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Jailbreaking in Mexico "Illegal" πŸ”—

Like everything else down there, the cops don't know well enough to enforce it and only want a bribe anyways.

Rabbit Ebola πŸ”—

An actually dangerous virus

Bending light with surfactants πŸ”—

Very interesting phenomenon. Could lead to adjustable power lenses.

Black Nitrogen & Phosphorous: exotic new semis πŸ”—

Will be interesting to see if they are a safe alternative to carbon nanotubes.

Afghan bounties nonsense falls apart as expected πŸ”—

Agit-Prop never stands up to scrutiny

Commercial RE bloodbath deepens πŸ”—

As expected. Unused capacity for at least a decade or more is the future.

Lebanon on the Brink πŸ”—

No good answers. Dismemberment and annexation is the likely outcome.

TAE's outsided play on fusion πŸ”—

Sounds like a sound approach. I wish them luck, since the .gov crowd has proven useless as of yet with tokamaks.

Skinstagram πŸ”—

An exclusive investigation reveals that Instagram prioritizes photos of scantily-clad men and women
DUH. It's a dating app retard.

Interesting idea: use neutrino beams to remote detonate nukes πŸ”—

Blow em up in their silos. Make a drone which could do it? Interesting comment:
This would explain two recent secretive projects.

First is the various attempts by China to build underground "neutrino detectors" in various parts of the country. Before all of the Chinese Academy of Science websites were taken down, you could see pictures of it. They were tunneling quite deep. 100 miles at around average depth of 4,000 feet.

Of course no one does nuclear like the Americans. The Department of Energy's secretive DUNE project...Deep Underground Nuetrino [E] is well under way across Illinois and will eventually extend the accelerator at Fermilab to over 800 miles underground.

This technology is, to use an overused term, the Manhattan Project of the 21st century.
God, this is why they think they can get away with a first strike

IRS deliberately not upgrading legacy code to get more budget πŸ”—

Just like the NSA chose the expensive useless solution for wiretaps. Same everywhere. Do what gets budget.

The american soviet mentality πŸ”—

ne chital, no osuzhdayu
Didn't read, but disapprove. Cancel culture is communism. We are characters in the novel "We" finally. America is finally, and truly dead. Fitting thing to conclude coming to this July 4th. Vin Armani and Bill Buppert were right. If you want to stay, get good at shooting.

Clean Blood: Better rejuvenation than young blood πŸ”—

There is going to be a HUGE market for this
β€œThere are two main interpretations of our original experiments: The first is that, in the mouse joining experiments, rejuvenation was due to young blood and young proteins or factors that become diminished with aging, but an equally possible alternative is that, with age, you have an elevation of certain proteins in the blood that become detrimental, and these were removed or neutralized by the young partners,” said Irina Conboy, a professor of bioengineering at UC Berkeley who is the first author of the 2005 mouse-joining paper and senior author of the new study . β€œAs our science shows, the second interpretation turns out to be correct. Young blood or factors are not needed for the rejuvenating effect; dilution of old blood is sufficient.”

Overdoses way up, much like suicide attempts πŸ”—

What you should expect from official oppression

Unemployment continues to be worst ever πŸ”—

We need to lockdown all the politicians in a septic tank

Nord Stream 2 sanctions threaten to knock Germany out of NATO πŸ”—

If this doesn't fill drawers in washington, this could be great news for world peace.

Yet another outlaw crypto bill πŸ”—

No more EARN IT, now it's LAED. Close to what the promulgators of this bill should eat.

3D Printing damascus steel πŸ”—

It'll be neat when metallurgy gets to the same level of precision engineering as microprocessors -- We'll be able to have metals able to perform truly astonishing feats soon.

Elegy for the Cancelled: Joe sixpacks run over by the mob πŸ”—

What all of these rather different cases have in common is that none of the people who were deprived of a livelihood in the name of fighting racism appear to have been guilty of actually perpetuating racism.
Anti-Racism of the left is like their Anti-Fascism. E.G. like the rest of politicians, they do the opposite of what they say; if they were successfully fighting their cause, they'd have to disband.
If a lot of Americans come to feel that those who supposedly oppose racism are willing to punish the innocent to look good in the public’s eyes, they could well grow cynical about the enterprise as a whole.
A little late for that, dear. The entirety of the right realize that "racist" means "I didn't pull the straight democrat ticket lever".

Social media: Tabloids writ large πŸ”—

Good perspective.

Evidence the woke coup at GNU was engineered by microsoft πŸ”—

Cui Bono. All the woke stuff is corporate nonsense.

The core reason WFH does not work long term πŸ”—

It only works with employees who have already built trust. And even then, they will have trouble with newbies and have to come back in.

The lawless judge epidemic πŸ”—

Guess why the cops are lawless? The fish rots at the head.

Big Doin's in the Middle East πŸ”—

Thierry's thoughts on recent developments; the flipping of Iran to NATO is a hopeful sign the USA has figured out the Persians are the only credible check to Chinese western expansion. Other hopeful signs for peace in the ME exist.

Crazies in the basement backing Biden πŸ”—

Uncle Joe 2.0

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