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CLO Update πŸ”—

Good list of banks to stay away from

As usual media gets Case-Shiller wrong πŸ”—

No green shoots here

Lurking bomb in CARES: can't report who's in forebearance πŸ”—

Banks in some hot soup

Consensus finally realizing that Dark Matter is Phlogiston πŸ”—

MOND has been correct for years. When people finally internalize it, we can probably have real anti-grav.

CFR: Pandemic is proof we can kill capitalism for environmentalism πŸ”—

And the rubes will love it! Green new deal here we come. Article is essentially saying that "Central planning is working this time, we swear!!!" If by working you mean destroying freedom and the international division of labor, sure.
Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. It is a plausible formulation, even in its comical effect. And yet, the current crisis proved the opposite. Capitalism was remarkably easy to stopβ€”or at least to interrupt. All that was needed was a genuine environmental crisis, a crisis where the external conditions for a capitalist economy were suddenly removed.
All it took was a police state, as has been true many times before.

"Putin's People" πŸ”—

They saw the role of state institutions – the tax office, law enforcement, the judiciary – not as upholding certain rules by which all economic actors had to operate, but rather as a β€œpredatory machine” that could be used to destroy rivals and seize their assets.
So, they were clear-headed. That is in essence what the state is from top to bottom everywhere. No wonder Putin wears the crown.

MMT morons out with another big book πŸ”—

It's been fun watching them slowly move goalposts from chartalism to more or less warmed over keynsianism.

Credit firms targeting families πŸ”—

Well, they're not a "protected category" so you can discriminate all you want based on familial or friend networks. Hell, the government kills people just on the basis of "he called a guy we don't like" all over the world, so this comes as no surprise. Expect more of this to come.

Case for COVID being a lab escapee building πŸ”—

Interesting that H1N1 was also a lab escapee. Getting the feeling anything the .gov types worry about is most likely a bioweapon release, given their inflated sense of self-worth.

World trade down 37% πŸ”—

Down to '08 levels with no end in sight. I guess Trump really was gonna stop the globalists, rite guise???

Latest Russiagate hysteria: Russkies paying to get our boys killed in Afghanistan πŸ”—

As if that isn't what the USA has been doing the whole time -- spilling their own blood and treasure for cynical reasons.

Anyways, it's clearly nonsense; the Afghans would have shot at the occupiers with or without large sacks of cash under the table.

First periodic FRB discovered πŸ”—

Galactic "old faithful" or a beacon? I lean towards the former, but worth keeping an eye on.

Zuck can't catch a break πŸ”—

Very interesting that facebook gets ragged on by the left with the #STOPHATEFORPROFIT hashtag right as the veritas expose seems to confirm much of the right's worst fears about the site.

I suspect the other journalism and social media platforms (but I repeat myself) have the knives out. Trading activity likely quite interesting right now for FB shares.

Mortgage forebearances back on the uptick πŸ”—

As the country slides into lockdown 2: electric boogaloo, we can expect more pain

BLM and the usual suspects: America's Color Revolution πŸ”—

This has been obvious ever since I saw otpor fists everywhere.

Volker rule dead πŸ”—

Not like it did anything anyways.

Local Mask Ordinances for Workplaces: Violating OSHA regs πŸ”—


UAE: Secretly on Team Assad πŸ”—

Hah! UAE keeps clowning those fools in Saudi

AIPAC's grip slipping? πŸ”—

Never thought I'd see the day.

Major tack by the FED πŸ”—

And there is a big shift happening: The Fed has started lending to entities, including states and banks, under programs that channel funds into spending by states, municipalities, and businesses, rather than into the financial markets. These types of programs are propping up consumption – not asset prices. That’s a new thing. I don’t think the hyper-inflated markets, which have soared only because the Fed poured $3 trillion into them, are ready for this shift.
Extremely bearish for equities, expect extreme CPI increases.

Iraq not a fan of being invaded by Turks and Iranians πŸ”—

But will probably just cry about it and let it happen.

Dems continue to be hawks πŸ”—

Shooting down withdrawal from Germany.

Greenwald's latest πŸ”—

Noticing the 360 head spinning by the public health authorities gets you treated like people who realize government numbers have rarely added up.

Taibbi's latest πŸ”—

On journos destroying the profession; getting woke, going broke. Also he noticed that the mortgage mills were gonna get kilt by the CARES act, but failed to realize they're the primary sleaze taking advantage of the PPP program. Backdoor bailouts baby.

Lockdown Lunacy πŸ”—

Yet another comprehensive destruction of this feels-before-reals policy

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