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Great analysis of the scam that is 30 year loans πŸ”—

Most consumers don’t think to themselves β€œI expect rates vol to rise in the future, so I’d better be long gamma right now.”
Only the smart ones do. When inflation overwhelms your rate, you effectively get your house for half price (inflation adjusted) after 15 years. The deal only keeps getting better from there. Such a ridiculous deal can't possibly exist without subsidy.
This is an economic structure that doesn’t particularly make sense: Fannie and Freddie are in the business of using the government’s implicit guarantee as a source of cheap capital; they borrow cheaply and lend not-so-cheaply, and pocket the differenceβ€Šβ€”β€Šor used to. Now, the US Treasury pockets the difference. So, economically, what happens is that the US government issues debt, buys mortgages, and turns a profit on the gap. As far as anyone knows, the reason the deal’s legal structure doesn’t match that accounting structure is that Fannie and Freddie have a lot of debt, and the government doesn’t want to consolidate it on their balance sheet. So Fannie and Freddie are a highly-levered off-balance-sheet structured credit play.
Always can count on governmental accounting to think Enron were innovators.
Proponents of the GSEs note that while the GSEs wrote their assets down to the point of insolvency during the crisis, realized losses were lower; they wrote stuff back up eventually. But that’s an appallingly irresponsible argument. Anyone can make money on levered bets if the loans never get called in. Here’s a surefire strategy: lever up 20 to 1 in equity index futures. When you get a margin call, let it go to voicemail.

Lefties beat the stuffing out of a Hoppe straw man πŸ”—

Hilarious reading. It's telling that the best interview of Hoppe is actually by a comedian:

Syria war to expand πŸ”—

Paying the Turks to be proxies, being their air force. So much for Trump.

Trump willing to keep shutdown going for years πŸ”—

Please let this be true.

UPDATE: No such luck. He's considering declaring an emergency and effectively siezing the power of the purse; thereby becoming dictator.

Vox clearly turning into the new gawker πŸ”—

Slander factory to please that same demo of twitter cretins. Kjellberg is just their latest target.

Poll: 1/5 of twitterites cretins πŸ”—

A obvious conclusion here is that, even among those who respond to my twitter polls, a substantial fraction have set hair-triggers for offense. For example, it seems >20% say merely asking if the world would have been better off if Nazis had won justifies a high enough chance of a Nazi author to be offensive. Explicit denials may help, but if the offended are much more vocal than are others, a vocal choir of objection seems largely inevitable.

India.gov: decrypt or face 7 years in the slammer πŸ”—

No 4th amendment problems there!

FecesBeef jumping on the crypto bandwagon πŸ”—

yet more shit coins

Retarded Copyright beefs over tattoos πŸ”—

Another great reason to not get them

NY Slimes: Bunga is the answer πŸ”—

Clearly they're upset about the punch bowl being taken away by the FED

Liberland Update πŸ”—

Hangin' out with EuroParl. Sounds like they're gonna get an embassy and start causing trouble.

The CIA's afghan death squads πŸ”—


9/11 Insurance docs supposedly out there πŸ”—

In a ransom scheme against the insurance scammers involved in the towers coming down.

Blackwater back in Business πŸ”—

Sounds like Prince has secured some lucrative Deep State contracts now that the troops are getting pulled out.

Infra Hexa Vaccine: No antigens, plenty of poison πŸ”—

The new Italian government proving to get rowdy. Here's hoping it keeps up:
In Infanrix Hexa we found

chemical contamination from the manufacturing process or cross-contamination with other manufacturing lines; chemical toxins; bacterial peptide toxins; insoluble and indigestible macromolecule that reacts to the protein assay, but cannot be recognized by any protein databases.

We have not found:

Protein antigens of diphtheria toxoids, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, haemophylus influenzae B, Poliomyelitis 1-2-3;

Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, phenoxyethanol, antibiotic residues indicated in the composition;

NY Slimes: Time to get out of Afghanistan πŸ”—


Trump: I fired Mattis over lack of results in Afghanistan πŸ”—

Damn straight. Guy is a moron COINdinista.

China makes it to the far side of the moon πŸ”—

Here's hoping they find something interesting, rather than it being a bust as cover for ICBM research like all other space programs.

Syria Update πŸ”—

The "Withdrawl" of US forces is really just slinking across the Iraqi border. Meanwhile, the YPG is making the smart move and working on re-joining Syria.

Another year, another gun grab πŸ”—

No more bump stocks, despite rubber bands working better.

US interest payments starting to explode πŸ”—

I predicted this would begin to happen when rates hit ~3% roughly 4 years ago. It's just basic math folks.

The troops are coming home from Afghanistan! πŸ”—

Not all of 'em, but still! This is the beginning of the end for the forever war. Put coal in all the neocons' stockings!

Alexa: Yep, a listening device πŸ”—

As suspected all along.

Why Trump left Syria πŸ”—

Trump decided that to prevent Turkey from leaving NATO, and from joining a deeper alliance with Russia, China and Iran, was more important than to further fool around at the margins of the Middle East. It is the right decision.
Realpolitik? In MY NeoCon packed administration? It's more likely than you think.

New World Next Year πŸ”—

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