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Venezuela: Pretender to throne has official USG, OAS backing πŸ”—

We'll see how much trouble this means soon. If I hear reports of "government goons" beating up the opposition like during Panama, Maduro might be on the receiving end of an invasion soon.

The latest in kooky leftist conspiracy theories πŸ”—

Homeschooling is literally Putin

How to talk to someone who wants to put you in a gulag? πŸ”—

Nothing more needs to be said. That this is running in AmConMag is a sign to me that it's too late folks, this train don't let off until Auschwitz.

New study reveals extent of Turkish ethnic cleansing of Christians πŸ”—

β€œThe general public is familiar, if at all, only with the Armenian genocide, which occurred in 1915-1916,” he points out. β€œIn the new study we argue, and show, that that massacre was not a one-off event but part of a deeper and broader sequence of events, which went on for three decades, with the aim of eliminating the Christian minority in Turkey,” Morris says, adding, β€œThree Turkish regimes were involved, from the Ottoman Empire to Ataturk’s republic.” The result was appalling: At the start of the brutality, Christians constituted 20 percent of the population of the Turkish space; at its end, just 2 percent.
Not particularly surprising when you consider the outcome of the Disastrous Greek attempt at a reconquista of Pontus and Thrace.

Spain doing well without parliamentary government πŸ”—

Regime uncertainty is real. Not having parliament meet, and just keeping the old rules in place is about the best you can hope for from the statists.

Tarriffs killing steel, as expected πŸ”—

Bitches don't know 'bout my substitute goods

USG claps Iranian journo for no reason πŸ”—

Hooray for detention without charge. Hey, foreigners have no rights, right?

Spanish Intel: being used for blackmail, profit πŸ”—

Exactly why you shouldn't have such systems.

FIB is of course watching social media πŸ”—


The Dr. Rapp story πŸ”—

Recovering from a stroke through Rapping

Twins get differing results from 5 DNA tester companies πŸ”—

In short, it's hokum.

Margin debt collapses πŸ”—

Yet another sign we're due for recession.

Most WTF medical story of the year so far πŸ”—

Not quite the old Gomer joke about "sperm in the CSF" but damn close

Bongo Dictatorship hangs on πŸ”—

Suspiciously the coup attempt happened a day after US AFRICOM moved into Gabon. I imagine the French are none too pleased with such US meddling in their backyard.

Netanyoohoo delays elections πŸ”—


May's brexit betrayal shot down πŸ”—

But she's still in the saddle, so the scheming continues.

SEC hacked, people make a killing πŸ”—

Not just congress getting the inside dope anymore, eh? Abolish the SEC now.

Probable false flag attack in Syria πŸ”—

Cui Bono? Why would the depleted IS attack right as the Americans are leaving, unless they are indeed a CIA catspaw?

New AG: defender of Lon Horiuchi and the Ruby Ridge killers πŸ”—

About as far from MAGA as it gets. But, this is DC; I knew there were endless creeps worse than the keebler elf lining up to replace him.

Ron Unz hits it out of the park as usual πŸ”—

The most extreme form of this logical argument is "suppose what would happen to governments if teleportation was cheap and available tomorrow?" The consequences are obvious. All labor would immediately move to where they could be paid best and taxed least. Governments would crumble left and right, as the tyranny they could inflict would vastly reduce immediately. Ron's argument about the tremendous social upheval this would cause (and likely war) is certainly a reason to be wary; but when things are a matter of policy rather than technology people tend to fight harder to oppose it. That's really the best reason to oppose totally open borders -- under a state system the revolutionary violence that would result is probably not worth the potential benefit.

Good resignation letter from NPC News πŸ”—

I’d argue that under Trump, the national security establishment not only hasn’t missed a beat but indeed has gained dangerous strength. Now it is ever more autonomous and practically impervious to criticism. I’d also argue, ever so gingerly, that NBC has become somewhat lost in its own verve, proxies of boring moderation and conventional wisdom, defender of the government against Trump, cheerleader for open and subtle threat mongering, in love with procedure and protocol over all else (including results). I accept that there’s a lot to report here, but I’m more worried about how much we are missing. Hence my desire to take a step back and think why so little changes with regard to America’s wars.
I’m happy to go back to writing and commentary. This winter, I’m proud to say that I’ve put the finishing touches on a 9/11 conspiracy novel that I’ve been toiling on for over a decade.

Erik Prince makes his move on Syria πŸ”—

This way, according to Prince, private contractors could fill the void while allowing Trump to stand behind his repeat promises to end "forever wars".
Via Kabuki? LOL

Steve Eisman saying Corporate bonds about to blow πŸ”—

Again, something anyone who has been paying attention could have told you. Good to see more mainstream guys betting on it though.


Five star cucked by Bunga

Hard Brexit closing in πŸ”—

May's sellout fails, yay

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