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Breakthrough in Lithium anodes πŸ”—

Method behind their explosive madness clarified.

Ceramic welding? At nanoscale? πŸ”—

Huge applications for things needing insulators.

Feds on their usual power trip over export controls πŸ”—

How dare people use your scopes

Great Solzhenyzin discussion πŸ”—

Epicureanism is truly a philosophy of no use to those who suffer. Christ, on the other hand, is a universal savior. This is what re-converted Russia, and will eventually return the rest of the west to the righteous path.

Carmack on Rogan πŸ”—

Good show.

Study: Head shrinkers full of shit πŸ”—

psychiatric diagnoses are scientifically worthless as tools to identify discrete mental health disorders
Great for scamming insurance carriers though. They love their categorizations. As always, "The myth of mental illness" is the book to read here.

Jacobin: not totally full of shit RE slavery's impact on the USA πŸ”—

Of course, the author ends on his blind spot:
The resulting balance of strong property protections and weak regulatory and taxing power may or may not have been conducive to economic growth (that’s for economic historians to figure out).
That case is already laid out abundantly clearly. Everywhere that is applied, it results in strong economic growth; when property is not protected and taxes and regulations are maximized the people are immiserated.

Zoe Quinn Strikes again? πŸ”—

At a certain point, the old phrase "Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your reputation" comes to mind. At the least, Quinn's judgement seems really questionable to me here.

Epstien Associate vanishes πŸ”—

Sounds like the op is getting cleaned up pretty promptly.

Hard Brexit still on track πŸ”—

The "crazy like a fox" BoJo meme seems to be becoming more accurate.

Hezbollah: Appears to credibly threaten Bibi with Assassination? πŸ”—

Not really sure that'd be a good move. Who would they replace him with? Avigdor Lieberman? Sounds more like face saving activity to me.

Hong Kong update πŸ”—

At this point, trusting any stories on it seems out of the question. The only thing I can take to the bank on this is that when push comes to shove, nobody can seriously think the Chinese government can't crush this if they want to.

Interesting to see Luke Rudowski's video on the latest, however, despite him seeming to take some of the reporting at face value. Good on him getting on the ground there, regardless. Much better chance of getting something resembling a true story now that he's over there.

Raper Cop Roundup πŸ”—

Cops rape women in lockup, bribe heavily to cover it up, get proven guilty by rape kit, plea out and get 6 months. Good to be the king, eh?

Also, another cop gets no time for raping a 5 year old. Protect and Serve!

VoltaireNet getting ChokePointed? πŸ”—

Certainly reeks of the man.

Israel's response to Hezbollah πŸ”—

Undeterred, the IDF has employed a new strategy of replacing real soldiers with dolls.

Portugal: we will not tax crypto πŸ”—

They continue to be a voice of sanity.

Ideologies of Delayed Informatization πŸ”—

This is probably the most important essay to read of the year. The knives are out for those of us making hay on the internet.
When I look past the ideas to the ideologues, all I see are representatives of old institutions trying to prevent powerless people from testing their worth in a new space. I only hear a command to kneel and continue to accept their rule and the disagreeable status quo. If you want my advice, whether you lean left or right, ignore the ideological hair splitting, the calls to action, and keep doing what you’ve been doing – keep exposing inconsistencies and hypocrisies in traditional institutions of power – keep doing what drives these ideologues to dedicate massive tomes to their experiences of being challenged online.

Aden returns to control of Hadi/Saudi forces πŸ”—

I'm sure the UAE is upset by this setback. Will be very hard to hold on to Socotra without Aden.

"Imam of Peace" on Ilhan Omar πŸ”—

What just happened…:
Ilhan Omar officially supports BDS because she claims β€œIsrael is occupying land and stealing homes”
While she literally:
Occupied another woman’s home, in her absence, and stole her husband.
Not the most flattering portrait, but what do you expect from a politician?

Afghan Peace Treaty finalized? πŸ”—

Hope so.

Queen agrees to BoJo's next level Hard Brexit strategy πŸ”—

I bit of a dick move by BoJo, but understandable given his position.

Israel majorly pisses off Hezbollah πŸ”—

Sounds like Nasrallah is now actively looking to have a "reason for war" by responding to the Israelis' latest escalation of threat with a matching escalation.

Watch for mobilizations on both sides as the year proceeds, likely in time for a spring 2020 campaign.

Germany: Banks now gonna have to charge for checking πŸ”—

Get that phys, bitchezzz

Positive press in 2009 on Epstein: Astroturf πŸ”—

Funded by none other than the man himself. Unsurprising.

Oh yeah, In case you missed it earlier this week πŸ”—

One of the cops charged in Tuttle murder. One charged for tampering with documents. Still not sounding like the full list of people likely responsible for the crime, but at the least we can know who the fall guys get to be.

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