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Trump: Delay Election? πŸ”—

Hey it works for Netanyoohoo. Why not, they've been able to get away with absolute murder over the COVID hysteria anyways.

Fauci: Wear Goggles too πŸ”—

Can we just skip directly to the bondage rope that BTK government types want us all to be in 24/7?

The propaganda is working πŸ”—

Horizontal enforcement getting increasingly aggressive. Protect ya neck

Economic data 33% GDP Contraction so far πŸ”—

Kill a third of the economy for no reason. Heckuva Job, bureaucrats. Must be nice knowing you'll never face consequences for being this wrong.

FIB still up to their old tricks πŸ”—

As with all other groups with serious opposition to the status quo, you can take it to the bank that all who openly advocate criminal behavior are straight up feds (or will be informants soon!)

Speaking of Turkey, Erdogan symbolically resurrects the empire πŸ”—

By re-islamizing the greatest of the roman cathedrals.

Lunatic US policy drives Persians into arms of China πŸ”—

Does the pentagram really think they can beat 3 world-beater empires, even if they are has-beens? With the Turks increasingly flipping to the Persian side too this does not bode well for US chances in the coming war.

BONUS: Pompeo sticks his fat foot in his mouth again.

Google: We're WFH until 2021 July πŸ”—

I'll bet "extend and pretend" lasts at least that long too. Get ready for the greatest depression.

More than half of business closures permanent πŸ”—

80,000 Entrepeneurs totally ruined. Their employees also put in the poor house. And for nothing. Kinda like how a bunch of my young friends died in the sand box for nothing. May the criminals at all levels which have imposed this vicious tyranny be boiled upside down in excrement.

Government cheese clock runs out πŸ”—

Cue rioting the first of August. Sounds like they are planning another $1200 helicopter drop soon to try and paper over the problem. I like that it's called the HEALS act, congress is fulla heels.

The Covid Can-Kicks quickly brewing into explosive kegs of shit πŸ”—

Missed payments for everyone! The longer this goes, the worse it gets when we decide to even try to be normal.

Dolphin Social Dynamics πŸ”—

Sounds like being a Dolphin bro ain't a bad life

Sweden still looking good RE Corona πŸ”—

The secret of Sweden’s success is that its experts settled on a strategy that was realistic, sustainable and science-based. The intention was never to β€œfight” the virus which is among the most contagious infections in the last century, but to protect the old and vulnerable while allowing the young, low-risk people to circulate, contract the virus, and develop the antibodies they’d need to fight similar pathogens in the future. It’s clear now that that was the best approach.

USA now applying more scrutiny on Visa applicants from China πŸ”—

Prediction based on the above:
* The camps will start to intern the chinese.

Not a hard one to make ultimately, given Pompeo's recent "Cold War" talk. China already closed a US consulate in retaliation for the closing in Houston.

John Whitehead: Yep, we're about 10m till midnight πŸ”—

I've said this before as well. The only place this train stops is at Auschwitz. Understandable why the more prominent folks like Vin Armani recently bugged the F out to Saipain or whatever. May as well at least live in paradise for a while before getting black bagged.

Pandemic: Move to suburbs spiking πŸ”—

Why live in those hives of communism and hoplophobia if you don't have to anymore?

Mish thinking there's still a ways to go for the market πŸ”—

I'm certainly skeptical about the recovery as well given unemployment numbers. Interesting that Mish's site is now under "The Street" -- looks like a CNBS style aggregator that aggressively pumps whatever that criminal Kramer is pushing.

PG on Conformism πŸ”—

Using a four quadrant political chart is one way to describe the archetypes many find themselves playing out life in. Basically a way of rationalizing the following moral systems:
* Morality of a slave
* Morality of a freeman

With the only spin being "do I consider this to be morally good" (I'm making necessity a virtue) or do I disagree with this on some level deep down (and my conformism/rebellion is actually a cope).

Predictive Policing: Still a joke πŸ”—

This time a study from Switzerland

Lebanon: Between a rock and a hard place πŸ”—

Kinda sucks when the only feasible options for not flying apart at the seams is embracing authoritarianism. I'd say screw it, let it burn

Chinese Consulate in Houston ordered closed πŸ”—

Soon after catches fire in a document destruction incident. Bad news for those not wanting to go to war with China.

Insider selling soars πŸ”—

Pump & Dump. The classic formula

The Rise of the Hustle Economy πŸ”—

Bless your grind/grift

Atlantic: Finally sees the DHS as Oprichnina, blames Trump πŸ”—

Adventures of a man who just started paying attention

Airlines still DoA πŸ”—

Unfortunately, only Jesus Christ can raise the dead

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