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Herodotus: Proven right once again πŸ”—

Despite being of the most maligned ancient scholars (academically), he sure seems to get it right whenever people actually find archaeological artifacts from the period.

Pompeo: "Anyone Who Cares About Yemeni Lives Would Support Saudi Invasion" πŸ”—

Clearly crazed neocon thinking.

China: "Breed ready" women DB πŸ”—

Sounds like arranged marriages are likely to make a comeback? Of course, since it'll be arranged by the state, good luck getting a wife if you are a pleb.

Street shitters still busy defiling their holy rivers πŸ”—

File in the "no surprise" category

The latest Pro-Vaccine frontman πŸ”—

Fellow doesn't even have the balls to consider debate. Rogan, as usual, exposes this rather quickly without offending the guest.

Christchurch mosque: More than meets the eye πŸ”—

Apparently some fighters in Yemen that the USA drone bombed came from there after getting "radicalized" -- probably meaning the USA had bombed some of their relatives. Meanwhile, the other three suspects mysteriously uncharged.

France: Lootstravaganza πŸ”—

Meanwhile, Macron is skiing. No echoes of other famous french leaders who didn't care about peasants here, nosiree.

New World Next Week πŸ”—

Musk still busy running $TSLA into the ground πŸ”—

Baghodlrs better hope they get "weak hands" before all is said and done.

Beto a confirmed member of the "Cult of the Dead Cow" πŸ”—

You'd figure a chap who hung with hackers would have been less of an empty suit.

Friends of the CIA Raid NK Embassy in Spain πŸ”—

Basically was the CIA, but they have invented some "resistance group" made of their members to blame it on.

FIB up to their usual tricks with Kiddie Porn πŸ”—

Spoiler Alert: they are behind all of it, just like they are the primary force behind the Klan's continued existence.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

I will say, Dawlat-Al-Islam Qamat is pretty catchy.

Melatonin: reverses female hair loss and more πŸ”—

Not bad as a generic anti-ager.

World Wildlife Fund: Running death squads πŸ”—

I guess that's one way to cut down on poaching

Study: Blockchain Technology 100% vaporware πŸ”—

Surprising No one.

Iran to make using Iraq as a beard official πŸ”—

More or less what's been going on for a while RE sanction evasion. Much like Mexico is used via NAFTA to evade US insane tariffs for years.

USG withdraws diplomats from Venezuela πŸ”—

Prelude to war

No deal brexit in 27 days pretty much a lock πŸ”—

Great! Going to WTO rules will be a big improvement for free trade.

BONUS: As the date draws closer, expect more breathless claims that brexit itself is a Kremlin Plot!

Zehut close to being kingmaker in Israel πŸ”—

Great news, thanks to Bibi crushing the credibility of the rest of the right over there.

737 MAX: Unintended trimming due to automation πŸ”—

Looks like they need to go back and watch this:

Nasrallah on the Syria situation πŸ”—

As usual, the Sayyid is quite sharp. The western and Saudi Jihad has failed, and the options are either restore Syria and the status quo ante bellum, or Neo-Ottomanism (and the Neo-Persianism which will come as a natural response). This explains why the Arab League is moving to bring Damascus in from the cold, as resurgent Ottoman and Persian Imperialism means Arabs get to have fun being vassals again.

Kosovar/Serb provocations in the offering soon? πŸ”—

Sounds like they want to finish the robbery over there soon not later.

The recycling scam collapses πŸ”—

Thanks to tariffs, recyclables now go in 100% made in the USA landfills rather than Chinese ones.

Zuck: Basically Blofeld? πŸ”—

He also has access to a large glass-walled conference room in the middle of the space near his desk, which features bullet-resistant windows and a panic button. There’s also a persistent rumor among Facebook employees that he has a secret β€œpanic chute” his team can evacuate him down to get him out of the office in a hurry. The truth of this matter remains murky: One source said they had been briefed about the existence of a top-secret exit route through the floor of the conference room into the parking garage, but others said they had no knowledge of it. Facebook declined to comment on this.
I can buy the paranoia after the attacks on Google; they abuse their users in similar fashion.

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