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The real Ukrainegate πŸ”—

Corruption? In my giveaway program?????

Commie Pope: Doesn't even believe in god πŸ”—

Could it have been any other way? Tie Something something sack something tiber river

Putin, as usual not a dope πŸ”—

The US dollar has been highly appreciated around the world. It was almost the only world currency. For some reason the US began using it as a tool of political pressure, imposing restrictions on its use. So they started biting the hand that was feeding them.

It will collapse soon. More and more countries are gradually abandoning it as a reserve currency.

They impose restrictions on Iran, Russia and other countries. This undermines confidence in the dollar.

Not understandable enough?

They are destroying the dollar with their own hands.
Not shocking that a Russian has this figured out given their age old adage about "digging holes for your neighbor to fall into".

Mongolia? Rebellious? you don't say. πŸ”—

It seems perhaps the zeitgeist is leaning back towards the "generational madness", given this sort of thing is coming even to popular media channels like serpentza/laowhy.

Big Doin's in Persia πŸ”—

Supposedly there's a bunch of protesting going on all over the place.

Prince Andrew plaxicoes RE Epstein πŸ”—

"I wasn't nailing JB, I was enjoying CHEESE PIZZA"

Big doin's in Bolivia πŸ”—

Corrupt commie replaced with corrupt military junta. But I repeat myself.

The real "Plan" for the Middle East? πŸ”—

Secularizing the states there. Doesn't sound like a good plan for peace to me.

What do you mean by Regime Change? πŸ”—

The real reason the FIB wanted to nail Trump πŸ”—

As I suspected long ago. "How dare you touch one of our guys!!!" These bureaucrats had to show Trump who is really "runnin' this shit."

Tufts: Chronic Brain Inflammation found in kids with Autism πŸ”—

More from the "Oh, you just now figured this out?" department. A commenter properly points out that Andy Wakefield could have told you this.

More on the Ongoing saga of Bitfinex and Tether πŸ”—

A good summary of the story up till now.

MIT: The Fantasy of Opting Out πŸ”—

From the "Oh, you just now figured this out?" department.

BONUS: Innovations in slave training

Guardian: Murder half the earth to save it πŸ”—

#KillAllMen I would assume, that way we can really save the earth by everyone dying out in a generation. I was wondering how long it would take the woke to openly declare Thanos the good guy in infinity war. Posting stonetoss because it's appropriate here.

Avoid getting shot in the face πŸ”—

Fred Reed on his Vietnam injury, and its impact on his life.

American Pravda: Understanding WWII πŸ”—

Ron Unz has really been on a roll lately. When the foundation myth of our current system (WWII) is well and truly broken I'll know the mandate of heaven is finally lost. Thanks to Ron and people like him, perhaps that day draws ever closer.

Bunga back on πŸ”—

25bp cut by the Fed. Party on dudes

Productive Canada has had enough πŸ”—

Wants to secede. Watch the mask (blackface? lol) get ripped off in real time

Daily reminder to ditch the indoc camps πŸ”—

Yet more orwellian newspeak being rolled out to destroy any power center that isn't the state

In which "Bad Boys II" becomes real πŸ”—

It's eminently reasonable to destroy a man's home and livelihood to arrest shoplifters. I'm sure it's also reasonable to blow the heads off of hostages to apprehend kidnappers. No woosah needed by the police chiefs here.

Luke Rudowski and Berwick go play on Epstein's Island πŸ”—

Nice place.

Invisibility cloak update πŸ”—

Interesting footage. Would have good applications for aircraft, as you would have to design any vehicle around it rather than retrofit existing things. Only obscures things a certain distance behind the lens, which means things such as fuel tanks and so forth would have to be offset (thus reducing massively operational range). Even then the attachment points would result in imperfect invisibility, unless you made it a sort of unibody thing where the skin is the frame.

This would make a sweet gimmick glass table.

BAP on the popular review of BAM πŸ”—

More or less the same sort of discussion in Malice's "New Right". Essentially the internet is as corrosive as perestroika was to the USSR, and for the same reasons. Mostly posting because I enjoy the modern left being referred to as the interhamwe.

Assange update πŸ”—

All aboard the federal railroad

Google makes a useful Quantum Computer πŸ”—

quite a breakthrough. Now nobody's secrets are safe without one time pads.

That said IBM throws cold water on the claims. The improvements are not nearly as exciting as claimed by google, which is even more worrying.

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