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NY Slimes: Time to get out of Afghanistan πŸ”—


Trump: I fired Mattis over lack of results in Afghanistan πŸ”—

Damn straight. Guy is a moron COINdinista.

China makes it to the far side of the moon πŸ”—

Here's hoping they find something interesting, rather than it being a bust as cover for ICBM research like all other space programs.

Syria Update πŸ”—

The "Withdrawl" of US forces is really just slinking across the Iraqi border. Meanwhile, the YPG is making the smart move and working on re-joining Syria.

Another year, another gun grab πŸ”—

No more bump stocks, despite rubber bands working better.

US interest payments starting to explode πŸ”—

I predicted this would begin to happen when rates hit ~3% roughly 4 years ago. It's just basic math folks.

The troops are coming home from Afghanistan! πŸ”—

Not all of 'em, but still! This is the beginning of the end for the forever war. Put coal in all the neocons' stockings!

Alexa: Yep, a listening device πŸ”—

As suspected all along.

Why Trump left Syria πŸ”—

Trump decided that to prevent Turkey from leaving NATO, and from joining a deeper alliance with Russia, China and Iran, was more important than to further fool around at the margins of the Middle East. It is the right decision.
Realpolitik? In MY NeoCon packed administration? It's more likely than you think.

New World Next Year πŸ”—

Hodeidah assault fails πŸ”—

Ceasfire and UN observers moving in. The Saudis have failed.

Yet another reporter outed for making shit up πŸ”—

A Der Spiegel bozo this time.

The troops are coming home from Syria! πŸ”—

Finally, real good news on the war front! This is on the heels of the Yemen war pullback -- Has the antiwar moment finally arrived? It's probably too much to hope for a Christmas peace with the Taliban.

Iraq: Yet more ethnic cleansing πŸ”—

Surprise, Surprise

Team USA building up a Venezuelan War πŸ”—

Meddlesome folks who really should just let nature take its' course.

LOL Krugman πŸ”—

"I'm in the peculiar position of thinking the Fed should not raise rates, but it should not listen to the President, which is a hard position," Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman said Monday on CNN's Quest Means Business. "There's a pretty good case for not raising rates now. But to not raise rates in this meeting would look like they're allowing themselves to be bullied."
The guy is literally the "daily struggle" meme now

More TX craziness πŸ”—

Don't wanna take a loyalty oath to Israel? You're fired!

Die in Custody? Your family is SOL RE getting justice in TX πŸ”—

"A loophole large enough to drive a truck through"

Latest Ginned up Syria CB πŸ”—

US Citizen killed by "animal assad". Like in WWI, I guess we have an inalienable right to wander around warzones which must be protected at all costs.

Audit hammer still falling on broke losers looking for benefits, I see πŸ”—

"Progressive" taxation. Ha Ha Ha. Taxation is always and everywhere regressive. A dead-weight loss.

Thankfully, audits are way down in general due to the sensible Trump policy of making the satanic IRS suck hind tit.

Philadelphia: systematic looting by the DA πŸ”—

Good ol' asset forfeiture abused as a property source for a real-estate flipping scam.

Streaming has won πŸ”—

Cable is dead. Finally.

Great breakdown of trends since '08 πŸ”—

Flight from the countryside to pack the cities. "This is what the beginning of a collapse looks like" -- The median county lost 6% of jobs and businesses over the last 10 years.
To underscore the weak magnitude and geographic unevenness of new business formation, consider that the country as a whole contained only 52,800 more business establishments in 2016 than it did in 2007. Five counties alone surpassed that, with a combined 55,500 more businesses in 2016 than before the recession: Los Angeles, CA; Brooklyn, NY; Harris, TX (Houston); Queens, NY; and Miami-Dade, FL. Without those five counties, the U.S. would still contain fewer active business establishments than it had before the recession.
And the city slickers are still puzzled as to why MAGA worked.

Big Dox drop on whitehall's latest propaganda op πŸ”—

The "Integrity Initiative" has briefly been covered here before, but it just keeps getting worse, as expected.

Luke on the continuing Disney-fication of YouTube πŸ”—

Thots and prayers towards the Googleplex employees.

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