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Sen. Warren: Abolish mens rea ๐Ÿ”—

Lowering the standards for criminal conviction is insane. Literally nobody is safe as is, and they want to make it worse?

Economy Update ๐Ÿ”—

As usual, Hunt & Mish are right on.

2018 yet another record year for false convictions ๐Ÿ”—

The state has no use for your kind!

SABRE breakthrough ๐Ÿ”—

The quest for the Mach 5 engine continues

Cultural Revolution 2.0? ๐Ÿ”—

Mega City one and Two haven't yet colonized the cursed earth of flyover country yet in the USA, so I have serious doubts about the success of this colonial effort. Centrally planned colonization fails for obvious reasons, but this all sounds like an internal peace corps sort of thing which will have no real impact for good or ill.

Al-Bashir out in Sudan ๐Ÿ”—

Not shocked, given the Yemen and South Sudan debacles under his watch.

Speaking of Taleb... ๐Ÿ”—

Here's a great rundown on his beef with Nate Silver. Pretty much what you would expect from the IYI Silver; too much faith the in the model, papering over epistemic risks.

Medicine and Risk Transfer ๐Ÿ”—

Quite good work. Risk transfer is one of the cardinal sins in modern society, and medicine is no stranger to it.

Controlling senescence in skin to rejuvenate it ๐Ÿ”—

Huge if true, especially if the effect applies to the other organs.

Jews in space: Moon probe crashes ๐Ÿ”—

better luck next time

Evidence the Chaos Gods are real ๐Ÿ”—

Random numbers become *more* random after world famous chaotic and violent events. Will be interesting to see more data mining of this.

Forced Medication over non-scare in NYC ๐Ÿ”—

Get shot up with vaccines for an outbreak of a scale that routinely happens in the US yearly, or get a fine. Ultimately it's about getting the Anti-Vax on a list so they can impose Jizya and round them up later.

FOSTA/SESTA pretty much fully worked around at this point ๐Ÿ”—

Congress: Impotent in more than one way

Zehut update ๐Ÿ”—

Rustling the State Yeshivas by rightly saying god and the preachers of his word should not be funded by that demon and enemy of humanity, the state.

Basel III: Marking Gold to Market ๐Ÿ”—

Expect mega money printing as a result. In other words, back up the truck on Gold.

Assange Clapped ๐Ÿ”—

Expelled by Ecuador, soon to be given to the US to be martyred. When it happens, I'll be comfortable calling the US the Soviet Union.

FED either blind or lying as usual ๐Ÿ”—

No recession as far as the eye can see! Wheee!

The 17 Year war in Afghanistan didn't have to happen at all ๐Ÿ”—

Bette Dam's new book on Mullah Omar sounds pretty interesting. Basically all the Taliban guys went home after their surrender was refused at the behest of Donny Rumsfeld. They only really started fighting after the criminal psychopaths we appointed as satraps had stirred up the population completely by settling every score they had with other families and tribes (using the US Army as their club).

Carmen Elena Dorobฤƒศ›'s thesis is pretty dang good ๐Ÿ”—

Part 3 nails it:
As long as current monetary policies are kept in place, Cantillon effects will continue to redistribute wealth from peripheral economies to the ultimate centers of world finance, and the ever decreasing interest rates will make it more and more difficult to bridge the income wealth gap. Otherwise put, all possible options for these economies to enjoy a healthy growthโ€”through saving and capital accumulation, import of technology, and foreign direct investmentsโ€”are throttled by expansionary monetary policies and a host of additional government policies stifling private enterprise. To be sure, it is important to point out that individuals in developing countries can in fact escape poverty even with rising inequalities, so it is important to put these growing inequalities in context. At the same time, it is also important to highlight that the levels of poverty reduction and inequality can also be due to different causes: while technological development, trade, and globalization help reduce poverty, this improvement could have counterfactually been much larger had it not been for monetary policies redistributing wealth to the detriment of the poorest strata of the society.

This being said, there are three main tendencies going on in todayโ€™s global economy, whose interaction maintains and prolongs what Mises called โ€œthe plightโ€ of peripheral economies.

First and foremost, monetary expansion in developed countries leads to the waste and consumption of the capital stock through malinvestment, capital which could be invested in less developed countries. In the longer run, this also means that capital and technological development become scarcer and more expensive for developing countries, making it more difficult to absorb technology. At the same time, capital inflows from developed countries have a โ€œbubble-thy-neighborโ€ effect on these countries, and chances are that part of the foreign investments peripheral economies do receive are malinvestments. The changes in the pattern of trade, artificial and unsustainable, also affect developing countries to an even larger extent, as these countries tend to rely overwhelmingly on a limited number of exported commodities.

Second, developing countries waste their own capital stock with similar inflationary policies leading to misallocation of resources and capital consumption. The reduction in the national as well as global capital stock is the most important impediment to the development of these countries. Developing countries also adopt trade policies that promote export-led growth and discourage foreign investments, which further interfere with their comparative advantage. They are also quick to adopt expansionary monetary policies and financialization, and developing country governments are happy to engage in heavier redistributive schemes.

Third and finally, sound capital and wealth accumulation are possible only with sound money. A sound international monetary system, then, is crucial to economic progress in general, and especially to the development of peripheral economies. But there is also another important element that makes these conditions above possible, and that is the mentality of economic freedom and private enterprise. Unfortunately, as Mises explained, in both the developed and developing world, economists and statesmen are โ€œpacemakers of inflation, deficit spending and confiscatory taxationโ€ ( Mises 1990 [1952], 171 ). As a result, Mises continued, โ€œthe problem of rendering the underdeveloped nations more prosperous cannot be solved by material aid. Prosperity is not simply a matter of capital investment. It is an ideological issueโ€

The Bundling Scam in Hollywood ๐Ÿ”—

Double dealing agents in a notoriously corrupt industry? Say it ain't so.

The Fraudfather for the FED? ๐Ÿ”—

9.99% rates, one would hope

Bumper eyeing 2020 LP bid ๐Ÿ”—

I wish him the best, it'd be nice to have an actual libertarian running on the LP ticket again for the first time since Harry Browne.

All charges dropped in Waco Biker Shootout ๐Ÿ”—

As expected. The cops started the whole damned thing.

Ukie elections a farce as usual ๐Ÿ”—

Kolmoskoi puppet wins first round, the Candy Man hangs on by his fingernails. Either way the Nazis are entrenched in all key government positions and won't go quietly regardless what happens.

Rapper iced doing documentary on AIDS doc that got iced ๐Ÿ”—

Suspicious to say the least.

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