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Isaac Kappy death sounds strange πŸ”—

Poor guy sounds like he was living in clown world.

Austria: Far right smeared, leader steps down πŸ”—

Interesting analysis by b here, as well.

Looks like
others are attempting to drum up Russia hysteria over there now that the USA angle is 100% discredited. Considering the nature of this sting, thinking that this is evidence of Russian infiltration is insane.

Syria: De-Secularized πŸ”—

"There are no atheists in a foxhole." Sounds like the USA has basically poured steroids on the non-secular version of Baathism in Syria, which (oddly enough) is a lot closer to its' original form.

ISIS coming to Hindustan? πŸ”—

Comes from SITE, which is yet more evidence that ISIS is just as much a US quisling as the Qaeda guys.

Trump to get a settlement in Golan named after him πŸ”—

"Sold out to Israel and all I got was this stupid T-Shirt"

Tulsi Gabbard goes back on Rogan's show πŸ”—

Trump's next FED pick: A Goldbug? πŸ”—

Please god, let this be true

Iran war mobilization has started πŸ”—

I agree that this would make things largely unavoidable now if true. Once mobilization starts, the war can't stop.

B from Moon of Alabama also has some good analysis as usual.

BONUS: UK General: "U mental, bruv?"

WL Gore working on artifical cornea πŸ”—

Waterproof! heh

Trouble in Hungaria πŸ”—

The labor shortage has grown so acute that the government recently pushed through a contentious bill to address it. Widely referred to as the slave law, it allows employers to require up to 400 hours of overtime annually from its workers, while delaying compensation for up to three years. Mr. Orban’s Fidesz party promoted the measure as good for workers, saying it would let β€œthose who want to work more earn more.”
Lunacy. Simply allow the labor shortage to persist long enough to bring up wages to a level which will attract workers instead. Ultimately, the law could only work were there not a labor shortage; such conditions would likely be tolerated in such a situation -- but no law would be necessary then.

Rio cops out for blood πŸ”—

Gunning down people from choppers. Cracking down won't fix the underlying problem (uncivilized people).

Tarrif Man kills China trade πŸ”—

Surely higher prices shall lead to the salvation of the realm

Kid subjected to worst of public school, parents wonder how he got radicalized πŸ”—

Honk Honk. Don't betray your kid if you don't want them to reject your values.

Reports of Trafficking at sports events: made up πŸ”—

As with all moral panics.

Mexico going for Decrim πŸ”—

Encouraging US to do the same. It's the only way to stop the cartels.

Microtransaction ban in Games coming soon? πŸ”—

Horrible idea. This is only a problem when dumb kids get credit thru fraud, or enter into an invalid contract.

Zillow: More proof the stock market is clownish πŸ”—

Because revenues jumped like this – no matter that this caused Zillow’s losses to more than triple – shares soared 19% in evening trading on these β€œbetter than expected” revenues and the prospect that Zillow will expand its ruinous home flipping operation to many more markets and boost its losses further. Friday at about noon, some of the excitement of after-hours trading has tapered off and shares are up 8% and heading down.

Trump: The president we deserve πŸ”—

An overcompensator with a Napoleon complex for a nation with a massive inferiority complex and that is in deep denial about so many things.

A bad thing happened! We Germans were defeated Trump was elected! The Jews Russians are clearly to blame!

That the left doesn't see this is what they are saying tells you everything you need to know about this country. The Right is ensorcled by their Q fantasy and are literally no better.

Jimmy Dore continues to deliver πŸ”—

Army Literally a Cargo Cult now πŸ”—

Going all the way back to WWII uniforms. Fitting I guess? since Bolton is out there trying to gin up WWIII.

Carrier Battle Group to Hormuz πŸ”—

I guess the goal is to park in the Trucial states across the way from Gombroon to see whether they bite at the provocation, or whether a new gulf of tonkin needs be arranged.

Jap entrepeneurs make it into space πŸ”—

Unlike Musk, they're probably less of con artists too.

Japan: the counterexample to the vaxxers πŸ”—

Sounds like they have a sane approach. Let kids take what they need when it's a sure thing they're healthy, not pump 'em full before they even have a damned immune system like here in the USA.

Thought Criminals banned from Facebook πŸ”—

Getting ready for 2020. Domestic election meddling A-OK.

The latest pig to get away with atrocities πŸ”—

No actual jailtime, and an Orwellian sounding charge instead of rape.

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