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Huawei ban working out about as expected πŸ”—

The miracle of smuggling

Trump EO seeks to force hospitals to release price sheets πŸ”—

I doubt it'll happen, ultimately. Not too hot about it only being able to get done via EO either. The tyranny button becomes far too easy to press the more times you gotta press it.

Petraeus: Passed over by Trump πŸ”—

LOL, that definitely ain't true. Regardless, of course it wouldn't be for being a loser, bacha bazi enthusiast or getting shammed by a CIA call girl.

Meanwhile in academia πŸ”—

The Oberlin college saga is beyond moronic. This is why more are simply skipping college -- being this dogmatic is not even seen in divinity school.

FraudFest: good video series πŸ”—

Good stuff in general. I suspect in particular the auditing conflict of interest problem would be best solved by listing agencies handling that on behalf of the listees.

What the MEK's been up to πŸ”—

Direct channel to Trump reviving NK relations? πŸ”—

Definitely a better idea than relying on the gangster Pompeo.

Trump: Let's add more sanctions on Iran πŸ”—

Yeah... because it helped avoid war before, right? Oh, it did the opposite?

BONUS: More on the drone shoot down.

More on Car Wash scandal πŸ”—

Corruption very rarely gets exposed except by rivals. This case proves to be no exception.

IRGC shoots down a GlobalHawk πŸ”—

The pentagram types must be kicking themselves about now. If they'd used a U2, we'd be at war by now!

Thierry's thoughts on recent commemorations of world events πŸ”—

Quite the different perspective from the west, inured in falsehood as it is.
We have to distinguish truth from falsehood. We can be pleased that Hitlerism failed, but without necessarily believing that the Anglo-Saxons saved us. We can denounce the brutality of Den Xiaoping without necessarily denying that in this bloody fashion he saved his country from the return of colonialism. We can celebrate the fact that we were not dominated by the Soviet Union without necessarily boasting about being vassals of the Anglo-Saxons.

Maggie sums up contemporary politics πŸ”—

If it’s wrong for Christian bigots to use government violence against LGBT people, it’s also wrong for vengeful LGBT people to use government violence against Christian bigots. But people don’t see it this way; oh, everybody tells their kids β€œtwo wrongs don’t make a right”, but they don’t really believe it. What they believe in is us vs. them, and that it’s perfectly OK to use state violence against β€œthem”…regardless of the consequences to everyone.

Iran Bombing being floated πŸ”—

Well, that'd be one way to start the war. Of course, then "we're the bad guys".

Meanwhile, Iran says they just busted a major US spy effort πŸ”—

Considering the recent agitations, this sort of thing existing can't really be surprising. Who knows if they caught anything but bozo pawns though.

Meyssan: Iran couldn't have done the tanker πŸ”—

He thinks the institutional paralysis of their state precludes it. I'm somewhat skeptical about that claim.

Acting SecDef out πŸ”—

Souns like Pompeo and Bolton will continue to ride herd.

Sarwark: Ron Paul is part of the Russia Conspiracy!!!!1 πŸ”—

What a putz

FecesBeef makes a shitcoin πŸ”—

Clearly their bid to become the global government

Stare Decisis versus Double Jeopardy πŸ”—

As usual the gowned clowns make the wrong call. The reasonable layman will rightly see that, whatever the reason, practically allowing double jeopardy means there is no winning. The state can simply invent as many layers of sovereignty above you as is required to secure conviction. Yet another nail in the coffin of the state's perceived legitimacy.

In the court's defense, this is already the reality with or without multiple sovereignty -- the legion of criminal offenses alone means they can throw the book at you for anything already. It's just not quite so obvious to the uninitiated.

Accounting and Jesus πŸ”—

Stewardship over charity. Teach men to fish. Don't give away your inheritance for a mess of pottage.

Stockman gets it right on, as usual πŸ”—

Like Lacey Hunt emphasizes, the story is all about marginal productivity of debt. When that turns negative (like it has), the fed is worse than useless.

There are hopeful signs that Powell may actually know better. Here's hoping.

USA to send more troops to... Poland? πŸ”—

Obviously more cold warrior bullshit, but whatever.

USA formally asks for Assange extradition πŸ”—

Didn't take too long. I suppose he'll be sharing a cell with Ross Ulbricht if they don't hang him high.

The African datacenter shortage πŸ”—

A part of me says "TIA, what do you expect", but it does make me think there's an opportunity *somewhere* in the continent to run a shade tree shared host and make bank.

Another "moderate" rebel eulogized by western media πŸ”—

Oh? He was actually a jihadi nutcase? Sad.

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