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SSC Update πŸ”—

Scott figures out why anyone who excels gets pushed into entrepreneurship and the hustle economy.

Israel using USA's Al-Tanf base to bomb Syrian Targets πŸ”—


Pasco Co, FL's experiment with "Pre-Crime" πŸ”—

How to create an authoritarian police state. Sounds like the county will empty of people soon enough.

The Verge's PC Build πŸ”—

Oh my god, this is better than some youtube poops. If this is the competition from the majors, no wonder it's easy money online.

Great Repression unemployment: Getting worse πŸ”—

After getting better. We're now entering the hangover of the mania spurred by the end of lockdown 1, as we settle into the permanence of lockdown 2.

Woodward book confirms disloyalty at the pentagram πŸ”—

It's been well known that if you seriously oppose the wishes of the killer bureaucracies you end up dead, president or no.

Goobers behind Russiagate media hysteria: same goobers behind WMD πŸ”—

This is why I never believed these twerps; I have a longer than 3 second memory.

Troy on Harry Browne's "Living Free in an Unfree World" πŸ”—

At the end of the day it's always about freedom.

Happy government failure day πŸ”—

Red Pill with JP part 2 πŸ”—

Pandemic Stimmili$$: Fraud Bonanza πŸ”—

Pretty sure that's the actual point

NKLA: taking a page out of the TSLA book πŸ”—

Apparently you can leverage vaporware and break delivery promises all the way to being the most valuable automaker on the planet, so why not?

Aluminum Adjuvants: Turns out they aren't safe πŸ”—

β€œWe knew that the Mitkus et al. paper modeling aluminum clearance had to be inaccurate since it was assuming that injected aluminum kinetics were the same as the kinetics of aluminum acquired through diet. Now, in addition, we see that they did their modeling based on using the incorrect level of aluminum absorption. What is particularly striking is that despite all these errors, since 2011, Mitkus et al. is used by CDC and other entities as the basis for claiming that aluminum adjuvants are safe.”

NSA Capo joins AMZN board πŸ”—

The large corporations are indistinguishable from GSEs at this point

Speaking of the Schlockdown πŸ”—

Yet more evidence it is 1000% hokum.

BONUS: Yet another analytics firm runs the numbers and finds out the lockdowns were worse than worthless.

At this point the preponderance of evidence is massively against mandated restrictions on the healthy and business. I have posed this question repeatedly to people: what are you doing to prepare for a catastrophic meteor impact? If they say anything but "nothing, as there's nothing anyone can do" I immediately know they put feels before reals. Nobody stopped screwing because of AIDS, they damned sure ain't gonna stop socializing for a cold.

Even worse than mask mouth πŸ”—

The rona' lockdown has an epidemic of teeth grinding happening.

COVID out of gas πŸ”—

The emergency measures and lockdowns will however remain.

As usual, troop withdrawal promises are bogus πŸ”—

I might actually think about voting if there would be real peace in Afghanistan and a full withdrawal. It won't happen though.

Hedge Funds: Buying the Dip with both hands πŸ”—

They know what is coming.

More figuring out local lockdown ordnances totally unlawful πŸ”—

Amounts to nothing, because the government never gives a damn about their own rules. Those are for the plebs. The only reason they ever will obey a restriction on themselves is because the individuals doing the enforcing have an ego investment in the whole "rule of law" myth.

The Napoleon technique for correspondence productivity πŸ”—

Just don't respond to most things. Most correspondence is really just demands for validation and the fact is they could actually figure their problems out for themselves if starved of such validation.

If you want to be surrounded by effective people, this is the best way to winnow out the ineffective, as they value validation over accomplishment.

FED Bond bailout turned out to be a bluff πŸ”—

Now that the markets have figured out it was just jawboning, its reacting like Samson hit them with the donkey's jawbone.

Why the Dems chose a loser like biden πŸ”—

So maybe the radical left's attack on restaurants and looting will knock some out of their anti-cop trance (which is really an anti-civilization) but I suspect that this is what the Marxists behind the curtain want. They want the people to be fearful, so that Trump is re-elected to "fix things." The Marxists know a Trump victory will continue the recruiting of socialists to the cause.
Bingo. Look, there's a reason we generally get 8 year swings. It takes a while to get people fired up enough to lose objectivity and actually get motivated enough to vote, despite the screaming evidence that it has 0 impact on public policy. The entire electoral system is nothing but an elaborate smokescreen giving the bureaucrats the cover they need to keep doing what they want to do.

Serious adverse reaction to candidate COVID vaccine πŸ”—

This won't stop it from being rammed thru. The zeitgeist is currently "looting is ok because they're insured", so "permanent adverse reactions and killing people with a vaccine is ok because they're insured" shouldn't be a hard pill to swallow for the world-improvers. I hope the neocons take the reductio and start saying "Global Nuclear War is OK because we're insured!!!!"

People starting to do the math on how bad the lockdowns hurt πŸ”—

10% of UK companies likely to shutter. WINNING

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