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MITRE update πŸ”—

Still up to no good

Quantum theory wave collapse finally disproven πŸ”—

Quantum is an edifice of sand. Penrose will not be able to solve his theoretical problem; If they resort to an explanation which cannot be proven without a proof it cannot be proven they have failed. Which appears to be the situation.

Globalist scheming for a great reset continues πŸ”—

Hopefully they forget by next summer.

Gyms for Me, not for thee πŸ”—

.gov not locking itself down. That's for plebs.

Grocery choices returning to 1970s levels πŸ”—

Hooray for massive reductions in standard of living coupled with huge inflation. No wonder Roger Stone is associated with Trump, it's Nixon 2.0! Complete with the failure to get us out of wars until it's too late.

M$ and AMZN beefing over gubbmint Ks πŸ”—

Gotta have that sweet cheese in these dark times

Yet another shit gubbmint software project πŸ”—

"How not to regex" banking system edition

Swedish strategy 100% vindicated πŸ”—

Lockdowns are just a part of the stupid lies we tell ourselves. "We are in control of the natural world." No we aren't.

Pentagram admits they're licked by the Chinese πŸ”—

Of course, they only admit this to get bigger budgets. There are of course qualitative differences here; "Missile Gap" nonsense comes to mind.

China: Back to normal πŸ”—

Sounds freer to me

Ex-Im bank sewer of corruption continues πŸ”—

So JPMorgan Chase makes money off these transactions while sustaining zero risk.
Yeah, that's kinda the point of all GSEs

Why Remote work will be suppressed πŸ”—

As a government stimulus to the cities. The large institutional landlords holding commercial RE are baying for blood politically right now.

Key Performance Indicators πŸ”—

Thankfully, the tech in this imagining doesn't work. Lol

Taibbi on "In Defense of Looting" πŸ”—

So this is a 288-page book written by a Very Online Person in support of the idea that other people should loot, riot, and burn things in the real world.

Style-wise, In Defense of Looting continues the impressive streak of the woke movement having yet to produce a single readable piece of literature.

India continues to strategically Plaxico πŸ”—

Being too hard on the USA dick ride: hazardous to one's health

Monsanto GM Cotton: Crap πŸ”—

Fails anywhere you don't have Uncle Sucker putting his thumb on the scale.

Black lives MAGA πŸ”—

Best essay on the current situation. Rs are just progs driving the speed limit.
The founding fathers and the majority of American presidents throughout history were white supremacists. If they’re true to their own values, Republicans should want to detonate and flatten almost the entirety of Washington’s statuary. Perhaps what needs to be toppled is not the effigies of men who presided over a functioning society, but the edifice of Martin Luther King, whose legacy renders America a failed state on the precipice of civil war.
It's not a coincidence that the reaction to the failure of white supremacism in the 20th century was the twofold rise of fem supremacism and black supremacism. Either ideology is plenty dangerous without the communist ideology the thought leaders of both subscribe to. But nobody in the USA is interested in individualism; the market for tyranny is booming.

TSLA "Self Driving" : Essentially crap πŸ”—

If you can't rely on it, it is worthless.

Khyber Pass Gunsmithing Update πŸ”—

Regulation cometh

Pandemic Perks: wage theft everywhere πŸ”—

From single people not offered similar perks to those with children to loss of catering & access to facilities, the employees grow increasingly restive. Nothing will happen of course, as that's not how it works in corporate. You don't like it? You have to leave.

Summer Rally looking to be out of gas πŸ”—

Punters figuring out the FED isn't propping up the S&P any more

Intel: Considering going fabless πŸ”—

Intel is now all but waving the white flag. CEO Bob Swan recently spent almost an hour discussing an idea that not long ago would get him burned at the stake: outsourcing production for core products. β€œTo the extent that we need to use somebody else’s process technology, we’ll be prepared to do that,” Swan told analysts on a conference call. β€œThat gives us much more optionality and flexibility. So in the event there is a process slip, we can try something rather than make it all ourselves.”
This is the first sign of hope for them. Let TSMC and other specialized firms worry about fabbing the chips, they should only concern themselves with making better processors.

NY: Town legitimizes bribing cops with sex πŸ”—

Sounds about right, may as well make de jure what is already de-facto everywhere.

No more woke indoc in Fed agencies? πŸ”—

If true, shows Trump actually gets that the real fight is for the minds of the bureaucracies.

Majority of 18-29 year olds living with parents πŸ”—

A first since the Great Depression. The insanity of the Great Repression continues.

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