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Canuck pays tax on energy he generates πŸ”—

Schmuck. Sounds like he needs to go entirely off the grid. That's probably illegal though, knowing Canuckistan.

IBM buys RHEL πŸ”—

LOL, as if you needed another reason to switch to Debian based distros

Political Illustration πŸ”—

Trump thinking of EO to ban immigration from central america πŸ”—

More idiocy from orange man.

Breaking DRM to repair things becomes legal for more devices πŸ”—

Yay? Why not just repeal the DMCA though?

Avenatti being thrown under the bus πŸ”—

He's no longer useful. A key witness has also recanted.

Kashoggi update πŸ”—

Haspel executes counterblackmail on Erdogan. Under the table deal now thought possible again.

Illegal memes come to Mexico πŸ”—

If I had a pearl for every pearl-clutching law...

Schneier: We can no longer leave online security to the market πŸ”—

Yes, clearly the "just let it happen" posse will do so much better.

Crime: tends to run in the family πŸ”—

duh. So does poverty, and for similar reasons to do with their attitude and mindset.

Trendy US Charity in Liberia: A "Hot Mess" πŸ”—

As expected. Good lord what a bunch of face saving behavior.

Most Americans hate the SJW shit πŸ”—

For good reason; it's just rainbow puritanism. That said, they've made such societal inroads because the most intolerant get their way in society. They shouldn't be shocked by the alt-right (more intolerance) is the reaction.

Tax renunciations still at ATHs πŸ”—

The Brain Drain continues.

Dark Energy Stars πŸ”—

A compelling case that Singularities don't exist.

Super generator car πŸ”—

I was wondering how long it would take people to realize building like a diesel-electric sub is the right answer.

The hunt for yield infects Sharia finance πŸ”—

Time will tell whether their notoriously strict standards will lapse like they did in the 80s. Spoiler alert: they will.

How Kentucky's pensions got strip-mined πŸ”—

Corruption? In MY scaffolding for plunder?

SQLite styles on the CoC humpers πŸ”—

Intellectual Checkmate

Endoterrestrials: the biochemical origin of geology πŸ”—

Careful, if they look too hard they'll figure out oil is a renewable resource created by microbes.

Hillsong Church: the source of christian rock πŸ”—

I was wondering where all that pap emanated from. Give me a good hymnal any day.

Banks getting creamed, markets in turmoil πŸ”—

Meanwhile, housing is now a buyer's market. Stick a fork into it, folks.

UltraFICO: Credit scores getting gamed πŸ”—

Fair Isaac Corp., creator of the widely used FICO credit score, plans to roll out a new scoring system in early 2019 that factors in how consumers manage the cash in their checking, savings and money-market accounts. It is among the biggest shifts ever for credit-reporting and the FICO scoring system, the bedrock of most consumer-lending decisions in the U.S. since the 1990s.
No more no-hits I guess. Gotta have everyone on the man's grid yanno

Khashoggi update πŸ”—

Things are not looking good for MBS; this seems to me to have been the plan from the beginning. Listen to this interview with Scott Horton, and the matter will become clear: they need something on the Al-Sauds to coerce them into selling the Palestinians down the river.

Politicon: Sounds like a nest of vipers πŸ”—

Heavy on the CON

Tulsi thinking of 2020 bid πŸ”—

Any peace candidate that can get into a national televised debate would be a positive thing.

25 most recent posts older than 1540312062
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