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UN Embargo against Iran fails πŸ”—

World governments rightly see both that the US abrogation of the JCPOA is baseless and that the Iranians wanna buy their crap. Not shocking.

Woke, Inc: Pretty much the same old shit πŸ”—

DING DING DING we have a winner:
The post-New Deal new normal, then, is very similar to the pre-New Deal old normal. The present is not a rerun of the age of the age of robber barons after the Civil War, but of the subsequent age in which university-credentialed corporate elites have usually favored free markets and free love and freedom from organized labor, while working-class populations, white and nonwhite, have typically favored a mix of moral traditionalism with pro-labor protectionism in economic policy.

This is not the second Gilded Age. It is the second Jazz Age. And from the perspective of America’s disfranchised and alienated working-class majority of all races, that is bad enough.

Systematic rape at Migrant Concentration Camps πŸ”—

I mean this kinda always is what happens in concentration camps. Wait until you hear what happens in these mandatory COVID isolation wards -- I guarantee you it's rape.

Lukashenko smartly knuckles to the Russian federation πŸ”—

Re-Integration will likely proceed in a few years.

Update on Ausfailia's lunatic lockdown πŸ”—

A second lockdown here in Melbourne feels like a nightmare. I wake up each day and find it surreal. I can only go outside once per day for an hour of exercise. The state regulations require me to wear a face mask if I go outside my home. There are police and military in the streets and in beautiful natural settings like the Yarra River. They’re positioned there to ensure people are wearing face masks and to ask them why they are out. If a person’s answer is not one of the four reasons we’re allowed to leave home β€” to provide care, get to a medical appointment, go food shopping, or exercise for one hour β€” then officials are instructed to issue hefty fines of up to $5,000. On a bad day, you can see videos on the news of the police exerting their new powers and tackling anti-maskers or curfew-breakers to the ground in order to arrest them. You see birds chirping and people in military outfits right next to them. The contrast is bizarre β€” it’s as though we’re at war.
They are committing national suicide.

People Fleeing SF as fast as they can πŸ”—

Shoulda done it years ago

ShadowGate πŸ”—

Posting mostly because the creator got clapped, which usually means you are on to something.
That said the "Tore" source in this appears to be accused of being a con artist of some sort, making this all the more lulzy.

None of the information in the documentary comes as a shock to me. Essentially the second the .gov types started claiming there was russian media disinfo I knew they were projecting, e.g. they were doing the same and worse to ourselves and everyone else. The CIA/Pentagon Influence on the traditional media itself is so well known that nobody even challenges it anymore, so this is just gonna be the same -- expose the fact that all the "news" you read is straight up propaganda from K street. Society then internalizes it and goes yum yum tread harder daddy. The end.

Diversity Score πŸ”—

The "peak liberalism" version of the chinese social credit score

Cops finally wising up about interrogation πŸ”—

Unfortunately most suspects won't. The reality is that if they are wanting to talk to you, it's because they don't know enough: e.g. They want you to do their job of investigation for them. Don't help them convict you for stuff they should be paying you for.

Bovard 2 Trump: End the wars, win the election πŸ”—

It's the only actual thing that would get me to vote. I have been wanting to throw a peace party for years and years now.

FDA/CDC still holding up COVID antibody test πŸ”—

Massive giveaway to these PCR companies and their useless tests

USPS Shenanigans in lead-up to election πŸ”—

Electioneering? In MY America? Say it ain't so. Oh wait, the elections have always been bent. My bad.

BONUS: USPS Capo In Bezos' pocket.

Beirut Blast caused by welding attempt to secure explosives πŸ”—

Heckuva Job

Feds find that Yale discriminates against Whites, Asians πŸ”—

What has been known for years.

UAE Breakthrough on The Palestine question πŸ”—

Got them to stop the annexation thru normalized relations. The UAE have been really hitting it out of the park and punching far above their weight these last 5 years.

Mozilla getting creamed πŸ”—

People think tech isn't touched by this. They are wrong -- corporate charity vaporizes in hard times.

NZ: Concentration camps for COVID victims πŸ”—

More "Facility" than camp, but essentially the same rationale. The better to control you, my dear.

Gangs: More effective that recycling cardboard than government πŸ”—

Nature... Nature finds a way

Majors throwing in the towel on NYC πŸ”—

So are their people, in droves.

UK: 20% Economic loss due to lockdown πŸ”—

Don't hold your breath waiting for a 20% reduction in tax obligations

Nigeria #1 in crypto adoption πŸ”—

I'd do it too; you'd be a fool to use anything controlled by their oil kleptocracy.

USD Purchasing power at all-time low πŸ”—


Russia first to market with Corona vaccine πŸ”—

Western media mostly sneering about it due to minimal testing. We'll see soon enough whether it was justified. LOL though:
"It's very dangerous to scale this up to an entire population without doing those trials," he said. The vaccine's effectiveness also hasn't been tested, he said. The fact is, he said, an immune response in the lab doesn't necessarily mean protection.
They could say the same about the flu vaccine that comes out every year in the west.

Jim Bovard: Why I write πŸ”—

When it comes to our satanic government, it's a target rich environment.

Resistance by Business owners to this tyranny slowly rising πŸ”—

Nobody should be forced to immolate themselves and their business to keep busybodies warm.

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