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Luke has good coverage of the Gilets Jaunets πŸ”—

As always, good work.

USG getting ripped off by Sauds for help in Yemen war πŸ”—

As always the person footing the bill for all the military gravy train is the US Taxpayer. This prompted a vote to end the support by the senate; however it's motivated by greed rather than humanitarian concern. They don't care about starving kids, they want money; and this vote is a convenient club to hit Al-Saud over the head with.

BONUS: Conveniently, a terror attack in Strasbourg has distracted the media.

USA Officially net oil exporter now πŸ”—

Probably the only really good news the economy has had in a while. Still won't be enough to stop the recession.

Clinton Foundation: CFO speaks out πŸ”—

Sounds about as corrupt as you'd expect

Roger Ver and the Bitcoin Cash guys hit with Lolsuit πŸ”—

Man, the haterade just intensifies. "Good time to steer clear" seems to be the market signal so far.

French Tax revolt as a sign of something bigger building? πŸ”—

If so, I hope it is a building of sanity unexpectedly breaking out.

Speaking of the Just Us system... πŸ”—

Sounds like El Chapo sure was connected. Surprise, Surprise.

Well, that's one way to keep a rapist off the streets πŸ”—

Expect more "Street Justice" the more the "Just Us" system becomes corrupt.

Duterte staying Classy πŸ”—

Styling on Catholics in the Phillipines? Lol

New type of FET should allow even simpler, higher density semis πŸ”—

I suspect heat dissipation will be a real problem, however. Clock rates will probably not improve without better transistor materials such as graphene or gallium arsenide.

Jeff Sessions: Ruthless Anti-Gunner πŸ”—

Predictably, the gun laws are primarily a racist bludgeon (as they have always been).

May found in contempt of Parliament πŸ”—

For lying about the proposed Brexit deal. Here's hoping the No Deal - Hard Brexit is a little closer than ever.

Corbett's WW1 series is good πŸ”—

Basically lays out the impact of the Rhodes Roundtable, the Milner Group, the Pilgrim's Society and their vicious brainchildren (The anglo-american establishment). Modern counterparts would be things like Chatham House, CFR and the Bilderbergers. The real structure of the Anglo empire's power elite is laid out pretty well.

BONUS: Thierry Meyssan correctly realizes the mounting unrest is precisely a referendum on the Anglo world empire, otherwise known as "globalism".

Yield Curve Inverts πŸ”—

Crash Flag at full mast

The Imam of Peace πŸ”—

Sounds like he's got his head screwed on mostly straight. State Islam is indeed a vicious cancer.

Why the youths of today ain't into hot rodding πŸ”—

They can't afford it

Brexit Betrayal confirmed πŸ”—

As if you would have expected any less from May.

Trump finally talking dovish on NK again πŸ”—

Thank goodness.

Free Shit Army continues its' march in France πŸ”—

Lootstravaganza on the disarmed helots

BONUS: Hey, Macron's just fulfilling his campaign promises to deliver a revolution!

NES.css πŸ”—


Guess where Panama Papers money laundering trail led πŸ”—

Deutsche Bank? Who'da thunk.

Ukraine bans Russian Men from entering the Country πŸ”—

Considering that a lot of business is done still with Russia, this can't be good for their prosperity. Considering that the Candy Man has been running the country into the ground, this should be considered par for the course.

Speaking of why schooling is the key... πŸ”—

Mance Rayder interviews Richard Grove on the topic of mental subjugation by the State.

Reminder: The Schools are key to the ongoing Tyranny πŸ”—

In Alex Jones voice: YOU LOVE IT SLAVE! UNH!

Political Illustration πŸ”—

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