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Yarvin's latest book is straight fire πŸ”—

Great stuff:
Modern civilization, thanks to innovations in communication from Gutenberg to Pornhub, has returned to its beginning. In 2020, everyone is totally connected. So everyone can and must be engaged with powerβ€”just like when we were chimps.

The total state is no longer content with physical compliance. It demands emotional security. Power is not just obeyed. Power must be loved. And this reversion to the total state, our most ancient form of government, makes the modern regime, despite all its toys and transistors, seem somehow surprisingly barbaric.

But when power has our emoluments and our compliance, why does it need our homage? Why must it pester us so, for the mere trinket of love?

Because it feels insecure. Power always feels insecure. Everyone wants powerβ€”so it should feel insecure. And the worse its performance, the more insecure power feels, because the more insecure it is; so the more homage it must demand.

Finally, a use for Novichock πŸ”—

Chasing clout on instagram, apparently

Michael Scheuer: Qanon Kook πŸ”—

The fact that a guy like this comes out of the bureaucracy in the first place tells you this faction is bigger than suspected. Disaffected underlings who are powerless yet thirst for greatness are everywhere in the pentagram. Those who don't "make necessity a virtue" and embrace the system either bomb out as libertarians or New Right guys. It's from here that a leader of the counterrevolution will emerge.

Also note that this piece has all the hallmarks of establishment smear jobs. Unsurprisingly they then attempt to associate Ron Paul with him, as that's what this article is actually about -- attempting to falsely associate Scheuer with the greater libertarian movement, which he ain't associated with. Hilariously, the author's twitter handle is "@attackerman", which seems apt.

A warning which won't be heeded about the 'rona vaccine πŸ”—

The fact that it's publicly funded guarantees it will have less transparency. This is how it works.

CAFE back on and worse thanks to robed idiots πŸ”—

Murder the economy for no reason

ICE Facilities: Forced sterilizations πŸ”—

Nothing would shock me from fedghouls

USG busy dumping sewage into Kabul River πŸ”—

Reason 6 trillion to get out of Afghanistan.

Election hysteria ratcheting up πŸ”—

Overblown, I suspect like all other times. Even if we get a civil war, the outcome of the election won't actually matter. Things are already in motion if so.

As expected, "Russian Bounties" crap disproven yet again πŸ”—

This time by the pentagram itself.

Conclusive reporting China not behind the 'rona πŸ”—

And pretty important evidence that the Pentagram actually is.

Pepe Escobar on the "Great Reset" πŸ”—

MINDSPACE rearing it's ugly head once more, but it's really just the state embracing "biopower".

Political Illustration πŸ”—

The real magic is indeed drugs.

Liberals finally realizing recycling is a scam πŸ”—

Amazing they believed the bullshit for this long. Something literally impossible to do economically isn't gonna be done.

Oracle wins Tiktok bid πŸ”—

Probably the best outcome, It won't hurt Oracle's reputation beyond where it already is.

Drudge: Payola zone πŸ”—

Bless your grift

Why Empires fail πŸ”—

The suckers get wise and quit being subjects in enough numbers the whole rotten edifice flies apart at the seams.
Culture isn’t static, though. As the competitive pressure on a state changes, the cultural rules that helped support the empire’s growth are likely to evolve. An ethos of self-sacrifice or restraint in the name of the common good isn’t necessarily the most appealing, and as a population comes to feel ever more secure younger generations might dismiss traditional ways of doing things as staid and silly. Cultural entrepreneurs might mount sophisticated criticisms of established ways of doing things, and concoct alternative stories of national greatness which prioritize the pursuit of self-interest or the superiority of a mode of thinking which is deeply sceptical of the old cultural norms. It doesn’t matter if everyone in the empire is persuaded or not. If some people feel they have been given permission to do a bit more looking out for themselves and a bit less worrying about what’s expected of them as upstanding members of society, that may well be enough to start to work on the cultural equilibrium.
American women are leading the charge in being out for #1. When men stop simping and start doing the same, it's over for the USG. People need to realize there is "nothing in it for them" in perpetuating the US Empire.

Teodesian Video Cast: Episode 1 πŸ”—

Good chaser to the Birdarchist interview above.

Wikipedos: this is an MMORPG πŸ”—

I actually agree, as MMOs are universally cancerous

NKLA: Reaching for the tool of the scoundrel πŸ”—

Let's prosecute the evil short sellers.

Mance Interviews Bird: Part 2 πŸ”—

This time touching on BioPower. We'll have a podcast that talks about this to expound further on these concepts, but from the angle of Ego Investment, as this definitely jives well with the whole "how does one become a subject" thing.

Hordes of mosquitoes in LA now πŸ”—

Thanks to the 'cane. Sucking livestock dry and carrying off small children.

Tesla A/C: Held together with straps and fake wood from Home Depot πŸ”—


Social Media NPCs: Least likely people to Vote πŸ”—

Part of this is that their reading skills range from functionally illiterate to 8th grade at a maximum. I've seen more coherent english on Twitter by @LiangHanWei6 on Twitter than most accounts on there (and this is a joke account). Guess the whole Russian social media hacking thing was a big fat nothing burger after all 😏

Austin gets Bootlicker Billboards πŸ”—

Hmm, and yet somehow Austin is not on fire. Could this possibly be related to the people that live there? I mean, to every other Texan, Austinites look like communists, but it probably looks like libertarian paradise to a Californian.

QNAME minimization: good technique to obscure DNS requests? πŸ”—

Ultimately just makes it more complicated to piece together the now multi-part DNS queries to know what people are requesting. Not a problem for the actors behind the threats this is supposed to frustrate.

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