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The "usual suspects" whining about Plex serving their customers πŸ”—

Oh? You could potentially serve media that you got from a torrent on this service? No shit.

These people will never address the key motivational factor for people torrenting media -- price and availabilty. I can count on one hand the amount of stuff I've got via torrent in the last few years, and spoiler alert, it is because they were not on sale at any store I could find online, but there were torrents of it. Otherwise, why bother having to search for torrents when it is right there on amazon or whatever? The pricing there is trivial to me compared to having to spend potentially hours searching for that stuff.

I wonder when those idiots will figure out that most people don't actually use torrents either, as downloads of music have mostly moved to just scraping it from YouTube.

New Banana breed created πŸ”—

I figured this would eventually happen, as previous efforts to make GM bananas seemed to have failed to accomplish their goals. Selective breeding is still well understood, so I'm not surprised that this has happened given the precariousness of only having the Cavendish.

5G: The actual Corona? Not bloody likely πŸ”—

Symptoms don't match well enough and the deployments of 5G don't match up with the infection zones. Getting radar injuries ain't great. May possibly make one more susceptible to infection due to immunocompromise, but that's about all.

How things are going in Saudi Arabia πŸ”—

Palace intrigue, huge deficits and the houthis' continue to make things difficult for the clown prince.

S. Korea testing: Coronavirus fears overblown πŸ”—

Death rate much like...the common cold. I suspect the high death rates in some places is due to their improper sanitation practices and privation.

Intel continuing it's unbroken trend of security πŸ”—

Entirely expected, was basically just a matter of time.

Kabul: Both parties' headmen claim victory πŸ”—

As if Kabul wasn't already in a precarious position.

Thierrey Meyssan: Turkey is next on the chopping block πŸ”—

With friends like these...

The Highwaymen strike again πŸ”—

Why it isn't open season on these criminals, I'll never know.

Markets resume Tanking πŸ”—

I mean, they've only been drinking the spiked punch for 12 straight years since the partiers last vomited.

FL Cops don't seem to have to try very hard πŸ”—

I mean... if they think this will work...

Turks back off in Idleb πŸ”—

...for now.

USA: Already in material breach of peace deal πŸ”—

I mean, what did you expect?

Copyright: Don't know how it do, but it be πŸ”—


Fucking lawyers once again prove with their incompetence why they have no clothes. Dr. Hasnas was right.

Assange Railroading update πŸ”—


Turkish Irredentism reaching fever pitch πŸ”—

Not sure they can reclaim Syria and Libya simultaneously. Most especially not with the Russian bear licking it's chops at an opportunity to restore tsargrad to the Greeks.

Stent Study: lied about stents increasing risk of death πŸ”—

Cherry picking data. Already known by people paying attention; aspirin more effective.

Duterte To US: pound sand πŸ”—

Tells US troops to take a hike. Good on him.

The limitations of Discord πŸ”—

All valid points. Any important comms should be going over XMPP+OTR plugin for pidgin, Wire, Keybase or even Signal.

Mumble also still has better audio quality than Discord, lol. Would be cool if Mattermost had a plugin that enabled discord style "quick joins" with mumble on the backend though.

Taliban Peace Deal: Truce is on πŸ”—

Fingers crossed.

Italy now hit by Coronavirus πŸ”—

Good time to start supplementing vitamin C if you ain't already amigos

BONUS: Iraq also hit by the Corona, closes border with Iran

BONUS II: More on the current status of coronavirus.

Trump Tarrifs continue to backfire πŸ”—

I mean, mercantilism has only been 100% exploded as stupid economics for what, 300 years now?

The latest commie claptrap: FULL SURROGACY NOW πŸ”—

Barf Bag required

Another "Cop of the year" Busted πŸ”—

The attitude amongst cops still seems to be that rules are for the plebs. Rare that this sort of arrest happens, yet it always seems to be for the "superstar" cops. Hmmmm.....

USA: Let's start another Iraq War πŸ”—

The sequel of the sequel of the sequel of the movie that never needed to be made.

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