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France Update πŸ”—

Like in the USA, legitimacy of the elections judged by turnout is at all time lows and nobody in the political class cares, because they only want people who agree with them to vote.

Big Doin's in Serbia πŸ”—

Revolution brewing, it seems.

Jezebel suddenly dislikes Cancel Culture, calls it Religion πŸ”—

This was obvious to anyone paying attention for quite some time. Jezebel only cares now that it affects the women, but that's their schtick after all. Not too surprising in that regard.

Russia: Not actually putting bounties on US troops πŸ”—


Corbett on the Plandemic πŸ”—

Interesting that one big emphasis of this implementation of the "red dawn" plan of W's Ghouls was to spread the propaganda through corporate management due to workers trusting them more than the government. Nobody really understands that we've lived under fascism since before the nsdap.

Glad Corbett also realizes the primary problem here is voluntary compliance with this nonsense due to .gov washing their propaganda through their corporate partners.

Trump shoulda pulled a Cowperthwaite πŸ”—

Of all the policies that we discussed, one stands out in my mind β€” if for no other reason than because it is so thoroughly counterintuitive. I asked him to name the one reform that he was most proud of. "I abolished the collection of statistics," he replied. Sir John believed that statistics are dangerous, because they enable social engineers of all stripes to justify state intervention in the economy.
As always the planners turn data molehills into a mountain of cash for themselves.

E-Detectives: Prominent Redditor is Ghislane Maxwell πŸ”—

I highly doubt this. Nobody with real power would associate with that hive of the 'tism

Orange Peel & Hops: better at making CBD than hemp? πŸ”—

Huge if true.

RG LeTourneau's Land Train πŸ”—

Neat story. Guy seems like a major unsung hero of the 20th century.

SCOTUS: most of Oklahoma a reservation πŸ”—

Quite the reversal. This change in property rights will likely be far from amusing for most Oklahomans.

How san francisco became a corpse of a city πŸ”—

Detroit 2.0 coming soon

The Phoney lockdown debate πŸ”—

And this is why I find the lockdown debate so phoney. It’s been fuelled, on both sides, by the presumption that government decrees work as a sort of magic wand that will bring our economies (and perhaps the most acute phase of the pandemic) back to life. But the data suggest there is no magic wand. Much of the lockdown effect was imposed not by top-down fiat, but through millions of small decisions made every day by civic groups, employers, unions, trade associations, school boards and, most importantly, ordinary people.
As I have said many times, it's horizontal enforcement and the mental prison of authoritarianism that most are locked into which is the real problem. We wouldn't have an oppressive government without that existing in the first place.

Using laser spin to increase fiber data rate πŸ”—

Very interesting.

NSA supposedly releases russian exim sploit πŸ”—

Because it's already been fixed. They of course cynically used this for their own gain in the interim.

The war against the screwworm πŸ”—


Hydrogen nonsense coming back into vogue πŸ”—

A green scam far worse than EVs & PVs. Focus on Fusion & better PVs please.

Jailbreaking in Mexico "Illegal" πŸ”—

Like everything else down there, the cops don't know well enough to enforce it and only want a bribe anyways.

Rabbit Ebola πŸ”—

An actually dangerous virus

Bending light with surfactants πŸ”—

Very interesting phenomenon. Could lead to adjustable power lenses.

Black Nitrogen & Phosphorous: exotic new semis πŸ”—

Will be interesting to see if they are a safe alternative to carbon nanotubes.

Afghan bounties nonsense falls apart as expected πŸ”—

Agit-Prop never stands up to scrutiny

Commercial RE bloodbath deepens πŸ”—

As expected. Unused capacity for at least a decade or more is the future.

Lebanon on the Brink πŸ”—

No good answers. Dismemberment and annexation is the likely outcome.

TAE's outsided play on fusion πŸ”—

Sounds like a sound approach. I wish them luck, since the .gov crowd has proven useless as of yet with tokamaks.

Skinstagram πŸ”—

An exclusive investigation reveals that Instagram prioritizes photos of scantily-clad men and women
DUH. It's a dating app retard.

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