas don't even matter. The cathedral and the universities are completely corroded anuses.

Even his chapter 2 is fire πŸ”—

Dissidents under all regimes often come to grief by expecting power, their enemy, to be fair to themβ€”or believing that some demonstration of unfairness will harm the regime's legitimacy. Actually, successful illegitimate action confirms a regime's legitimacy. Only the powers that be can break their own rules.

The primary impact of dissidents in the modern regime is as scapegoats and/or naive provocateurs. Power, which would otherwise have to explain its troubled relationship with reality, instead gets enemies it can blame for its failuresβ€”shoring it up nicely. While these enemies are perfectly sincere in their animosity, and can be irritating and even damaging, they are orders of magnitude too weak to be an existential threat.

And even if dissident energy is simply wasted, all energy is finite. Even dissipating the enemy’s energy is a victory. And this is how most dissidents, too, reinforce the regime.
The fatal conceit of activism laid bare. Anyone in this sphere has felt this in their life in living color. This is why Agorism is the only option. Just start living your life free.
For example, ritually desecrating the temples, monuments, idols, or other sad fetishes of a weak, beaten people is a time-honored way to flex on them and keep them weak. Nine hundred years before Jesus, the Assyrians had already made themselves masters of this art. If you think you are something different from an Assyrian, you are wrong.
If anyone on the right think they're gonna win this one, they're dead wrong. If you can't protect your sacred symbols, it's already over.

Yarvin's latest book is straight fire πŸ”—

Great stuff:
Modern civilization, thanks to innovations in communication from Gutenberg to Pornhub, has returned to its beginning. In 2020, everyone is totally connected. So everyone can and must be engaged with powerβ€”just like when we were chimps.

The total state is no longer content with physical compliance. It demands emotional security. Power is not just obeyed. Power must be loved. And this reversion to the total state, our most ancient form of government, makes the modern regime, despite all its toys and transistors, seem somehow surprisingly barbaric.

But when power has our emoluments and our compliance, why does it need our homage? Why must it pester us so, for the mere trinket of love?

Because it feels insecure. Power always feels insecure. Everyone wants powerβ€”so it should feel insecure. And the worse its performance, the more insecure power feels, because the more insecure it is; so the more homage it must demand.

Finally, a use for Novichock πŸ”—

Chasing clout on instagram, apparently

Michael Scheuer: Qanon Kook πŸ”—

The fact that a guy like this comes out of the bureaucracy in the first place tells you this faction is bigger than suspected. Disaffected underlings who are powerless yet thirst for greatness are everywhere in the pentagram. Those who don't "make necessity a virtue" and embrace the system either bomb out as libertarians or New Right guys. It's from here that a leader of the counterrevolution will emerge.

Also note that this piece has all the hallmarks of establishment smear jobs. Unsurprisingly they then attempt to associate Ron Paul with him, as that's what this article is actually about -- attempting to falsely associate Scheuer with the greater libertarian movement, which he ain't associated with. Hilariously, the author's twitter handle is "@attackerman", which seems apt.

A warning which won't be heeded about the 'rona vaccine πŸ”—

The fact that it's publicly funded guarantees it will have less transparency. This is how it works.

CAFE back on and worse thanks to robed idiots πŸ”—

Murder the economy for no reason

ICE Facilities: Forced sterilizations πŸ”—

Nothing would shock me from fedghouls

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