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NZ Gun ban: violent crime soars πŸ”—

As borne out by all the data elsewhere. No, this time is not different loser.

AMLO continues martial law in Mexico πŸ”—

Back >> to the junta

Curfews prove useless as expected πŸ”—

Good luck. The entire US army couldn't keep down the Iraqi cities, good friggin luck with American ones once they truly turn on their occupiers (which this is far from).

Trump hints at new superweapons during the SpaceX Dragon capsule launch πŸ”—

Lockdown fever: crescendo approaching

Strategy of Tension: The empire comes home πŸ”—

You may have noticed we haven't posted much during the lockdown or about these riots. That's because it's been very obvious this entire time both the protestors and the reaction are right out of the NED playbook; they're even using the OTPOR fist and other stupidly obvious crap. Which means titanic forces are at play; do not kid yourself, one can be run over by this machine easily if you don't protect ya' neck. Rubicons might be crossed.

Bunga Update πŸ”—


Suicides due to lockdown skyrocketed as expected πŸ”—

Years worth of suicides in 4 weeks. I'm sure the population control types are ejaculating as we speak.

Bannon: Rat πŸ”—

Not the first time either. That said, Stone is a snake; we shall see if he ends up eating the rat in the end.

LP continues it's irrelevancy πŸ”—

As expected, the agorists are the only ones doing anything meaningful

Political Illustration πŸ”—

The latest Venezuelan shenanigans πŸ”—

"Hey guys, let's make the Bay of Pigs look professional!"

Hunting for food on the rise πŸ”—

The economic collapse that is underway is really being underestimated right now I think.

"Dr. Lockdown" wasn't so keen on the lockdown when it meant getting his dick wet πŸ”—

From the "This is why quarantines don't work" department.

SCOTUS smacks down paywalling the law πŸ”—

I guess they still pay lip service to the "ignorance is no excuse" lie. Why do that when literally everything else key to american jurisprudence has been thrown overboard? What's the point -- just admit it's the opinion of clowns in robes and get it over with.

Marriage rate lowest in 120 years πŸ”—

Unsurprising, offering literally nothing but liability to one party can't possibly be popular.

Yet more realize the USG reaction to pandemic is crocodile tears πŸ”—

If they actually cared they'd stop murdering far, far more worldwide. But they won't, so they don't actually care. It's a power grab, simple.

Flynn Prosecution: FIB up to their usual tricks πŸ”—

Perjury traps. Never talk to the FIB.

Seems most are at least not stupid enough to want contact tracing πŸ”—

After the police state since 9/11? God you would hope not.

Idiots getting hypoxia due to wearing masks too much πŸ”—

Crashing cars. Yet more death attributable to lockdown hysteria.

Swiss Propaganda Watch comprehensively debunks the mainstream narrative on COVID πŸ”—

Complete demolition of the points used for all this destructive power grab.

Afghan drawdown actually happening? πŸ”—

Huge if true. Nice to have at least one piece of good news.

Origin of the "Six Gorrillion" discovered πŸ”—

Makes sense that it's just propaganda, as there weren't even that many Jews in German occupied Europe at the time. The original estimate around 2 million is much more sensible, and still awful.

Western Subversion in Russia taking a different tack πŸ”—

I was wondering how long it would take them to start backing bolsheviks outright. After all, they don't care about backing Nazis in Ukraine.

30 Million on Unemployment πŸ”—

Probably 45M or more actually out of a job. If this doesn't result in politicians and their minions being murdered, I don't know what it would take to get people to start dropping hammers on these demons. As I concluded many years ago, I suspect this train doesn't let off until Auschwitz.

Michiganders getting dangerously close to the big Luau πŸ”—

50% unemployment, surprised it hasn't happened earlier

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